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Donald Trump the road that might not lead to the White House - Redux 2024 thread.

I mean it seems pretty ableist to me rather than racist? Then again the R word etc have always been much more acceptable in the US than here it seems

"Joe Biden became mentally impaired, Kamala was born that way,”

That's not ableism, that's clear and present racism.

Just another day in 'opposite world' where what trump accuses others of is always what he himself is.
I'm much surer than a few months ago that Trump will lose, and it will be amusing if it happens.

The trouble is the hateful far-right drivel punted by his backers will simply find a more presentable face for them.

Trump has served a purpose up to a point but people seem visibly bored of his bullshit now. We'll see who the more "aober" face to replace him for 2028 will be.
It could be a racist trope. But you can be white and still have somebody claim that you were born with mental disability. It isn’t necessarily a trope, in other words.
Even if not consciously racist its still out of order. The US seems to be really bad at this stuff - I had to pull someone up a while back who's got really sound left wing politics (content warning) otherwise for talking about someone 'sp*zzing out'. not that the UK is much better, but it's common ime even among leftists to use the R word and anti disabled slurs over there - at the same time as some in America are claiming that it's ableist not to let people use ChatGPT to write a book in a writing competition lol. The reason I pointed this out is that Trump also had form for mocking a reporter with epilepsy iirc so I thought that what he was getting at again :(
Which is exactly the nitpicking I'm accusing you of. As if you see it as a point-scoring exercise in some 'high and low' league table only you care about.
I have two points in this “nitpicking”. First, constantly claiming Trump has reached a “new low” is disrespectful to those in the past that he has assaulted and caused injury and death to. Not every crap thing he says and does constitutes a “new low”. And second, responding every time with “new low!” is the kind of breathless hysteria that Trump actually feeds off. Harris has the right idea — mock his stupid claims, don’t give the MAGA crowd the exact overreaction that they’re looking for.
Even if not consciously racist its still out of order. The US seems to be really bad at this stuff - I had to pull someone up a while back who's got really sound left wing politics (content warning) otherwise for talking about someone 'sp*zzing out'. not that the UK is much better, but it's common ime even among leftists to use the R word and anti disabled slurs over there - at the same time as some in America are claiming that it's ableist not to let people use ChatGPT to write a book in a writing competition lol. The reason I pointed this out is that Trump also had form for mocking a reporter with epilepsy iirc so I thought that what he was getting at again :(
It’s certainly out of order. Of course it’s out of order. Almost everything that Trump does is out of order. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to deal with him. Claiming every time that it’s a “new low” (and especially that it’s a new racist low when all that does is cause a sidetrack) is not the way.
Yeah, those devious shits are already trying to alter the rules despite the elections having oficially begun with the postal and early votes... One dickhead mayor in wisconsin even removed a ballot dropbox to his office:
Archive link to WP story
Yes, this and this, in the NYT:

Trump Allies Bombard the Courts, Setting Stage for Post-Election Fight​

Republicans are filing a barrage of election lawsuits in the final weeks of the presidential campaign. The cases may be a road map for a legal battle over the results.

Yes, this and this, in the NYT:

Trump Allies Bombard the Courts, Setting Stage for Post-Election Fight​

Republicans are filing a barrage of election lawsuits in the final weeks of the presidential campaign. The cases may be a road map for a legal battle over the results.

good spot, and let me again boost this guy, who has followed the bullshittery in GA for a long time. other outlets are catching up, but he did the spadework. (i have no connection.)

Looks like the derangedometer is dialed up to number 11.

I think he's always had the derangedometer at 11 hasn't he, incomprehensible as it might be to most of us it works fine for him and his fans. I think the problem for him here is more that vague drift he's showing there. That's not going to rally the crowds - you can see it in the people in the background.
According to some reports, he advocated a law enforcement brain-fart that allowed unrestricted police violence for an hour which will 'solve violent crime' as well as going on a barely-concealed racist screaming spree. Not just against his opponent but also against migrants of the wrong colour and majority black cities in the us... The fact that this race is even remotely close is a damning indictment on amercan civil society and the relentless propagandising that passes for 'news' over there...
Trump tells working people he doesn't want to pay overtime. They cheer him on :facepalm:

People really do seem to think 'Yeah!!! When I'm the boss, I'm not gonna pay overtime!' rather than thinking about the fact that right now, and in any honestly foreseeable future, they need overtime remuneration.
I'm much surer than a few months ago that Trump will lose.
I just don't know. I was just reading some facebook comments on the Alex Jones news. Easily 70% are not interested in the facts of the case. RIP freedom of speech, the liberal left wing loonies have a corrupt plan to bring down patriots. Same with trump on You tube etc. Careful not to get caught up in the liberal bubble. The supporters of Trump just don't care, they are not interested in reason or truth. It is truly baffling to me and I have no idea how to respond or figure out how you would begin to understand how to get through to them.
"You keep telling yourself that bro"
"They will come for you next"
"RIP freedom"
It reminds me of agro kids and groups of bullies in the playground. You can't argue with that mentality.
The reason I pointed this out is that Trump also had form for mocking a reporter with epilepsy iirc so I thought that what he was getting at again :(
Arthrogryposis, which I believe is a motor condition, as opposed to epilepsy, which is neurological. I can see why his impression could lead you to the latter though.
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