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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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this is going to be like the referendum, isn't it. we'll all go to bed reasonably content only to wake up tomorrow to see the papers insisting the end of the world is nigh. speaking of which, on saturday someone was outside kings x with a 'repent the end is near' sign
Blimey. Remember this bloke who got beaten up for holding up an anti-Trump poster at the Trump rally couple of days ago?
Fox news just announced (wrongly) that he's been perpetrating voter fraud using his dead grandmothers name. But she's not dead, she's fine, and it was all just more insane bollocks.
Fox News wrongly links Republican anti-Trump protester to voter fraud
Good old Fox News. I love Fox News. By "Love" I mean "hold in the lowest contempt possible".
Parody but also better at predicting elections than Nate Silver pundit Carl Diggler has HRC winning even more states than I predicted last night

CARL DIGGLER'S FINAL 2016 PREDICTION: It's Game Day, Baby! I Live For This! - Cafe.com

Ashcroft on LBC, "those who say they will vote for Trump, we ask a supplementary question of whether they have told their family and friends, a massive number say NO."


According to Slate the percentage of married men who report their wives are voting Trump is a lot higher than the percentage of married women who say they will. Similarly married women are reporting far fewer husbands voting Trump than the husbands asked directly . There's a lot of lies about politics in American marriages .
According to Slate the percentage of married men who report their wives are voting Trump is a lot higher than the percentage of married women who say they will. Similarly married women are reporting far fewer husbands voting Trump than the husbands asked directly . There's a lot of lies about politics in American marriages .
no wonder so many of them end in divorce
When asked why voters are talking about Hillary Clinton's emails in the last days before the election instead of those legal problems, Gladwell explained: "Welcome to the great mystery of the American election 2016."

On Clinton, Gladwell said that people are opposed to her as a candidate simply because she is a woman. "People had a preexisting mental notion of what a female candidate would look like, and she doesn't look like it."
He added that it is "difficult for society to accept an openly ambitious woman," which worked against her during her campaign (and during her career at large).

"To me, the most disturbing lesson about this election is that the United States is a good deal less open to women in positions of power than it would like to pretend that it is," he concluded.

"One guy is the child of privilege who grew up in a multimillion-dollar household, and has every advantage handed to him ..
Isn't it crazy how people are interested in leaks of information which indicate systemic corruption.
I'm sure that the only reason anyone would object to the Clinton foundation paying for Chelsea Clinton's wedding and general jollies would be because they hate women. That includes the people in the Clinton Foundation who objected, presumably.
Ashcroft on LBC, "those who say they will vote for Trump, we ask a supplementary question of whether they have told their family and friends, a massive number say NO."


Any reason for not asking the same question of Clinton voters? I did read an article the other day mentioning women who wouldn't tell their husbands that they were voting Clinton due to fear - so potentially some shyness there (though I don't imagine it would be on the same scale).
Hillary Clinton has honoured the rules of civic duty and met the prerequisites for a candidate, bringing a lifetime of pertinent experience, an inquiring mind, a record of compassionate service and a sound grasp of our nation’s every challenge, from international relations to climate change; her stated desire is to work hard for our country and its future.

Her opponent has no political experience, a famously childish temperament, no interest in educating himself on any subject, a manifest record of shortchanging employees, bankrupting businesses, cheating on wives, dodging taxes and serving absolutely no one but himself. His mission is to elevate the self-regard of some Americans by degrading many others, including Muslims, Mexican immigrants,people with disabilities, residents of African-American communities, women he finds beautiful and women he does not.

I’m horrified to watch the bizarre pageant of my nation pretending these two contenders are equivalent. No one really imagines Donald Trump applying himself to the disciplines of the presidency, staying up late reading reams of legislation, instead of firing off juvenile tweets. It’s even harder to imagine Clinton indulging in the boorish self-aggrandisement, intellectual laziness, racism and vulgar contempt for the opposite gender that characterise her opponent. If anyone still doubts that the inexperienced man gets promoted ahead of the qualified woman, you can wake up now.

End this misogynistic horror show. Put Hillary Clinton in the White House | Barbara Kingsolver
Any reason for not asking the same question of Clinton voters? I did read an article the other day mentioning women who wouldn't tell their husbands that they were voting Clinton due to fear - so potentially some shyness there (though I don't imagine it would be on the same scale).

Dunno, guess that if you openly state you are for Trump you invite a whole heap of shit that generally Clinton supporters wouldn't normally expect. Women married to abusive rednecks excepted of course.
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