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Dog Whistle Limerick of the Day (by me)

Awesome Wells

charged vacuum emboitment
There was a young man inside
Whose possessions went awry
He made a claim
And a judge with a brain
Agreed that the rules should apply

Then on the radio a tory
Offended quite so by the story
"what about taxpayers money!"
Which i found quite funny
Given his raging hypcrisory!

A prisoner won 800 pounds
But is that as bad as it sounds?
The judge said it's fair
Yet the Tories don't care
So justice they constantly denounce
dog whistle is a euphemism for trumping right? If not I've got the wrong end of the stick, which could prove rather embarrassing :oops:
dog whistle means something quite different- think how when a tory minister 'expresses concern over immigration' and uses language like 'swamped' or 'hordes'

thats the whistle for the dog who hates brown people. Basically its using codified or semi acceptable language to express views that your listners will know what really means
well i feel a bit silly now :(

though the second one is a bit of a dog whistle - cos although I say 'don't' at the end of it that's not what I actually mean :thumbs:
What I mean by dog whistle are tales
Such as those of the man in jail
Whose reward was such
That the press, out of touch,
Wrote a screed that went off the rails

I've no idea what trumping's about
But of this I have no doubt
Ignorance is bliss
Even if knowledge I miss
Sometimes you're better off without!
To trump. To make your trousers cough. To drop your hat. To produce an air biscuit. To do a botty burp. To produce a floating body of trouser gas. To backfire. To do a backwards burp. To perform a bronx cheer. To take an air dump. To Talk German. To traff. To produce a trouser rouser. To blow on a trouser trumpet. To whistle down one's Y fronts. To whoof. To keep a pocket frog. To pump. To produce a rectal retort. To do a room clearer. To provide a Scottish bedwarmer. To shoot bunnies. To speak the breeze. To step on a duck. To make an anal announcement. To fart.
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