the very real possibility that sitting ducks for covid are by and large people like this. they now have to spend possibly years looking over their shoulder at when this thing must strike them.
i've lived in denial - i know what it's like. i used to do it with drink and drugs in my early twenties. half the brain saying "there's no problem, carry on", the other half "shit, there might be a problem, stop!". luckily the later part won out.
i would suspect that even the most rabit denier has some doubts - they will walk around and a part of them will be waiting forthe virus to strike.
what a hole to paint yourself if in. whilst the rest of us are slowly getting back to normal, they have to keep up their lies and delusions just to feel safe (it doesn't exist if i/michael on whatsapp says it doesn't exist). while covid for many will become background noise and something lived through, they will never ever really get out of the soup all the time its here. i expect them to get weirder.