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EDL watch

Channel 4's Dispatches, has been following the EDL for the last year. They are getting very excited about it (it goes to air next month) because I suspect they have been told by the producers that it will 'show their side' of the story.

As someone pointed out earlier, Dispatches usually do exposures, so what they are expecting, I've no idea. The best that they can hope for is that the programme goes easy on them and says that they are largely a bunch of disenfranchised fools, who see immigrants as the cause of all their problems.

Either way, I very much doubt they will need to 'buy' another server to cope with the 'million plus' enquiries the morning after the programme.

john x

anyway, back at the EDL! ... the EDL have a record of attacking journalists, at tower hamlets alone 1 was squirted with lighter fluid and set on fire and another female journalist was groped. NUJ members have a recorded cases of intimidation and threatened violence against members. hopefully the dispatches team will be making a point of this - with being journalists and that. if intimidation against journalists is not spoken about by journalists then the dispatches team have some explaining to do at their next branch meeting!
I think muslamic rayguns man was on valium at the time FWIW.

the muslamic raygun bloke, who is called ryan, was ridiculed by many and also inspired a lot of 'the left are anti white working class' nonsense from the fash. one of the reasons folk ridiculed him was because he is a fuckwit who didnt have a clue what he was doing there. ask anyone on an anticuts or occupy demo what they are protesting about and they will be able to explain it. young ryan didnt know what he was talking about and was simply there because his mates were all going. it showed edl as a 'terrace fashion,' that folk were going along cos their mates were and that the possibility of a bit of excitement and a dig at the cops/'pakies' (sic) is more likely than at one of their tedious soccer games. so ryan is a fuckit who doesnt know what he is talking about which didnt stop him from talking into the camera - a simple act of vanity that backfired massively. tho he probably enjoyed his 15 minutes anyway!
the muslamic raygun bloke, who is called ryan, was ridiculed by many and also inspired a lot of 'the left are anti white working class' nonsense from the fash. one of the reasons folk ridiculed him was because he is a fuckwit who didnt have a clue what he was doing there. ask anyone on an anticuts or occupy demo what they are protesting about and they will be able to explain it. young ryan didnt know what he was talking about and was simply there because his mates were all going. it showed edl as a 'terrace fashion,' that folk were going along cos their mates were and that the possibility of a bit of excitement and a dig at the cops/'pakies' (sic) is more likely than at one of their tedious soccer games. so ryan is a fuckit who doesnt know what he is talking about which didnt stop him from talking into the camera - a simple act of vanity that backfired massively. tho he probably enjoyed his 15 minutes anyway!

Again, I don't understand the importance of the ill education?

He probably was off his tits and in front of a camera for the first time. But that's by the by.

I thought his ideas were about as articulate as those given by members of the Occupy movement, most of whom seem to me not to have a fucking clue. Occupy is far larger embarrassment to the left that muslamic rayguns could ever be.
...ask anyone on an anticuts or occupy demo what they are protesting about and they will be able to explain it...

You sure about that? At an anticuts demo I'm sure most would, but probably not all depending on how big it is. And as for occupy... does knowing why you're there include jewish plots for world domination and the idea that the free-born englishman shouldn't have to pay council tax? I reckon there's people at left demos just as clueless as him. Not as funny though, granted. I only wish they were!
Just a quick note in regards to the EDL Leicester Casuals United crowd who threatened to turn up to the UAF meeting in Highfields the other night.

After boasting on their FB about turning up "50 strong" and "making our voices heard", someone pointed out that Highfields was a predominantly Asian area. Noting that if anything kicked off they'd be lucky to leave the community unscathed.

