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deus ex: human revolution

Not really, but it's a start. Stronger than Streetfighter anyway.
If we don't collectively learn to forget that movie ever existed, then I predict Raul Julia's spinning corpse will end up spinning fast enough to rip a hole in space-time and destroy the entire Earth.
Fuck this game :mad:

I thought I'd like this game. I've never really played an RPG before and this seems like a good one to delve into. Got it on PS3 a bit ago. Played a bit. Liking the stealthing about. Took me ages to get past the training mission. No worries, I'm in no rush. But now I'm in the police station and I've recovered an aug from a hacker who was in a group that are against augs. Something dodgy about him and I'm investigating for my boss. No worries, my old 'mate' on the front desk said I could go in and no one would bother me. Nice one.

So I found the morgue and some pathologist fella said I was free to examine the body. I think he thinks I'm part of the dodgy gang. So I examined it and took the aug, and it said, "click and hold to move the body" so I thought that must be relevant and tried it. But the 'corpse' started screaming and loads of meatheads appeared from nowhere and made Swiss cheese out of me. Seemed a tad OTT to me, but whatever, I'm clearly not meant to touch him.

Reloaded game from save (just after I took the aug), had a mooch about. Found a password for someone's computer and eventually found my way into a room with a copper and a PC. The PC was the same user as the one I was looking for so I logged in. The copper was just looking in a cupboard minding his own business. He seemed to ignore me for ages then suddenly flips out and tells me to back away from the PC. So I did as he asked and then he pulls his gun out and shoots me. I killed him but before I could react there was a room full of muscle again and I'm dead.

I can understand that. Messing around on a PC, yeah, not your typical behaviour for a visitor to the station. Fair cop. But should I have just shot him as soon as he warned me? What's the point of the warning if it's already too late by then?

Reloaded game, did all the crap again, went into the room, snook up on copper looking in the cupboard and smashed him unconscious. Logged into the PC, did some stuff. Got weapons, blah blah blah. All good. I thought there must be loads more good stuff in this cop shop so went upstairs and into a detective's room. Some punk kid was being interviewed and the coppers didn't seem to want to talk to me. Fair enough, everyone's acting like a cunt towards me in this game and they're clearly busy doing their interrogation. There was a nice-looking uniformed police sat down the other end so I went to talk to him and he was telling me something about the mayor when without warning I was shot in the back by about 5 heavies. The alarm hadn't sounded and I'd done nothing to provoke this.

WTF? :confused:

Am I being naive for believing that when someone says, "don't worry, you'll get no hassle" that he actually means it? Everywhere in go in the police station there's guards being really intimidating and looking like they're gonna kick off any second, but they just let me waltz past and rob all their guns from their lockers, etc. But then I strike up a polite conversation with a fella at a desk and SWAT come and shoot me to shit.

I wanna keep playing but I can't see the point when I'm finding it so hard to judge what's dangerous and what isn't. Am I doing it wrong? Should I be sneaking everywhere even when I've been told it's safe? Should I stop trying to get in places I'm not meant to be? Leave people alone?


Disgruntled RPG-noob, Hemel Hemstead
Vaguely remember that game, got frustrated with it unlocking codes, couldn't be bothered to hack.

Do the police station like this lol;
Should I be sneaking everywhere even when I've been told it's safe?

Yes. Look for vents. Vents are your friends. If you are really struggling turn on the highlighting thingy that shows you where useful things are, like this loser did here:



I think you've placed too much importance on being told it was "safe"
I only played this recently and I don't remember anyone telling me the police station was "safe"
You're an ex cop that everyone thinks did something bad (shan't say what as I'm not sure you know yet) they are not your friends
Man i was hyped for this game. But it turns out i havw the gaming skills of a pissed 2 yr old.
anyone else find this a bir tough
See my post above! I was shit at it. But I'm improving. I die a lot less now and I seem to be progressing faster.

I'm getting the hang of it :cool:
It's probably the best game ever tbf. I'm playing it all over again in the director's cut version.
How good is it? I thought about getting the 360's version, but apparently it runs worse and buggier than the original game.
Got this for three quid at the second hand shop (PS3)- really enjoying it, think I'm nearly at the end. Being a bit of a pacifist but hacking everything in sight so I'm modded up to the eyeballs and should be good for a boss fight (which I haven't found annoyiong but only because I know they are in there).
See my post above! I was shit at it. But I'm improving. I die a lot less now and I seem to be progressing faster.

I'm getting the hang of it :cool:

Were you mooching around the police station holding your gun by any chance (need to stash your weapon or all sorts of people get understandably twitchy)?
Were you mooching around the police station holding your gun by any chance (need to stash your weapon or all sorts of people get understandably twitchy)?
Almost certainly :D

I've given up on it for now because the PS3 had a wobble and lost all my saves. :mad:
I've just started playing this, it's a bit different to the other games I've played (so far only Skyrim, a bit of Tomb Raider and Mass Effect 1 & 2)
But I'm enjoying the new feel and trying to do stealth take downs (hard) I really want a sniper rifle to be honest..
So far the very best bit has been Megan's jacket.. which I aim to own a version of very soon!!
I'm rubbish at this game and far cry 3,
all these modern fps,
age has dulled my wits.
I did complete portal 2 though.
I'm waiting for another one of those.
Man i was hyped for this game. But it turns out i havw the gaming skills of a pissed 2 yr old.
anyone else find this a bir tough

Late replying, but I never finished it because I kind of ended up feeling the same. Fez's post about the police station mirrors how I felt. I'm not new to RPGs though, so it wasn't that. It was just... weird. Something didn't gel for me. I know people who rhapsodise something terrible over this game, and seeing as though I love the setting and I love stealth I thought this was a shoo-in. But I just can't figure it out. It never quite feels like it's right. I don't really know how to explain it.

Plus Jenson does my fucking head in.
I must say, I played it on the console, and I've since become a PC gamer. I think I got a copy for PC too, so maybe one day I'll give it a go. I generally have a better time with kb&m than I do a controller, even in games other people swear are better with a controller and plug theirs into the PC for.

(But I certainly won't be playing it this side of Christmas because OMIGODDRAGOAGE)
Plus Jenson does my fucking head in.

Jensen is, admittedly, a massive bell-end. I love creeping over rooftops and taking out the snipers before they know anyone is there and leaving them in a little pile of bodies artfully arranged to look like they fell asleep in the middle of an on-the-job gang bang though.

And hacking the security robots and then herding all the police into a room with them.
This game is failing to engage me, I only seem to be running through vents, hiding behind boxes and hacking things.
Does it get any better?
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