That’s easy - he’ll claim that he has really won. He’s done it before. And it explains the “couldn’t give a fuck” attitude to what he and his supporters have said and done throughout the campaign - to them, it doesn’t matter. We are not dealing with “normal” Conservative politics here. The right has radicalised - with some assistance, ahem… - in the US and elsewhere to the point at which it now sees things from an anti-democratic revolutionary viewpoint, rather than a legalistic or moralistic one. Anything goes… Lying, violence, law breaking, hate speech, incitement etc etc
Most on here, self included, would like to see Trump, Vance, Musk, Thiel, Kirk, Gabbard, Rogan, Loomer, & the whole fascist clown show totally humiliated and tearing each other apart in defeat. And there is hopefully still a chance of that. But we should not confuse our desires with reality. Defeating the scum that are rising to attempt to seize (and consolidate, lock in and not give up) power in country after country is going to be painful and prolonged. It was last time…