Subsequently they canned the idea, along with deleting all references to the aforementioned plans, chest-beating etc from their Facebook.
the muslamic raygun bloke, who is called ryan, was ridiculed by many and also inspired a lot of 'the left are anti white working class' nonsense from the fash. one of the reasons folk ridiculed him was because he is a fuckwit who didnt have a clue what he was doing there. ask anyone on an anticuts or occupy demo what they are protesting about and they will be able to explain it. young ryan didnt know what he was talking about and was simply there because his mates were all going. it showed edl as a 'terrace fashion,' that folk were going along cos their mates were and that the possibility of a bit of excitement and a dig at the cops/'pakies' (sic) is more likely than at one of their tedious soccer games. so ryan is a fuckit who doesnt know what he is talking about which didnt stop him from talking into the camera - a simple act of vanity that backfired massively. tho he probably enjoyed his 15 minutes anyway!

it also shows a lot about the edl's (predatory) recruitment techniques and that of the fash in general.
anyway, back at the EDL! ... the EDL have a record of attacking journalists, at tower hamlets alone 1 was squirted with lighter fluid and set on fire and another female journalist was groped. NUJ members have a recorded cases of intimidation and threatened violence against members. hopefully the dispatches team will be making a point of this - with being journalists and that. if intimidation against journalists is not spoken about by journalists then the dispatches team have some explaining to do at their next branch meeting!

Declaring a 'fatwa' on journalists won't help very much either! :D


john x
]A meeting of the Bristol EDL didn't get off to a flying start (or any start at all for that matter) as they found 30 militant antifascists waiting for them in the Drawbridge pub on St. Augustine's Parade last night. Around 10 visibly nervous EDL members turned up and didn't stay long when they realised they didn't have many friends in the pub. One was overheard on the phone saying "There's about 3
0 of them. They're big. Don't come here." One of the Bristol EDL's players, Chris Pugh arrived fashionably late (like, an hour and a half late!) and stood on his own by the bar looking sheepish and more than a little bit down in the mouth as anti EDL leaflets were distributed around the pub. 2 hours after the supposed start time of the meeting, with the EDL crowd dispersed, we were happy to agree the job was done.The successful occupation of their meeting place by antifascists prevented the local right wing bigots from meeting up as intended and will not have done much for the confidence and self esteem of an organisation already floundering with infighting and lack of direction. It was clear to all involved that for all their big talk and tough guy image, when faced with serious opposition, the EDL, like most fascist groups, back down quicker than you can say "Where have all the fascists gone?!"
Just a quick note in regards to the EDL Leicester Casuals United crowd who threatened to turn up to the UAF meeting in Highfields the other night.

After boasting on their FB about turning up "50 strong" and "making our voices heard", someone pointed out that Highfields was a predominantly Asian area. Noting that if anything kicked off they'd be lucky to leave the community unscathed.

Subsequently they canned the idea, along with deleting all references to the aforementioned plans, chest-beating etc from their Facebook.

Reminds me of the time quite a mob of Leicester's "Baby Squad" came unstuck against an AFA contingent after they thought it would be a good idea to attack "a small group of lefties" following a Bloody Sunday march... it certainly was a bloody day for them with the snow turning a lovely shade of red with these Leicester City hardmen strewn all over the place.
it also shows a lot about the edl's (predatory) recruitment techniques and that of the fash in general.
absolutely frogs! quantity not quality has always been a fascist worry. look at all the pedophiles, kiddie porn afficionados, drug dealers, criminals and the likes in the bnp and nf. and that doesnt include the hedgerow terrorists, occultists and hitler fans. one of the reasons many new bnp recruits quit is that they are shocked by the hardcore nazism of many of the 'regulars' which disgusts them and they leave quite shocked. look at lee batty barnes!
oh anyone got any idea when the dispatches is going out? if i recall, searchlight/lowles etc have worked with dispatches before.
Again, I don't understand the importance of the ill education?

He probably was off his tits and in front of a camera for the first time. But that's by the by.

I thought his ideas were about as articulate as those given by members of the Occupy movement, most of whom seem to me not to have a fucking clue. Occupy is far larger embarrassment to the left that muslamic rayguns could ever be.

storm, the point i want to make is that the EDL are clueless politically. dunno about occupy tho!
Reminds me of the time quite a mob of Leicester's "Baby Squad" came unstuck against an AFA contingent after they thought it would be a good idea to attack "a small group of lefties" following a Bloody Sunday march... it certainly was a bloody day for them with the snow turning a lovely shade of red with these Leicester City hardmen strewn all over the place.

