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deus ex: human revolution

Yes, this. The gas canisters (and the fire extinguishers) stun him for a bit. I stunned him, dumped a clipful of shotgun into his face, and repeated.
The stun gun also stuns him. Actually I think going stealth is probably easier than going all out guns blazing.
You know you don't HAVE to be stealthy with the bosses? It doesn't affect any of the achievements.
I've been playing it too. Right at the beginning really, just got neural hub off the dead terrorist. I like it, I like the way you can be killed in about 2 seconds unless you plan everything right.

I have noticed though that some stuff doesn't come up on your map. I saved the woman in the first mission and her husband gave me a clue about something and it doesn't appear anywhere? He said I had to go to some building but I didn't really pay attention cos I thought there'd be a marker but there isn't. :(

AND I spent absolutely bloody ages figuring out how to break into the police station. KO'd a load of cops, got killed loads of times and then worked out

that all I had to do was go and commiserate with the sad sack on the front desk


I like the apartment though. Would be better if you could actually put things in the wall safe.
oh, and they need to sort out a couple of the missions. People keep talking to me like I know stuff I don't. (Unless I've forgotten which has certainly happened.)
I found two Praxis kits in my first hour at Hengsha (I've got the knock through walls aug- useful found over 4 praxis now) - added jumpy legs for that side mission for the whore.
This game is so much easier now I've given up on caring if I get spotted and have some nicely upgraded weapons instead of only the stun gun.

Also didn't have any problems taking out the first boss. Only got as far as Hengsha so far. Damn that place is a rabbit warren.
This is down to under twenty quid on Amazon now so I've decided to get it.

Has it not sold that well? Seems to have come down in price pretty quickly.
Yeah, I saw that. Crazy.

It's good, I'm enjoying playing it but I'm not spending every minute thinking about it or anything. I can't think what it's missing though.

It's a bit formulaic maybe?
Really enjoying this now, although it took me a little while to get into it (partly because I kept dying a lot).

I'm not sure the answer to all the tricky bits is intended to be 'hide in a vent and repeatedly shoot people in the knee' though.
Good job they aren't like real life:
They don't bother me, I just youtube how to kill 'em, then get back to the normal game. The boss battles were outsourced to another dev team, hence their incongruity.
Anyone (preferably after doing a few playthroughs) used the Burger mod yet? You just replace one file and it's installed. Restore it and it's back to normal.

It's very well done, just pause the game and you get a new Debug menu item, you can max out health, invicibiltity, the usual stuff, but what I like is the shop, just add a couple of praxis, a weapons mod or some ammo. Only limit is your current inventory. I've been opening old saves and reliving parts (like taking out every copper in the police station with the laser and the see-through-walls aug).
You can start the game with all augs if that floats your boat..
You can add stuff like the VIP card for the Hive, achievements etc. Very nice to add some replay fun to the game. It'll do while I wait to buy the new DLC.
I've been playing with maxed out batteries (they never run out), arkham asylum style, look through walls with silent running and never ending invisibility.
Here's a demo [probable spoilers]:

and here's the thing: http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?t=121245

(doesn't work with new DLC).
Structaural, that mod/debug looks really good. I have DE:HR on the xbox, and I got fed up of it pretty quickly because I sucked so badly at the stealth using a controller. So I've just bought the DE bundle with the steam discount and am going to have another bash at it with kb&m. I generally have no problems with "cheating" to give myself a boost and make something more enjoyable if I'm having more frustrations than fun with it, so hopefully this will let me choose the level of "help" I want to get the most out of it.
When I played it on the xbox, I gave up on stealth and non-deathlike things and just shot people with gunsgunsguns and didn't care if they saw me. It worked much better. But I'd like to have a go at the stealth properly, because I enjoy it so much in most of the other games I play that let you do stealthy things. Hopefully with the aid of kb&m and some handy tactical aug-giving via that mod it'll go a bit more smoothly.
When I played it on the xbox, I gave up on stealth and non-deathlike things and just shot people with gunsgunsguns and didn't care if they saw me. It worked much better. But I'd like to have a go at the stealth properly, because I enjoy it so much in most of the other games I play that let you do stealthy things. Hopefully with the aid of kb&m and some handy tactical aug-giving via that mod it'll go a bit more smoothly.
Yeah. I think this is something I've never really cracked, tbh.

Like, one of my earlier PC games was Hitman. And I never quite worked out how to play it without shooting the living shit out of everything that moved, and getting, like -400% for stealth.

e2a: and when you look up the 'walkthroughs' online, it's all kinda 'wait 4 minutes for the milkman, then knock him subtly unconscious. Drink the milk from the fourth milkbottle from the centre, then see if you can interact with it. Now enter the 3rd inventory menu, hit Q 3 times, and disassemble your gun. Hide the barrel in the milk bottle. Find a dead pigeon half a mile in the wrong direction. Animate it with the dead pigeon animation device you found three levels earlier. Secrete your gun handle and trigger in the pigeon, and over-ride its neural programming so that it homes in on milk.

After a few tries at following walkthroughs, I went back to shooting the living shit out of everything.
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