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Doctor Who 2023

danny la rouge

More like *fanny* la rouge!
Re: “Doom’s Day”

OK, so there I was thinking “I don’t really understand what this is and it’s probably for kids and therefore it probably isn’t for me”, then I saw that FruitCake Extraordinaire Graham Linehan has taken against it because the actor is someone he disapproves of.

Tweet from Graham Linehan: Apparently a Vichy feminist is behind this so expect lots of non-binary aliens and similar ideological grooming. If you're a parent, maybe not the best time to get the kids into Doctor Who.

So now I’m thinking “what the fuck is a Vichy Feminist”, and “how do I consume this content to annoy WingNuts like Linehan”?
Well primarily the 3 Tennant/Donna Noble special episodes in November.

And then leading up to that, things like whatever this Doom’s Day is.

Plus Gatwa’s début episode in the “Festive Season”.
From the trailer it looks like Gatwa will feature in the specials with Tennant. I'm pretty sure I saw him in the trailer in that place in the Doctor's subconscious where all the Big Finish lads hang out.
From the trailer it looks like Gatwa will feature in the specials with Tennant. I'm pretty sure I saw him in the trailer in that place in the Doctor's subconscious where all the Big Finish lads hang out.
Yes, he says “what the Hell is going on” or something. I suspect that’s his regeneration appearance and pretty much all he says. I meant the first episode with him being the Doctor throughout.
Maybe Tennant isn’t “really” the Doctor, which is why Donna doesn’t die when she meets him?
I think that she has to avoid anything that will trigger memories of all the fun she had or it will be enough that she'll become part Time Lord and her brain will burn out. If there is some sort of consistency then a slightly older looking David Tennant would be enough to trigger it. Perhaps 10 is back because the Doctor figured away to use something to repress the metacrisis maybe an application of whatever bollocks machine the Master had last time. The Doctor decides to leave sleeping dogs lie but 10 breaks out because guilt.
So “Vichy Feminist” appears to be a coinage of Linehan’s. It’s so he can imply people he doesn’t like are Nazi collaborators. The sad fuck.

I thought it sounded like a feminist who liked to spend a lot of time at the spa.

Like “champagne socialist” but with cucumber slices on the eyelids .
I hope so. I’m hoping the Tennant extra regeneration is some kind of glitch, or something.
Didn't he say at the end of his regeneration that he wasn't ready to go?

Anyway, stoked for this because hopefully it will be on a platform we can access. Haven't seen the show for several years, which is a first since watching for nearly 50 years!

Also, after Sex Education, am really sure Ncuti Gatwa is a great choice for the role.
popular kind of term amongst trans hating people. See also 'handmaids'
I was aware of the Handmaid thing, though it seems to be applied inconsistently. I’ve seen pictures of Women Who Won’t Wheesht dressing up as Handmaids. I don’t really understand what their point is, except that they’re upset.

My websearch only found Linehan using the Vichy Feminist term, and an entry on Mumsnet saying Linehan uses it.

Anyway, that’s quite enough of this sidebar.
danny la rouge why have you put those shit icon things in the thread title, can I ask you to edit them out?

I don't want that shit showing up in my watched thread list.
I’ve put them in a) because I like them, b) because Ncuti used them in a social media post, c) because they signify the two hearts of the Doctor and the blue box (Tardis), and the revived DW logo, d) to make it easier to find the thread (something that I like, being mildly dyslexic), e) because I’m a visual person.

Is it not possible to turn off emojis yourself?

I will give consideration to your request.
I’ve put them in a) because I like them, b) because Ncuti used them in a social media post, c) because they signify the two hearts of the Doctor and the blue box (Tardis), and the revived DW logo, d) to make it easier to find the thread (something that I like, being mildly dyslexic), e) because I’m a visual person.

Is it not possible to turn off emojis yourself?

I will give consideration to your request.

No problem, I'll put the thread on ignore.
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