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deus ex: human revolution

nahh, he keeps telling you. Hell, I bet if you wait long enough he'll open it for you ;)

These are the sorts of tips I need with games these days.

Thinking of getting this cos Invisible War was great fun on xbox and I've worked out that my laptop can handle it.

I like to do games in chronological order - I am currently enjoying Half Life 2 - I'm kind of a 'late adopter' when it comes to games.
These boss battles... Playing full on stealth, going for ghost etc, are they going to be extremely annoying?

unfortunately, yes. I've done two of them now and they're just such a massive change from the rest of the (brilliant) game that it really throws you. The last fight I put the difficulty level down a notch and then back up after it was over, made it a bit easier. The thing that's worked for me is the stun gun, zap 'em with it, run behind them and shoot them in the head (my only lethal gun is an amped up 10mm) as many times as is possible, then run away and hide then rinse and repeat.
completed this yesterday and now playing through on the hardest difficulty and aiming to get the "ghost" as much as possible.

one of the best games I've played in years, up there with the first Metal Gear Solid, they did the Deus Ex name proud with this one.

those complaining about the boss fights need to wind their necks in, they are a nice little old skool patische and even if you haven't tooled up for combat their is always guns, nades and environmental "tools" to use. Infact the only difficulty I had with the 1st boss was the fact I'd skipped a tutorial about throwing stuff and so I kept running up and dropping canisters and explosive barrels beside him like a tarded noob, once I worked out that you can throw objects I did him first time on normal and again on hard.

Really is an awesomely immersive game, I can't remember being this sucked into a world or story since fallout3 and the the first Mass Effect, (Mass Effect 2 was a disappointment for me in how they structured the the whole narrative in very jarring "stages").
Heh yeah I loved that Sarif vid, one of the things that made me think this was gonna be different to the last game...
It's VERY like the original DX. Very like marriage too.....30 minutes worrying of you've said the right thing then deciding fuck it, shoot them in the face.
well the first one , stealth doesnt really help , explosives / barrels will but keep your distance,

The second is easy but you have to look around for stuff to help you ;)
After this and Portal 2 I really want some of these:


The only thing stopping me is the inevitability of being completely inept.
a little help from those that have completed it?

where the bloody hell is taggart's server room on panachea - I found Sarif no bother, but now I'm wandering aimlessly round a huge complex with piles of unconscious crazies everywhere. I don't want to get the elevator down until I find him...
So...um...how the fuck do you throw stuff? And not die?

EDIT: Ah worked it out. Still finding this hateful though.
I keep getting put off whenever Sarif talks because he sounds like Gob from Arrested Development.
No he doesn't! That's ridiculous.

He sounds like Bob Fossil from the Mighty Boosh.

Warning: DE video from some way into the game

Hmmm I'm having a little issue with this game, realised I no longer have the patience to do the stealth shit (get bored waiting around) and then cave in and go all guns blazing but the FPS gun battles aren't very good...must work on patience!
Just completed it the first time, top difficulty level with a heavy focus on non lethality interspersed with deranged killing sprees. I'm not sure if it's just me but it doesn't feel that they've opened up as many options as the first Deus Ex. Your choice of augmentations determine what you can do a lot. I'm not sure if that's a good bad or indifferent thing.
It's actually faster if you stealth/hack... You get 50 xp/takedown (10 base, 20 if you don't kill, 20 if it's expedient, which it usually seems to be), 125 if it's a double. You also get 500 xp for ghost (not seen by enemy while completing an objective) and 250 xp for smooth operator (no alarm triggered). Hacking is variable; between 25 and 150ish so far, plus bonus XP you can find while hacking and mission bonuses. Finding secret areas nets bonuses too. It all speeds up after the first mission anyway.
That Penny Arcade is great :D

I am back to really enjoying it with reservations. One level I kept getting serious crashes (lot's of green square all over the screen like when the GFX card is running way too hot). Seems to be confine to that level though. Off to Montreal now!
I found the first boss quite easy tbh, no combat augs. S/he/it's not very good at working out where you are.
I completed it short of about 10 Praxis points (add them up and you'll see this isn't many), with all the useful ones acquired long ago. It might just about be possible to get them all.
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