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Dog people of urban, what are your views on rawhide?

Yep Cosmo was collie/alsation cross - you use Dunlop/Slazenger type ones? I did once get 50 used ones off the web that had been washed because they apparently have coatings that aren't good for dogs' mouths.
Yep Cosmo was collie/alsation cross - you use Dunlop/Slazenger type ones? I did once get 50 used ones off the web that had been washed because they apparently have coatings that aren't good for dogs' mouths.
Think I've had slazenger ones before. Don't bother anymore as they only last a few seconds. :(
When I worked in China a lot, my client had a best mate that owned a chain of £1 shops up in scotland. He often travelled with us and sometimes when my client was bored of working on slippers and trainers he'd go to all the meetings that his £1 shop friend attended. Infact he used to travel with us all over the globe, when we worked in Brazil, he'd be buying sweets, in Italy, buckets, mops and brushes, but in China, candles, Christmas decorations and dog treats. My client came back from the dog treat sourcing meeting looking like he'd seen a ghost, he said that the factory was filthy and disgusting and unhygienic and full of rotting carcasses. He said he was dry heaving at the sight and smell of the place. Never again. Must've been a contrast to the conditions we were used to seeing in a sneaker factory - we worked with places that were spotless and even had their own hospitals and libraries on site. So it doesn't surprise me that dogs get sick from cheap dog treats and I never bought any of this crap for my dog.
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I wet tennis balls so they don’t bounce too much outside. My dog tears his dew claw in his exuberance plus he is nearly 8 and he’s going to do himself an injury leaping around.

He’s completely obsessed with balls. We were visiting a friend at the weekend and yesterday morning their dog had a ratty old tennis ball in the kitchen.

When I went to leave, I found it in his bed in my room :rolleyes:
Well it’s not just vets is it, it’s welfare organisations too.
Tbh, I trust my vet. They’re not trying to sell me anything and actually never have.

Surely you’re asking because you already know the stated risks? Blockages seem to be the main one but there are also lots of warnings about the really cheap chews full of chemicals and dyes.
I don't know the risks, hence this thread existing :confused:

I do know what people with no actual clue think are the risks, I'm genuinely interested to know if there is any truth to it or whether it's the same people that say tinned dog food will kill your dog.

I expect there are no risks but I'd like to know.
I don't throw sticks any more since I heard the stories of dogs impaling themselves. Larry is fast and he would get to the point where the stick was landing and bouncing about, that and I obviously couldn't throw them far enough.

Then I tried tennis balls, with one of those long thrower things, this was way better as I could throw it a long way and Larry got more exercise. However he was so keen on chasing and bringing the ball back that one time he did himself an injury because I threw it just too many times. We limped home after that and I decided tennis balls might also be off the agenda, unless I could restrict the amount of chasing. He was very insistent to go on.

Had a hilarious tennis ball event last summer. Larry went into the river his favourite tennis ball in his chops. He paused, looking at me for a moment, and then put his prized ball down in the water in front of him while he looked around. The ball slowly began floated away in the light current - I was hollering "Larry your ball", eventually he looked down to where he had left it, but it was gone, GONE! cue much howling and yapping, which just goes to prove Larry doesn't understand water currents. :( :)
I don't know the risks, hence this thread existing :confused:

I do know what people with no actual clue think are the risks, I'm genuinely interested to know if there is any truth to it or whether it's the same people that say tinned dog food will kill your dog.

I expect there are no risks but I'd like to know.
Most of us here probably know as much as you and I assume that I have no actual clue because I haven’t done the research and I’m not a vet, just a cautious owner.
I take the view that if I can easily avoid something that might harm my dog, I will.

Sorry if I’m being really thick but I’m not totally clear what you’re asking us because we’re probably reading the same info as you and making our own judgments.

Pinkmonkeys post was really useful though and confirms other warnings about cheap chews and treats.
It never got to the really scary oh fuck he's choking to death stage but whenever my dog had a coughing fit over some treat that'd gone down the wrong way it would always be rawhide. I mostly stopped getting them for him although it was never a conscious decision to stop for that specific reason. I've known other dogs that would get really awful diarrhoea from the dye or some other additive in cheap rawhide treats too.
The reason I don’t give them to my dog is that they soften the strips with chewing and then swallow huge chunks. So there‘s a risk of them getting stuck in their oesophagus.

i give my dog: pigs ears, chicken feet and make him kongs with blitzed lamb liver treats cooked in the oven, mix with yoghurt and stuff into a kong and freeze.

cheap as chips (albeit a bit messy - they’re an outside treat usually)
It never got to the really scary oh fuck he's choking to death stage but whenever my dog had a coughing fit over some treat that'd gone down the wrong way it would always be rawhide.
I stopped giving my alsatian cross those rawhide bone things. She was eating one one time and chewed the knot off one end. A few minutes later she was down to the other knot. I didn't think she could have got through it that fast so took it off her. She had partly softened the shaft and stuck it down her throat and was trying to chew the knot off the other end so she could swallow it. :eek: It went straight in the bin. :(
Most of us here probably know as much as you and I assume that I have no actual clue because I haven’t done the research and I’m not a vet, just a cautious owner.
I take the view that if I can easily avoid something that might harm my dog, I will.

Sorry if I’m being really thick but I’m not totally clear what you’re asking us because we’re probably reading the same info as you and making our own judgments.

Pinkmonkeys post was really useful though and confirms other warnings about cheap chews and treats.
Jesus christ twateyes, stop taking yourself so fucking seriously.
Jesus christ twateyes, stop taking yourself so fucking seriously.
You started the thread and asked for advice. I was trying to help but was confused as you seemed pissed off with my responses.

Did you want jokey answers? Or just people confirming that there’s nothing wrong with rawhide and the rest of us are idiots?
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