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I sometimes wonder if people who froth about paedophiles so obsessively do protest too much. Why do they think about it so much? (if not at least for professional reasons)

Did anyone protest when Richard Price went on trial? (not that he is the only paedophile in the fash ranks)
I sometimes wonder if people who froth about paedophiles so obsessively do protest too much. Why do they think about it so much? (if not at least for professional reasons)

Did anyone protest when Richard Price went on trial? (not that he is the only paedophile in the fash ranks)

i'm a freelance photographer and have lost count of the amount of times i've been called a paedophile by BNP / EDL types - completely random, when i'm there taking photos of grown men (unless of course paedophilia now includes people acting as children ;-)
Paedomania is still replete in some sections though it has died down a bit in the media of late. I thought and hoped the Brasseye special (most important TV show of the last decade IMO) would put an end to it for good, but sadly not.

In teaching, children still use it from time to time as an implicit threat or insinuation against staff they don't like - a disturbing sign of the paranoia sweeping through society.

Meanwhile the increasing sexualisation of children and childhood, and selling of commodities to using sex is hardly a secret. There is something very twisted going on beneath the surface of all this.
i'm a freelance photographer and have lost count of the amount of times i've been called a paedophile by BNP / EDL types
What is that about?

A mate of mine was taking photos of known 'faces' at the first Nationalist demo in Leeds last year. Most of the people she was photographing were middle-aged blokes and almost every one of them screamed "Paedo!" in her face. At one point a cop even had to calm one of them down and remind him to 'watch his language'.

john x
What is that about?

A mate of mine was taking photos of known 'faces' at the first Nationalist demo in Leeds last year. Most of the people she was photographing were middle-aged blokes and almost every one of them screamed "Paedo!" in her face. At one point a cop even had to calm one of them down and remind him to 'watch his language'.

john x
I was taking photos of young men in a swimming pool wearing skimpy trunks...does that make me a speedophile??
I was taking photos of young men in a swimming pool wearing skimpy trunks...does that make me a speedophile??
On a serious note(yes i know) When I was taking photos/video of the fash and before my boat was well known Id sometimes stand with them and appear to be taking stuff of the anti's and get shots of them as I panned about a bit. I also, especially with the video camera which was obviously larger in size than todays kit, would carry it by my side and film away as if you were just holding it. Ok some pavement shots but ok after an edit. Was I the forerunner of the upskirt cam.??!! Well I have some pretty tasty shots of Carolyn Giles's pins.
Another Leicester update:

The UAF last night rejected the route for their march laid out by the police and other organizers. Instead they've stated an intention to gather as a static protest at the Clock Tower to "register their disgust". A leaflet already being circulated is asking people to form up there at 4pm before the EDL one is due to go past.

The response from the cops has been that anyone not adhering to their appropriate routes will be subject to arrest. The local Leicester Mercury newspaper is having fits about it, warning of violence and further disruption.

Apparently the cops are having further talks with the UAF again today. So we'll see if this is a threat that the UAF will actually carry out. Given the tactics of the group it's likely they'll be happy to stand behind a row of hundreds of riot cops. The Trades Council are going ahead with the established route and are urging people away from the City Center.

However, the real test of the day will be if the local Asian youths are content with any of these scenarios.
However, the real test of the day will be if the local Asian youths are content with any of these scenarios.

Not sure that the local Asian youth are subject to any of these rules. If they want to chase the EDL I suspect they'll do it wherever or whenever.

john x
I don't think it's a good idea for people to be turning to greet these idiots. Firstly why give them the publicity they crave and secondly any asian or black gangs hoping for a good old ruck are just playing into EDL's hands.

Sometimes ignorance is the best policy. That's all I've got to say about these nobodies.
I tend to agree with that.

The turnout for recent EDL pubcrawls has been pathetic and hardly justifies a counter protest. If they pose a threat to the local community, let the local community or the police deal with them. If their numbers ever pose a serious threat, that is the time to oppose them.

john x
I tend to agree with that.

The turnout for recent EDL pubcrawls has been pathetic and hardly justifies a counter protest. If they pose a threat to the local community, let the local community or the police deal with them. If their numbers ever pose a serious threat, that is the time to oppose them.

john x

surely it's better to counter protest when they are weak to put people off joining than waiting until they have strength and numbers.
I tend to agree with that.

