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Discussion: UK anti-vaxx 'freedom' morons, protests and QAnon idiots

A mate of mine who was really active in the Russian opposition when I lived out there, did lots of organising of protests etc and support for the LGBT community (not easy in Russia) has now become a covid truther and most of the posts on her Facebook page are about this topic, she posts stuff multiple times a day and all the people commenting on her stuff have profile pics saying 'Stop the fake pandemic' and that sort of thing. We used to hang out loads when I lived there. Not really sure what to say. :( the depressing thing is most people seem to be agreeing with her too.
More arrests in London today.

There's currently no exemption for protest at all, no matter how COVID-safe, from the lockdown regulations (not that anti-mask rallies are really ever going to be in compliance with the COVID-safe clauses). Not sure whether it will be coming back.
More arrests in London today.

There's currently no exemption for protest at all, no matter how COVID-safe, from the lockdown regulations (not that anti-mask rallies are really ever going to be in compliance with the COVID-safe clauses). Not sure whether it will be coming back.
but on the other hand it's not explicitly banned.
Why the Guardian is going downhill... calling Big Brother Watch a human rights group. Guardian wankers

IMO, overall, the linked article looks a fair bit better as a report of what (probably?) happened, than your sneering (and lazy!) dismissal suggests.

And I'm just as hostile as you against conspiraloons. Guardian is no supporter of them either.
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More arrests in London today.

There's currently no exemption for protest at all, no matter how COVID-safe, from the lockdown regulations (not that anti-mask rallies are really ever going to be in compliance with the COVID-safe clauses). Not sure whether it will be coming back.

Would have to go through parliament again in 2022
IMO, overall, the linked article looks a fair bit better as a report of what (probably?) happened, than your sneering (and lazy!) dismissal suggests.

And I'm just as hostile as you against conspiraloons. Guardian is no supporter of them either.
I'm not complaining about the general coverage of the protest, but that they consider Big Brother Watch a human rights organisation and not the far right lobbying hump of shit that it is. They should know better.

Guardian wankers
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More arrests in London today.

There's currently no exemption for protest at all, no matter how COVID-safe, from the lockdown regulations (not that anti-mask rallies are really ever going to be in compliance with the COVID-safe clauses). Not sure whether it will be coming back.

Looks mental.

One thing the reporter commented - the bloke who is shown being arrested early on was done because he was in a ‘gang’ of 3 people - yet as he was being arrested, a large gang of photographers all jostled together taking snaps of the arrest seemed immune/invisible to the police or the rules.

And - seems like a lot of the filth have their masks under their noses - what a farce.
One thing the reporter commented - the bloke who is shown being arrested early on was done because he was in a ‘gang’ of 3 people - yet as he was being arrested, a large gang of photographers all jostled together taking snaps of the arrest seemed
You're allowed to gather for work purposes. (There have also been some exemptions for journalists as "key workers" in the past but I cba looking them up to check if they are still applicable.)
I’m hoping that’s a deliberate skit on the erstwhile Grauniad’s reputation :)
Quite enjoyed this little exchange.
The ending is exactly what you'd expect, her qualifications definitely go to another school.

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Was looking on a her twitter feed, is now onto 99% of people recover (which I also saw LaurencetwatFox saying.) Flu has that mortality rate ...so we try and innoculate covid is over double that(triple in the UK) and thats before long Covid becomes the pre existing condition. The virologists have calling that stat consistently ALL pandemic, am I being overly pedantic or are these people now arguing against maths as well?
Was looking on a her twitter feed, is now onto 99% of people recover (which I also saw LaurencetwatFox saying.) Flu has that mortality rate ...so we try and innoculate covid is over double that(triple in the UK) and thats before long Covid becomes the pre existing condition. The virologists have calling that stat consistently ALL pandemic, am I being overly pedantic or are these people now arguing against maths as well?
I had a look at her twitter too. Trump enthusiast, believes the election was robbed etc. What can you do.
So, instead of just regurgitating some piece of idiot propaganda, why not give a moment's thought as to why eatch particular mode of protection is appropriate to what it's protecting against? And you might also want to ponder or whether expecting an entire population to wear, say, radiological protection is going to have the desired effect, given how hard it seems to get that scrap of fabric you're busily facepalming at onto people's faces.

A job which is made a lot more difficult when it's being undermined by stupid cunts producing idiocies like this, and even stupider cunts reposting them.
So, instead of just regurgitating some piece of idiot propaganda, why not give a moment's thought as to why eatch particular mode of protection is appropriate to what it's protecting against? And you might also want to ponder or whether expecting an entire population to wear, say, radiological protection is going to have the desired effect, given how hard it seems to get that scrap of fabric you're busily facepalming at onto people's faces.

A job which is made a lot more difficult when it's being undermined by stupid cunts producing idiocies like this, and even stupider cunts reposting them.

Erm - no, you’ve got the wrong end of the stick - as my emojis clearly show.
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