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The phone, the translation etc was a rehash of The End of the World but worse. Had something interesting to say about it all and the Doctor brought some humour to it.

This scene
I think that’s just part of introducing the Doctor to a new audience. Companion sees inside of Tardis. Check. Doctor wires up companion’s phone. Check. Time and Relative Dimension in Space. Check.

And stuff we didn’t get in Rose was mentioning Gallifrey and Time Lords from the off.

A lot of that stuff wasnt for us. It was for new viewers. Start here.
Last year there was an Alan Yentob film about Russell T Davies and one of the thingssaid was that he writes quickly and often the first draft is the final draft, and I thought 'Yeah, that checks out.'
Must be great to have a job where you can get away with that.
I think that’s just part of introducing the Doctor to a new audience. Companion sees inside of Tardis. Check. Doctor wires up companion’s phone. Check. Time and Relative Dimension in Space. Check.

And stuff we didn’t get in Rose was mentioning Gallifrey and Time Lords from the off.

A lot of that stuff wasnt for us. It was for new viewers. Start here
Yeah, I get that. I think it was done better last time is all. Little things like fumbling around in his pocket to get the gizmo to make the phone upgrade rather than just waving a magic wand, Rose tearing chunks out of him then having to make amends. I think not mentioning the Time Lords was great. All us smug gits sat there nodding knowingly only to find out they are all dead and nothing is what it was.

The daughter really likes confidential so watched a lot of it. They have RTD talking about how big a task bringing it back from the deaf and how they wanted to ground things to get people on board. He seemed to really care about the show. Having watched a few Unleashed and commentaries that's not how it's coming accross now. It is look how clever I am. He even has to explain things in the commentary that a good writer would put in the show. This happens don't think about it too much then this and SPACE BABIES but it's all over lets dance for no discernable reason but don't worry everyone around us will join in.

Want to end an episode with a dance? Crack on
Last year there was an Alan Yentob film about Russell T Davies and one of the thingssaid was that he writes quickly and often the first draft is the final draft, and I thought 'Yeah, that checks out.'
He also said that he'd spend a while with it in his head making it fit and getting it to work before he writes it, he was way more nuanced than you make out
Watched the second one - had its moments but I think they’re wasting a lot of this money on CGI nonsense. Also, for a series with “Britishness” at its heart, there’s a noticible pandering to the Yanks going on - likely a condition of Disney funding - that I don’t like.
The Space Babies would have worked better without the animated lip synching but with artificial voices somehow reading their minds.
Oh yeah that's a good call. Baby robo suits helping them move, talk etc reading their minds. The doctor discovers these almost dalek or cyberman type beings who act with the same emotional response as toddlers but with an outwardly intimidating appearance, tone and voice (in the same way nannies expletives and tone were translated).
Then it is revealed they are actually babies housed in a giant protective life support exoskeleton. (Body flips open, pisssh noise, gas escapes).

Much better episode already.
Also did I hear right that they were in Green River, Wyoming with the dinosaurs? A place synonymous with serial killing and early grunge.
Just seen space babies. A bit rubbish tbh. I do like Gatwa and Ruby, the positive upbeat vibe and, obviously, the Doc becoming more diverse. Just hope it doesn't turn out like it did with Whittaker. Great promise, but it felt like it had been written a bit Scooby Gang. I suspect there will be a darkness/tragedy in the storyline and that's when it's best to judge.
Just seen space babies. A bit rubbish tbh. I do like Gatwa and Ruby, the positive upbeat vibe and, obviously, the Doc becoming more diverse. Just hope it doesn't turn out like it did with Whittaker. Great promise, but it felt like it had been written a bit Scooby Gang. I suspect there will be a darkness/tragedy in the storyline and that's when it's best to judge.
You know the idiom "You're only as good as your last job". It's a mantra I try to live by. Both of these last jobs were shite.
I didn't think it could possibly get any worse than Whittaker's tenure but they proved me wrong.
Getting to the 2nd episode.
Apart from the pointless shoehorning and terrible CGI, and "let's.mention something from the doctors past to appease the fans" so far its a bit meh.

Jinx monsoon performance is actually quite good but a bit wasted.

I think they've missed a bit of a trick with the music theme. They could have properly geeked out on some of the physics-science aspect of music. There is some really cool, weird stuff that goes with frequency and maths and much like the Fibonacci sequence some really weird coincidences that don't make sense. If they'd bothered to research it - science would have worked great in a science fiction! Who'd a thunk it (not RTD cleary!)?

Anyway, so far (25 mins in) it's a notable improvement on the previous episode's dilge, but it all feels a bit forced. Gatwa doesn't come across as particularly anything. More a a vessel for Jinx to shine.

The backseat doctor.

Pity, cuz I can see he'd be good if there was any actual character for the doctor in the script. Not much to go with tbh.

Hope it doesn't get any shitter cuz at the moment it's just passable.
Ah! I played the Abbey road piano 20 years ago. Was really out of tune 😬. Like now.

But yeah this is really pants. All the money Disney has and they can't convincingly look like they're playing music. And bad CGI - it's just so bad.
It dishes out a huge portion of adequate... and then runs out of supply.
Best analogy so far.

I bet the Disney contract with the BBC is gonna be a big fat mess, and they're either gonna keep producing shit and run it into the ground forever, or they can it until the contract wranglings are over and then bring it back 15 years later with another reboot.

I reckon this'll be the death of Who.

Husband will keep watching it cuz he's watched every episode. And why break the habit of a life time? I'm now just watching it for the comedic schadenfreude of it all, so I can do bitchy comments.

But it's not good. Not really fun. Not at all suspenseful.

The last oustanding episode was when Capaldi was stuck in the tower. And how long ago was that? 😬

Edit : Heaven Sent in 2015

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