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    Lazy Llama

Drug addicts paid £200 to not have children.

tobyjug said:
At least I am not smoking it. ;)
and what direct question?

Dunno which nos's was, but you still haven't answered mine about a source for your misinformation about cannabis.
tobyjug said:
Freshfield Service 01872 241952

No, post me an internet link that I can verify. If they're such well known facts, there must be a source on the net.
It was actually a set of questions he refuses to answer on a thread over in politics but it's reassuring to know that he's talking shit over on this forum as well.
I dont agree with what they are trying to propose but i do think addicts should try and be more responsible. As an addict i wouldent dream of haveing kids as i aint responsible for myself let alone a little nipper, i mean with all the added risk of hep and HIV u would think that peeps would use a condom, i mean it aint hard is it. There is no excuse because u can get them free from the health clinic if u cant afford and if u are in a momemt of passion and aint got a rubber....tough.
It isent fair on the poor babies that come out with withdrawles ravashing their bodies, i mean it feels like death for me let alone a little sprout, if for reasons unknown and u do get pregnant with child then i really think that its time to stop, no matter how hard it would be it has to be done. Sorry im going of target a little bit now just cus i feel so strongley about it, but saying that i still dont agree with the brech of human rights that they are trying to impose. No matter what others may think we are still normal people with feelings and just because peeps are going through hard times at that moment in their life, it can always be turneed around.

P.S ...Ive used rock once in the last week, which is a huge improvment and that was yestarday, and today i dident want to use so ive got it under wraps again, not that im being complacent, but ive used rock once a fourtnight for years and will go back to this intill i feel its time to stop all drugs, which im building up to, some peeps might think its pathetic me banging on about how i have stoped after just a month, but u would be suprised at how quick it grabs u by the balls. cheers for evreyones support and sorry for snapping PK, truth hurts init. But yeah im feeling :cool:
baby face - don't ever fucking worry about posting up stuff like that on here! Even if you get some criticism from some posters, there are plenty here that are cheering you on and giving support. I hope you're getting some face to face support locally to help you quit, but I realise that isn't always available. Good luck to you mate, look after yerself, yeah? :)
tobyjug said:
I am just being realistic.

No your not, since when did "being realistic" mean that you take one idea however fucked up it might be and run with regardless of the consequences.

If as you have said you have been around people with addiction problems then surely you would realize that there is not one easy answer to an issue so complex, IMHO "being realistic" means trying different ideas out!!!
tobyjug said:
With 60% of heroin addicted mothers, and 80% of heroin addicted neglecting their children, (Quoted in the report referenced at the start of this thread) something has to be done due to the numbers involved.

Yes, something does have to be done. But steralisation of drug-users is just another form of social control. What is needed is more support and services for those users, so that their drug and other issues can be addressed. Often drug-users (particularly women) are frightened to contact drug services and ask for support because they are fearful that their kids will be taken into care. This needs to be addressed, with recourses being made available to provide the necessary support. Saying that, the reality is, is that there are just not enough services that cater to drug-users and their children. I can't remember off the top of my head the exact figure, but the number of rehabs that cater for women and children is pitiful, and if you happen to have a child over the age of 5... forget it.

Sorry, but this whole thing makes me truly angry. It's exploitation of vulnerable people. Yes, the children should be of primary concern, but this can be acheived by providing long-term solutions in the form of good family specific services
They're People Too

CliffChuff said:
You say you have worked with drug users for 25 years :confused: yet you have failed to notice they are individual HUMANBEINGS :confused: your outlook is so damaged I worry about anyone who gets you as a worker. :(

Yes exactly, human beings, a bit of compasion in all of this seem appropriate. Admittedly this can be difficult if you got a smack head in your place steelin your shit but hey, none of us is perfect. :rolleyes:
Cash for sterilisations in Glasgow

Woman offered '£200 to be sterilised'

Ms Wilson, a mother-of-two, said she was shaken by the incident.
Barbara Harris and her family Project Prevention founder Barbara Harris with her children

"As we left the health centre I saw three ladies coming out of a car and they told me there was this new scheme, offering £200," she said.

"Then I saw a bit of paper in her hand and it had drug addicts written on it.

"I'm not a addict. I think I was approached because I was in the Possilpark area - it's a well-known area for drugs - but that's where my doctor is based."
How does one prove you've been sterilised?? And tbh I'd want a shit load more than £200 to have an unnecessary operation.
Religious american fruitbats should stay in their own fecking country :mad:
UK drug addicts offered £200 to be sterilised

"Drug addicts across the UK are being offered money to be sterilised by an American charity.

Project Prevention is offering to pay £200 to any drug user in London, Glasgow, Bristol, Leicester and parts of Wales who agrees to be operated on."


What strike me as so appalling is that 'informed consent' is not considered. I don't believe that a person who is addicted to drugs is in a state of mind to make such a drastic decision.
Looks like a continuation of the same idea tho? Might be useful to remind ourselves they have already tried this shit?

Esp as the last time ended-up with some disturbing allegations about misconduct/undue pressure floating around.
And an interview with the first person in the UK to accept the offer, so possibly the first victim.
Well just posted a disgusted facebook status about this, and it appears that someone i know who's sold/snorted enough k to have put every runner in the grand national for the last 10 years asleep thinks its a fucking brilliant idea :facepalm:

Its been in the news today as it actually happened instead of it just being an offer.
Stylish three way thread merge accomplished, with forum forwarding and tags added. I'm on fire today.
The charities owners adopted daughter was on bbc world service today, the reporting on this is pretty biased, they offer long term contraception to crack and heroin addicts to prevent unmwanted pregancies and pay cash to people who do it, they only offer strilisation to women who have had several children allready ( i dont know the exact number i was driving at the time)
In my experince having children is not always enough to get you off the drug and even having had them taken into care is not enough for some folks, so to help them not have more untill they are cllean seems like it could be helpfull and would prevent more children being put att risk of neglect.
I am not saying I agree with idea but it does have some merits. I am not however agreeing to enforced sterilisation such as is/was carried out in Sweden upto the mid 1980 iirc and canda too but i do not know if they have stopped yet..
This social engineering won't end with drug addicts, as afaik the lady running the programme intends on targetting haiti (the hungry) and africa (AIDS).
If Speak Yer Branes on Radio 5 on Mon AM was anything to go by there are a lot of people in this country lusting after a eugenics programme. Probably the same thickos who think "we must have cuts" and love working harder for less because they're told it's neccessary.
The people being offered this bribe are incredibly vunerable .to be honest something like sterelisation should be thought about long and hard for a long period before going ahead
If Speak Yer Branes on Radio 5 on Mon AM was anything to go by there are a lot of people in this country lusting after a eugenics programme. Probably the same thickos who think "we must have cuts" and love working harder for less because they're told it's neccessary.

Was all over just about every talk radio Monday morning, Vanessa Feltz actually had the woman incharge of the charity (starts 1:07). worth listening to before spouting (Ms Harris i mean)
Was all over just about every talk radio Monday morning, Vanessa Feltz actually had the woman incharge of the charity (starts 1:07). worth listening to before spouting (Ms Harris i mean)

Similarly, why not have a look at the BBC Scotland documentary:


There's an interesting contrast between images of tortured new-borns going through withdrawal versus a po-faced medico trying to contend that druggies spawning irresponsibly isn't necessarily child abuse.
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