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I've scrolled ahead and instantly dislike him saying he's not The Doctor.
He didn’t say that.
"Adopted, like you..." No.
I liked that.
"Humans speak only one language now, Cantonese..."

I hate it.
He didn’t say that. He said it was sort of like Cantonese. It was a perfectly reasonable speculative history for humans at that point in their development. Why not? It seems a strange thing to hate.

There’s plenty I can understand you not taking to. But these are weird quibbles.
He didn’t say that.

I liked that.

He didn’t say that. He said it was sort of like Cantonese. It was a perfectly reasonable speculative history for humans at that point in their development. Why not? It seems a strange thing to hate.

There’s plenty I can understand you not taking to. But these are weird quibbles.

He did say he wasn't the doctor. He literally said that - I'm not the doctor, maybe a doctor, maybe (various other things).

He wasn't adopted. Well, the Doctor wasn't adopted. Who knows, since we're in season one again.

And he did say that humans only speak one language, Cantonese. Humans ever speaking only one language is a dystopian concept that implies colonisation and enforced conformation. Having a communal language for communication to other beings is fine, but he said that they speak one language.

Ncuti had such potential and he's been stuck with this.
He did say he wasn't the doctor. He literally said that - I'm not the doctor, maybe a doctor, maybe (various other things).
That’s not how I remember the dialogue. And I’ve watched it twice. But I’ll check it and let you know. At some point.
And he did say that humans only speak one language, Cantonese.
He didn’t. He said it was similar to Cantonese.
Humans ever speaking only one language is a dystopian concept that implies colonisation and enforced conformation.
We know that many periods in the future of humans are very dystopian. And that one was already pretty dystopian, with baby farms.
The Doctor was adopted. Unless you’re pretending Jodie Whitaker’s Doctor didn’t exist.
I didn't watch most of it so for me it actually doesn't.

I may not watch most of this series too.

I yearn for the Christopher Ecklescake era.
Wish they'd done 4 series of that.
The Doctor was adopted. Unless you’re pretending Jodie Whitaker’s Doctor didn’t exist.

Ah... That's one of the bits of that arc I gave up on.

He did say humans only speak one language, and that's the main issue I have with it.

It's just not very good now, is it? It's a mess. There was little storytelling in episode one of the new season one. There's a reason they put it on iPlayer rather than actual TV.
Looking like it's the
Pantheon of Discord, introduced (by RTD) 15 years ago.

I did think of them and when Maestro said they were a they I initially thought they meant they as in multitudes like those embodied by the Trickster. When you're season long big bad is a spin off from a kids spin off (that I fucking loved to be fair. Much more grown up than the Disney stuff) something going wrong somewhere.

On the plus side my daughter liked it and wants to watch the Giggle because it's connected. Enjoying seeing it through her eyes I guess. Her favourite is still the Five Doctors though. I might put on again for her soon to see if it is still as enjoyable after being exposed to modern production.

I thought fair enough with the language thing until the cynic in me decided it had more to do with Disney liking to suck up to the Chinese Market than anything else.
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I watched the first one.
Doctor was not as irritating as I thought he would be.
Assistant was more irritating than I thought she would be.
Space babies were both better and worse than I thought they would be.

Disappointed they mentioned the impossible child bollocks, I hoped they woukd just move on.

About three times there were gaping plot holes that were fixed with a shite one line patched up script adjustment (in red ink) one minute later. Quite funny though.

Considering it began by over explaining every single little thing, it kind of washed over the bizarre end and the utterly daft concept.

On the whole though it was better than I expected, but only as good as what I have come to expect of new Who.

Is that a thumbs up?

I don't want to sound like an old man but I really wish the doctor would wear something more doctory. Not Colin Baker style but not a wooly vest and brown leather.
He did say he wasn't the doctor. He literally said that - I'm not the doctor, maybe a doctor, maybe (various other things).

He said he was the Doctor.

