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Xbox experience

Can I ask for Xbox opinions please.

We’ve got a One which I’m more than happy with. We don’t play loads as we have a switch as well but we’ve got a few games like Red Dead 2 that we’ll keep going back to.

So Mr Looby got an S with his phone upgrade and we were going to sell the One but the S doesn’t have a bloody disc drive so if we keep it we also need to:
Keep the One
Buy a DVD player and replace any games we still want to play which will be expensive.

Or we could sell the S but Mr Looby thinks this is a mistake as it’s much better than what we have. What would you do?

Sell them both and buy an X :)
Sell them both and buy an X :)
I hadn’t actually thought of that. :D I’m not willing to spend any more on it but if we could get enough for both it would be good.
There’s also a 360 somewhere that we can’t find but is promised to my brother if it turns up. I don’t know how we became a four console couple!
I think the S is more aimed at gamepass. Great if your a person with loads of time to game, would be wasted on me.

Even if the X costs a bit more we are at thr start of a generation. Assuming it doesn't fail, you'll have it many years and it will do 4k (sort off)
Sell the s if you’ve got disc games. Plus it means you can still go into places like cex and buy cheap disc games that are backwards compatible and what not and generally cheaper than the Xbox store.
Me again! I’ve tried to sell the Xbox on eBay but they’re now applying selling limits and because I haven’t sold for ages on there it’s £10 for me!
CEX are offered a tiny amount so where else can I sell tech? I really don’t want to have to use Facebook because of scammers but also because my Facebook is locked down because of my job. Ffs!

I’ll find an eBay thread to ask on too.
Me again! I’ve tried to sell the Xbox on eBay but they’re now applying selling limits and because I haven’t sold for ages on there it’s £10 for me!
CEX are offered a tiny amount so where else can I sell tech? I really don’t want to have to use Facebook because of scammers but also because my Facebook is locked down because of my job. Ffs!

I’ll find an eBay thread to ask on too.
don't GAME buy in consoles? You'll need photo ID and I doubt they'll offer more than CEX. Same with Cash Generators/Converters.

Private sales are obv preferrable. Gumtree? Local trade-it ads?
Me again! I’ve tried to sell the Xbox on eBay but they’re now applying selling limits and because I haven’t sold for ages on there it’s £10 for me!
CEX are offered a tiny amount so where else can I sell tech? I really don’t want to have to use Facebook because of scammers but also because my Facebook is locked down because of my job. Ffs!

I’ll find an eBay thread to ask on too.

don't GAME buy in consoles? You'll need photo ID and I doubt they'll offer more than CEX. Same with Cash Generators/Converters.

Private sales are obv preferrable. Gumtree? Local trade-it ads?
I’ve managed to sort it by calling eBay. I think it’s a security thing but it’s so annoying. One call end they’ve increased my seller limit to £3000!

I looked at all the selling sites and it was about £100 max but they’re going on eBay for about £200.

I just don’t trust gumtree etc for high value stuff, there’s too many scammers.
I’ve managed to sort it by calling eBay. I think it’s a security thing but it’s so annoying. One call end they’ve increased my seller limit to £3000!

I looked at all the selling sites and it was about £100 max but they’re going on eBay for about £200.

I just don’t trust gumtree etc for high value stuff, there’s too many scammers.

Stuff like this I set as collection only for exactly this reason. Show me the cash...
With eBay collections now you have to do QR code scans between you both. If the buyer doesn't specifically select collection at the end don't do a collection, as you have no proof that your buyer received the product.
eBay will now only release funds to sellers once confirmation of delivery. So again if posting it, choose a courier or royal mail with tracking.

Also, if you can remove it and are not desperate for the money right now, wait for eBay to email you with a £1 final selling fee email, otherwise they will take 10% of your final selling fee. For expensive electrical items, I always wait for a £1 final selling fee offer before I whack it on there so I don't get fleeced by them for final selling fees.

E.g. If your Xbox goes for £200, they will take £20 of that.
Will you get £200 for it ? Mr A319 just brought a new S for £249.

( I am impressed by it BTW)
To piggyback on this thread. I haven’t owned a games machine since my Dragon 32. But have played a bit on my son’s x-boxes…

Now I have more time I want to start again. Mostly simulations ( MS flight sim, kerbal etc). Was going to get a gaming PC , but should I get a Series X and add a mouse and keyboard instead?
To piggyback on this thread. I haven’t owned a games machine since my Dragon 32. But have played a bit on my son’s x-boxes…

Now I have more time I want to start again. Mostly simulations ( MS flight sim, kerbal etc). Was going to get a gaming PC , but should I get a Series X and add a mouse and keyboard instead?

It depends on what you want to play. You'll probably find that most the these titles are for PC, so worth checking.
Will you get £200 for it ? Mr A319 just brought a new S for £249.

( I am impressed by it BTW)
They seem to sell on eBay for not much below the full RRP. I’ll see how it goes then maybe look elsewhere.
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