The turnout for recent EDL pubcrawls has been pathetic and hardly justifies a counter protest. If they pose a threat to the local community, let the local community or the police deal with them. If their numbers ever pose a serious threat, that is the time to oppose them.

john x
You mean just before the knock on the door by brownshirted chaps at 4am some time in the future and a one way trip to a Sachsenhausen equivalent establishment with time to contemplate whether they were a serious threat
You mean just before the knock on the door by brownshirted chaps at 4am some time in the future and a one way trip to a Sachsenhausen equivalent establishment with time to contemplate whether they were a serious threat
Have you been to any EDL demos? They are hardly the NF,BNP- mostly just a disorganised drunken mess. Still I take your point.
surely it's better to counter protest when they are weak to put people off joining than waiting until they have strength and numbers.
They HAD strength and numbers (of a sort) when they got 2,500-3,000 after the poppy-burning in 2009.

Since then half have disappeared to the BNP/NF/Infidels and the rest exist as a facebook social club.

They are a joke.

john x
Many of them actually are BNP/NF/B+H etc and share dual-membership with the EDL (if you can count the EDL as having 'membership').

Ignoring them completely basically gives them a free run, and allows the potential for growth. But I'm not talking about a fruity counter-protest either with a few jugglers and unicyclists.

What was it Hitler said about "the only way to defeat us would have been to smash the nucleus of our movement at the beginning"?

To be honest I don't really want 10 of them now marching down my street...or a 1000 of them in the near future. I hope to fuck they get leathered tomorrow and spend the rest of their journey home thinking that it was all a bad idea.

Groups like these, the BNP, the NF, C18 or whatever guise they'll come in tomorrow count their popularity in peaks and troughs. so I agree they may have HAD their day, but what are we likely to see next coming out of the woodwork? I seem to remember the trendy left over the past 20-30 years saying to some of us that "the BNP were miniscule, full of cranks and not worth bothering with". Then they collectively shit themselves and rush to launch another version of the ANL at the point it's too fucking late.
"..and allows the potential for growth".

It was the end of the sentence you missed off when quoting me.

I think it's fair to say the far right will always exist, the question is, is it better to have a large number of small groups which are harder to keep track of because of the amount of them or a small number of larger groups that are easier to keep track of and counter demonstrate but have a bigger profile?
today is the big day. the infidels in rochdale and the edl in leicester will show how many they can mobilise. the infidels have had a piss poor show so far with a few dozen turning up at their demos and the 1 in newcastle ended up with them battering each other. the edl, going by their forum, have lost a LOT of supporters. soccer games, snowy/cold weather and apathy are going to have an effect on today. as intersol rightly pointed out, there are hardcore nazis on these do's as well as pissed up yobbos. they shd always be opposed if they come to your town. matt collins refers to them as 'drug dealers, crack-heads racists, weirdos, speed-freaks, narks and police informers ' here:
that is hard to dispute!
the pedo thing is weird. they are having their protest in liverpool against the 'muslamic groooomers' and using a false logic/syllogism say
'we oppose muslamic pedos, UAF oppose us, ergo UAF are pedos'
which shows their appalling political understanding. folks oppose the edl/infidels because they act/are fascists. time and again they show their naivety like this and wonder why folks cant take them seriously.
Many of them actually are BNP/NF/B+H etc and share dual-membership with the EDL (if you can count the EDL as having 'membership').

I would say the minority of them are. Most are nationalist/racists/islamophobes whose political analysis of things is shite.
I don't think it's a good idea for people to be turning to greet these idiots. Firstly why give them the publicity they crave and secondly any asian or black gangs hoping for a good old ruck are just playing into EDL's hands.

Sometimes ignorance is the best policy. That's all I've got to say about these nobodies.

Problem is that the less people oppose the more likely they will be allowed to march, preen their fucking egos about how they own the place and intimidate folk. It gives a sense of victory, deserved or not, that puts fire in the belly.
i dont think there is an urgent need for a new national AFA to combat the EDL as they are quite happy battering each other but if they turn up to your town are you just going to sit indoors? i'm not.
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