Are all the BS like that? I ask cos I've known one for years and I've never heard him do/say anything as dodgy as this.
storm, the point i want to make is that the EDL are clueless politically. dunno about occupy tho!

They're not tho are they. As an organisation the have a pretty clear political message: anti Muslim immigration, extremism and in general. So 'politically useless' that theyve been more attractive to working class people than the far-left.

I don't want to get into occupy but it certainly has a much less clear political message. They're just liberals' camping. What do they stand for? Anti-capitalism? Anti-bad capitalism? They produce no solution, no ideas.

I think those still camping have less of an idea what their purpose is than the muslamic rayguns chap. He knows he's marching against muslims and immigration with an organisation which is doing the same. More than can be said about the campers and Occupy.
They're not tho are they. As an organisation the have a pretty clear political message: anti Muslim immigration, extremism and in general. So 'politically useless' that theyve been more attractive to working class people than the far-left.

I don't want to get into occupy but it certainly has a much less clear political message. They're just liberals' camping. What do they stand for? Anti-capitalism? Anti-bad capitalism? They produce no solution, no ideas.

I think those still camping have less of an idea what their purpose is than the muslamic rayguns chap. He knows he's marching against muslims and immigration with an organisation which is doing the same. More than can be said about the campers and Occupy.
i don't entirely agree re occupy but i think you've got a good point re the lack of coherency in the left's "message". (mind you the same could be said for the fash grouplets as well!)
oh anyone got any idea when the dispatches is going out? if i recall, searchlight/lowles etc have worked with dispatches before.
The week after the Leicester demo, I believe. Don't know what date exactly.

I don't think it will have much, if anything to do with Searchlight though. I suspect it will be a straightforward fly on the wall kind of thing concentrating on individual EDL members rather than what others think of them.

john x


European Defence League Promo

European Defence League Promotion Video for a truly historic event. An International Defence League Demo taking place in Aarhus, Denmark, at March 31, 2012. This is one demo you don't want to miss!

Official statement:

On March 31st 2012 the European Defence Leagues and various counter-jihad groups will be meeting in Aarhus Denmark to hold a public meeting with talks by speakers from all around Europe.
The Danish Defence League will be hosting this event and invitations have been sent to all European Defence Leagues as well as selected counter-jihad personalities.
This event is open to the public as well as members of all defence leagues worldwide and is planned as a peaceful demonstration highlighting such topics as sharia law,halal and the increasing islamification of our countries.
Further details will be released nearer the time.
Press: Please contact the defence league administration teams in your country.
Reminds me of the time quite a mob of Leicester's "Baby Squad" came unstuck against an AFA contingent after they thought it would be a good idea to attack "a small group of lefties" following a Bloody Sunday march... it certainly was a bloody day for them with the snow turning a lovely shade of red with these Leicester City hardmen strewn all over the place.

Haha. I remember it. The Hind in Leicester near the train station. Freezing day but a good turnout. The Baby Squad came into the Pub thinking it would be just a few SWP paper sellers and Trade Union types.

Memorable quote of the day: "Where's these fucking IRA lovers?"

Reply: "We're still here mate".

I seem to recall them trying to rapidly exit the front doors as a number of the London crowd came barging back in after spotting the half-wit hooligans acting shady in the street. Also a certain Notts AFA member hammering one of them slumped against a pedestrian railing with a bar stool.

As Fighting Talk would say..."A classic AFA pincer movement."
Are all the BS like that? I ask cos I've known one for years and I've never heard him do/say anything as dodgy as this.

Terry's about right regarding the date, I had it down for around '96.

The BNP had originally called for a counter-demonstration, but had either been refused or called it off. Being on scouting duties that day, I'd have said the only people we spotted were folks who either turned up on their own initiative or small groups thinking that the CD was still on.

The footy lads probably numbered around half a dozen (correct me if I'm wrong). Which is probably why they felt like waiting until they thought most people (stewards etc) had drifted home.

My overall impression was that they weren't part of an organized operation by the footy firm itself on the day, but just a handful of chancers hoping to make a name for themselves. They certainly got their arses handed to them anyway.
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