When she then asked what his real name was, he went on to explain Time Lord customs. This is Moffat era lore. The Name of the Doctor, all that. That goes back to the 11th Doctor. So it’s long established he has a secret name that only River Song knew.

None of this is new, but was established under previous show runners.
It’s not me who means something. I’m just pointing out that a pretty big part of 13’s story is that she was adopted. A great deal is made of it, and she takes quite a while to process it.
I think I mentioned elsewhere that when he first said adopted I thought that meant the Nobles. Kind of corny but I'd go with that.

The Doctor wasn't adopted. The Doctor was exploited and experimented on then enlisted into that division thing unable to leave without being hunted down. That kind of language like "gods" seems like the sort of thing the Doctor would call out.
The Doctor wasn't adopted.
He said he considers himself adopted by the Time Lords and that he considers himself one (by adoption), and that he’s “the last of the Time Lords”.

As I said, I like that revised version of the Timeless Child. It’s what RTD has taken from it and is moving forward with. And I’m happy about that. I don’t want to disregard the whole thing after having been put through it. But I’m happy with the reset that we’re going with.
He corrected himself after that and said he wasn't the doctor. Maybe a doctor, or a (various other jobs).

Yes, he did. But he didn’t say it was Cantonese.

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OK, it was like Cantonese. But my dislike of it was not based on what language they were talking about (although it's RTD yet again being very lazy, linguistically) it's the idea that all of humanity speaks one language. That's not a throwaway comment - it implies extremely bad things. And I doubt they'll follow up on it, because RTD doesn't have a clue about language.

Or effects... Or editing... Or cinematography... "Episode one" was genuinely hard to watch. It was like they weren't sure where to put the cameras but just filmed it anyway.

Or science, but I think everyone's always accepted that Who is basically fantasy with sci-fi imagery, so he can get away with that one.
That's not a throwaway comment - it implies extremely bad things
Yes it does. And bad things are indeed happening at this point in time. Very bad things. Not only do we have baby farms, but they’re abandoned to their fate when it’s decided they aren’t profitable. That’s what the episode was about. That’s one of the things I was onboard with.

(See above for the things I wasn’t onboard with!).
Yes it does. And bad things are indeed happening at this point in time. Very bad things. Not only do we have baby farms, but they’re abandoned to their fate when it’s decided they aren’t profitable. That’s what the episode was about. That’s one of the things I was onboard with.

(See above for the things I wasn’t onboard with!).

I'm sorry, but the first episode was so unwatchable that I don't think I can continue. I was genuinely shocked by how bad it was. I've seen student films made by teenagers that were better than that episode.

Hope it improves for you and the others who continue watching. I might try again at some point because I basically like Who and Ncuti seems like such a good Doctor in principle.
I'm sorry, but the first episode was so unwatchable that I don't think I can continue.
That’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to like it. I’m not trying to persuade you to like it.

My point was simply that the things you picked up on were either wrong, established by previous showrunners, or the point of the episode - not all was well with humanity at that point. (Again something that RTD visited with 9 and 10 several times).

There’s actually a lot I didn’t like, and have explained already in the thread. So I don’t blame you for not liking stuff about it. I’m not entirely sold either.
That’s absolutely fine. You don’t have to like it. I’m not trying to persuade you to like it.

My point was simply that the things you picked up on were either wrong, established by previous showrunners, or the point of the episode - not all was well with humanity at that point. (Again something that RTD visited with 9 and 10 several times).

There’s actually a lot I didn’t like, and have explained already in the thread. So I don’t blame you for not liking stuff about it. I’m not entirely sold either.

I don't think the one language for all of earth thing was meant to be part of things going wrong with humanity, though. RTD just doesn't understand language very well. The whole mavity thing can be laughed off as silly but useful, but It's one of about 100 examples where he just doesn't get how language works, or at least doesn't care.

And it seems like the Doctor being adopted isn't a straightforward "yes, that's what's happened" either. And they stuck with it basically because it means the Doctor's not really a time lord so they can make up new rules.

Or rather, a doctor, maybe. Which is what he said he was.
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