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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

More legal woes for the lying racists

(From the graun)

Haitian group in Springfield, Ohio, files criminal charges against Trump and Vance​

The leader of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, a non-profit that represents the Haitian community of Springfield, Ohio, has filed criminal charges against Donald Trump and JD Vance on behalf of the group, according to an announcement from the law firm representing them.

The group is charging the former president and Republican nominee for president, and his running mate and Ohio senator, with disrupting public service, making false alarms, committing telecommunications harassment, committing aggravated menacing and violating the prohibition against complicity per the press release.

The Associated Press is reporting that the group has invoked its private-citizen right to file the charges in the wake of inaction by the local prosecutor.

This comes as the city of Springfield has experienced an onslaught of disruption, harassment, chaos and threats since Trump and Vance began spreading false claims about Haitian immigrants there eating other residents’ pets.

Last week, the mayor of Springfield issued an emergency proclamation following the continued rise in public safety threats.

Can’t see any of that surviving a first amendment defence from Trump.
To be fair, the post in question was not content free as breadandcircuse introduced it and commented on the content of the video. Sure, the guy in the video was a bit of a knob but that doesn't make it against the urban regs.

It's not against the rules, and I have no idea if the video was good or not because I never click on them, but that absolute over-the-top meltdown was comedy.
Just in case anyone's bored, here's a newspaper article about Tump's declining mental faculties.

Well, I've no clinical expertise to know whether he really has a cognitive decline. However, I'd say his rambling nonsense is easily explained by all the other stuff we've known for years - his narcissism, preposterous self belief and bombast. It doesn't come out as a conventional speech because that's not what his politics/persona is. And of course this lie/blather/lie/tell everyone your the best ever/lie again/slur your opponent has been highly successful. It delivered what should have been impossible, the election of a ridiculous person... rapist and all the rest. My guess that what is sounding like cognitive decline is just that he isn't winning at the moment.
I thought it was fairly well established law over there that falsely yelling "fire" in a movie theatre is not protected by the First Amendment?

The case that used that analogy was overturned by a 1969 decision called Brandenburg v. Ohio. The latter case concerned the free speech rights of a KKK leader who railed against “n*****s” and Jews at a rally and spoke of vengeance against them. SCOTUS ruled that the KKK leader had a constitutional right to such speech and that only inflammatory speech that incites ‘imminent unlawful activity’ could be prohibited. As neither Trump nor Vance expressly called for violence against Haitians, I imagine a criminal prosecution against them would be hard to stick. Hell, the likes of Farage or Robinson being charged for spreading lies that sparked riots in the UK seems unlikely and we don’t have a first amendment.
I was watching the tv this morning and there was a woman signing for the guy speaking. Trump makes no secret of his contempt for people with disabilities so it's not likely to be a problem but can you imagine someone trying to sign one of his speeches?
They would need a team working in shifts so they can be swapped out every 10 mins so they don't become gibbering loons.
Yes, I have a friend who I've known since he was 16. He's a Trump supporter. For a while he was going on about trafficking kids for sex, how evil it was, and how the Democrats were neck deep. When he was in the military, he used to brag about going into port in some countries and hiring young prostitutes. What does he think he was doing then? Since then, he's gotten really religious (raised Catholic). He's really gotten some really fucking awful ideas about women from religion. A while ago he was going on about Taylor Swift. He said that most of her songs were all about choosing the wrong man, and so her opinion shouldn't be listened to. I had to laugh out loud, because he's been married and divorced twice. Just no self-awareness.

At heart, what I think motivates Trump support is a combination of tribalism and white replacement theory.

It's a weird one because my family in the US who are all pretty much White Irish American former blue collar turned upper middle class, living in suburban McMansions and working in good auto industry (union) jobs went Democrat because they liked Obama, but still moderate Democrat until Trump drove them further left and anti Republican. And I wonder how many others have been sent that way by Trumpism? I mean they never used to discuss politics on Facebook but now they're always sharing anti Trump stuff. I get the sense from the replies from friends and neighbours a lot of them have gone in the same direction.
I was watching the tv this morning and there was a woman signing for the guy speaking. Trump makes no secret of his contempt for people with disabilities so it's not likely to be a problem but can you imagine someone trying to sign one of his speeches?
They would need a team working in shifts so they can be swapped out every 10 mins so they don't become gibbering loons.

Maybe a job for the guy who 'signed' at Nelson Mandela's memorial service...
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I was watching the tv this morning and there was a woman signing for the guy speaking. Trump makes no secret of his contempt for people with disabilities so it's not likely to be a problem but can you imagine someone trying to sign one of his speeches?
They would need a team working in shifts so they can be swapped out every 10 mins so they don't become gibbering loons.
23 September was International Sign Language Day and there's been stuff going on all week, apparently.

Now he's claiming Farage won the GE. :facepalm:

Trump was asked at a press conference on September 26 if he'd rather Farage, who was successful in being elected as an MP at the eighth attempt, have a bigger role.

"I think Nigel is great, I've known him for a long time, he had a great election too, picked up a lot of seats, more seats than he was allowed to have actually, Trump said.

"They acknowledged that he won but for some reason you have a very strange system over there. You might win them but you don't get them. Nigel is a fantastic person."

It's extra bizarre because the US electoral college system elects the president in pretty much the same way, because it's bad on votes by region rather than overall share of the vote. And the house of representatives is essentially the same system as our MPs as well.
For those who don't know much about Project 2025, Glenn Kirschner, a seasoned Federal Prosecutor with 30 years experience, and a staunch democracy defender, with his Justice Matters podcast, as well as being a law professor, was called to a congressional hearing. It really chills the blood if the Dumpster and his acolytes get away with this.

Oh, and if you don't like vids, don't watch. It's that simple.


For those of you crying sad tears at being unable to come up with the $100k, there's a cheaper but equally fancy one available for $499.

Alternatively, if you can’t drop that much for a limited-edition watch, you could always grab the much less grand “Fight Fight Fight” watch for $499, including one color in MAGA red. The back of this watch features the image of Trump, post–assassination attempt, with his fist in the sky. The copy of the website reads, “With its timeless design and flexible style, you’re ready for any situation, just like President Trump!”


I've ordered the very tasteful and stylish red one.
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For those who don't know much about Project 2025, Glenn Kirschner, a seasoned Federal Prosecutor with 30 years experience, and a staunch democracy defender, with his Justice Matters podcast, as well as being a law professor, was called to a congressional hearing. It really chills the blood if the Dumpster and his acolytes get away with this.

Oh, and if you don't like vids, don't watch. It's that simple.

That was an excellent video, but don't worry, I am sure someone will be along soon to describe Glenn Kirschner as a knobhead. :thumbs:
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