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Disastrous family seasonal attractions and the never to be forgotten Lapland New Forest Theme Park

I thought the liquidators announced there was a good chance of returning a fiar bit of money? Remember that RBS froze most of it in the payment acct at the time so the Mears bros never got their hands on it.

Although I can imagine the liquidators have paid themselves very well out of it? :(
Worse still, it appears they were actually released last month - So, that is a whole three months inside!

And his sentence for contempt - 28 days suspended for twelve months and 750 quid costs. Yebloodygods! :mad:
The Daily Mail was right all along... :(
Oh well. They would've been released soon anyway so justice has been done one way or the other.
Though no criminal convection can now be used against them as they've effectively now been cleared and can presumably now make plans for...

Lapland New Forest 2 ! :D
Id forgotten how wonderful it was

The Mears family own quite a few businesses in Brighton. Including maintenance contract work for the Council.
Sometimes I wonder whether there is a God! (joke). Those two slimy crawly ugly bastards are sitting on loads of money paid out by completely innocent people. The slimy crawly ignorant shites have served a little time in prison - good! But is there going to be any compo for all the little people who forked out £30 a throw for their disgraceful con? I wouldn't be at all surprised if all of this juror malpractice was a set-up too.
Sometimes I wonder whether there is a God! (joke). Those two slimy crawly ugly bastards are sitting on loads of money paid out by completely innocent people. The slimy crawly ignorant shites have served a little time in prison - good! But is there going to be any compo for all the little people who forked out £30 a throw for their disgraceful con? I wouldn't be at all surprised if all of this juror malpractice was a set-up too.

You make them sound like politicians?
I'd be in for that. Still bummed out I missed out on the first one.

If they did it again, I would go, just for the kitsch experience. And a chance to observe an elf who is taking a cheeky fag break, and perhaps round the day off by punching Santa if the presents were too rubbish.

If they did it again, I would go, just for the kitsch experience. And a chance to observe an elf who is taking a cheeky fag break, and perhaps round the day off by punching Santa if the presents were too rubbish.

Perhaps you have lots of money to waste, laughing at other people who don't. I am not being very pleasant but if you had visited that Lapland Experience jamboree you would not have been a happy Giles. However if all of you Gileses came on a special trip to a special ironic lapland experience jamboree costing £30 a head, and if you wet yourselves with laughter at the sight of a couple of cuddly bears masquerading as reindeers and a bit of polystyrene masquerading as snow and the elves and snowmen and so forth behaving like - hey - .......Am I the only one who can feel that there is a bit of money to be made here? Listen. I'm serious.
Oh god, this is one of my favourite EVER urban threads. Breaks me everytime those photos :D :D

Shame the fuckers got let off mind, but fuck me that 'nativity scene', and the polar bear, and the elf and the 'Christmas market' :D :D :D
I totally agree. Can't even be arsed reading what all this beef/compensation nonsense is about. Just at look at the fucking pictures!

The nativity scene is the best bit of all. Better than the stuffed polar bears, the B & Q garden sheds, the crap Santa and the mangy huskies. I loved it when on various web forums the truth about the place began to emerge. I did feel for the woman who had booked a coach and organised for 25 of her work colleagues to go there for their Christmas treat. For that money they could have gone to a nice pub, had a meal and got pissed instead.

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