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EDL watch

I can imagine that accusation being levelled at the left as well I'm afraid.
i dont recall any outright internecine violence or accusations of 'grass' and 'nonce' on the left. these kind of things are frequent on the far right. most recent infighting was the infidels/SDL/NF fallout in newcastle when they attacked each other.
as for accusations of 'nonce' and 'red' and 'grass' - see any random post on VNNuk or Shirtfront!
it seems that the Fluffies and the 'parallel' BNP could merge together. they are hoping to capitalise on the EDL support. however, the edl numbers are falling and on the EDLs own forum, they wd rather go for ukip or bnp than the fluffies or similar.
That business with Kim whatsername and UKIP about a week ago makes me wonder. If UKIP don't handle situations like that better could it not blow up in their faces? Or if handled deftly could it send enough nudges and winks to soft racists and galvanise support? I really don't know how racist their support is. Is there anyway of being certain?
i dont recall any outright internecine violence or accusations of 'grass' and 'nonce' on the left. these kind of things are frequent on the far right. most recent infighting was the infidels/SDL/NF fallout in newcastle when they attacked each other.
as for accusations of 'nonce' and 'red' and 'grass' - see any random post on VNNuk or Shirtfront!
Have to admit I think the left are every bit as bad as the right when it comes to infighting and name calling, the only difference is that most of the left are incapable of using physical violence.
seem to be having the same convo on 2 threads. our froggy said it best:
'also there isn't the fatal (literally) consequences in an anarcho/trot split that a fash split can have. Have any trot parties' members ended up killing each other over their differences on the transitional programme? I don't think so.'
just reading about C18 and how it all fell apart and they all got jailed. not much of that on our side.
Have to admit I think the left are every bit as bad as the right when it comes to infighting and name calling, the only difference is that most of the left are incapable of using physical violence.

Fuck off cunt :mad: I'd fucking batter you for saying that but I've got a dodgy back so I can't risk it.
Update on the Leicester EDL.

They've now been granted a march (along with the UAF). The EDL one has been given the opportunity to march through the City Centre, past the clock tower, where most marches go. Whilst the UAF have been shunted further out. Apparently the UAF complained and were told they either have it there or at Nelson Mandela Park which is even further out.

Leicester EDL held a leafletting at short notice in the town centre last Saturday. They were outnumbered by UAF, and obviously felt intimidated by an Asian woman bawling her head off at them down a megaphone because they later appealed for "back up" on their Facebook page. Eyewitnesses said many of the public were ignoring the EDL and refusing their leaflets despite them claiming they "had a good response from people".

Leicester police are issuing a message to all schools in the Leicester area, which should be out shortly and I'll post it when I can.

The cops seem to think that having a march will be easier to police than a static demo. I've no fucking clue how they came to this conclusion.
Liam woods runs the LGBT division? Does that mean something else to the EDL, or is there a lesbian, gay, bi and trans section of the EDL?

Is this some kind of wind up, or am I barking up the wrong accronym?
It's easy, they have/had one gay, they had one Mental Jew, and they had one brown person.....

That way they can't be called Nazis.... :rolleyes:
Liam woods runs the LGBT division? Does that mean something else to the EDL, or is there a lesbian, gay, bi and trans section of the EDL?

Is this some kind of wind up, or am I barking up the wrong accronym?

think fingers is the 1 to ask on this one.
Don't think this has been mentioned - but read it on Liveraf (should it have it's own thread?)

"On Monday 6 February, the British National Party and English Defence League will be holding concurrent demonstrations outside Liverpool Crown Court.

These demonstrations are in response to the court appearance of 11 men from Rochdale, accused of operating a child sex ring. The crime they are accused of is a despicable one, and we will shed no tears if they are jailed for a very long time. Yet the far-right is demonstrating here because they happen to be of Asian origin.

The fascists are exploiting the abuse of children to promote their nationalist agenda. They claim that Asians and Muslims are more likely than any other group to abuse children and that there is a media blackout to cover up this fact. But how do they propose to change things? If there is less coverage of the issue than is deserved, it is precisely because the far-right use it to stir up racial and religious hatred. They use such horrific incidents to turn people against entire communities.

The vast majority of those arrested for sex crimes in the UK are White British. In the past year, the world’s attention has been drawn to the scandal of widespread child abuse by Catholic priests. Where was the fascists’ demand that the “white community” or “Christian community” be held accountable for these crimes? The fact is, they only show their face when they can pin the issue on Asians and Muslims.

These crimes are not an attack on white people by muslims or Asians, but on vulnerable children by sexual predators. Abuse of children is an indescribably revolting crime, whoever commits it. Racist spin won’t save children from abuse, and nor will the sick opportunism of the EDL.

Don’t let fascists exploit child abuse for political gain.

Oppose the BNP and EDL – assemble by the Victoria Monument, Derby Square, from 8.30am on Monday 6 February."
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