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Do you own a dressing gown?

I have one. It has a hood and makes me look like someone out of an animated toothpaste advert. I tend to put it on in the winter months, when i cba with the heating but need to navigate myself from bed to kitchen and back to bed again, in some semblance of snugness.

Needs a wash come think of it...
3. One immensely fluffy and large & long M&S one in black with a hood and jumbo pockets. V important details as it can get a few marks on it and not immediately need to be washed, I'm a big bitch and I need cosy, and pockets rule. It was so mega I bought one for best mate Mogden for her birthday that year. If I put it on upon waking it has a hypnotic effect and ties me to the sofa most of the day so it's usually used post evening shower in lieu of a towel. I bloody love washing it and putting it on the line to dry and then smooshing my clean self into the smell of it.

Number 2 is a black waffle one which is nice and long but knackered & does well as a summer dressing gown for the odd toddle out to the garden with a brew when it's bright out. Number 3 is a black and white spotty one which is indecently short on me but isn't nice enough to be alluring and thinking about it, it might be fit for the charity bag.
None, though once had one when I lived with many flatmates. But would always be keen to get back in proper clothes once I’d got from the bathroom to my bedroom

1. Old, knackered, covered in hair dye, needs throwing away
2. Silky, reversalable gold/burgundy, made in Bangkok, has been used on stage a number of times
3. Long, grey, thick, good quality a bit battered but kept me going through lockdown
4. Lovely, fluffy, new, has a hood
I decided against a poll because urbs treat them with disrespect.

Does your partner walk around naked, or get dressed the second they wake up?
Is this unusual? Can’t do owt if I haven’t had a shower on my days off, so am dressed as soon as I’ve had a shower. If I’m working, I get up, brush my teeth and get on my bike to get to work.
What do people without them do at the weekend, when you get up, have some coffee and lounge about for a bit before you even contemplate jumping in the shower? :eek:

TBF I am always in PJs (even in summer they are short/cropped trousers and a vest top) and in the winter I tend to pull on an old hoodie that I wouldn't wear out, make tea and then sit under a blanket on the sofa.
I think if I had the right dressing gown I would wear that though.
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I favour pyjamas but have a cheap lilac dressing gown with pockets (important) and a hood (also important). Don't use it that often but it's very warm and sometimes use it IN bed for me feet when my toes are cold :D
This. Otherwise I'd be like mrs mx, still sitting around undressed till nearly lunchtime. I do my weekend dawdling in bed.
Aye. Once I’m out of it, I’m out of it until bedtime. Not keen on lounging. It’s boring. Need to be on the move or concentrating on something fun. Don’t even have a sofa to lounge on.
I used to use my fluffy dressing gown when I was doing life modelling. I can't tell you the joy of slipping that baby on after sitting still for so long.

I'm a complete oddball when it comes to lounging wear. I have super scutty stuff like hair dying t-shirts, cheap arse tops with holes in, worn out yoga pants which I favour for dossing round the house. Don't wear pyjamas, or anything actually, in bed but I do wear PJs as normal outside wear. I've just bought a strange lounging dress today with a big pouch pocket that is supposed to be "loungewear" but sod that, it's going out in public properly and it'll be awesome at festivals. I have several pairs of cuffed leg pyjama bottoms which I wear as usual trousers. Not adverse to novelty PJs tops being worn as regular ones too.
I own two: one used to be my mum's (towel, use it for after showers) and one used to be an ex-girlfriend's :thumbs: Have had both for probably going on two decades each now :D
People seem to love them though - quite a few of my customers at work seem to feel very comfortable leaving the house in theirs. Horses for courses
I have a long, red, towelling one with a hood, which I use every day after my shower (and in the middle of the night when the police ring the bell because my car has been totalled by a drunk driver) and occasionally come downstairs in it, if I can't be bothered to get dressed, or if I am ill.

My mother gave it to me when I moved in here, 20 years ago!

The towelling inside is a bit snagged/tatty because I have a tendency to leave it lying on the bed when I get dressed and the cats love it!

I used to have a cotton one for summer, but I got rid of it because I realised I needed a towelling dressing gown after my shower.
I used to use my fluffy dressing gown when I was doing life modelling. I can't tell you the joy of slipping that baby on after sitting still for so long.

I'm a complete oddball when it comes to lounging wear. I have super scutty stuff like hair dying t-shirts, cheap arse tops with holes in, worn out yoga pants which I favour for dossing round the house. Don't wear pyjamas, or anything actually, in bed but I do wear PJs as normal outside wear. I've just bought a strange lounging dress today with a big pouch pocket that is supposed to be "loungewear" but sod that, it's going out in public properly and it'll be awesome at festivals. I have several pairs of cuffed leg pyjama bottoms which I wear as usual trousers. Not adverse to novelty PJs tops being worn as regular ones too.

Honestly if I could get my winter PJ bottoms in black I would wear them as outdoor clothes, they are really comfy and the only reason they look like jimjams is because of the whimsical tartan pattern and involvement of metallic thread. Exactly the same design/cut but in black and they would be perfectly suitable for comfy evening/work wear.
Two - a really thick hooded one and a summer kimono style one. Rarely wear the thin one as the material is so smooth and slippery it undoes itself. It's beautiful but I don't want to flash the neighbours :eek:
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