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deus ex: human revolution

i found the first tricky, the 2nd really easy and im now a bit stuck on the 3rd, but tbh I havent really put that much time into it....
When doing the mission for (bobby?) the bartender in the huangsha hotel (getting money from the woman) if you just pay him off for 5000 you get a praxis kit. No-brainer.
just started playing it good console game

but waiting to see if its moved on in anyway from its original on the pc
Pffft that fucking boss is annoying, really aint got the patience for this crap, is there an easy sure fire way of beating him?
the way i did it was to get a couple of explosive barrels and place them in front of one of the side bits at either end , hide in the side bit with cover , when he comes near shoot barrel , then chuck a frag grenade or 2 at him. If done right it only takes a minute... good luck :)
...he gives you a praxis kit worth 5k and you complete the mission by buying him off...so it's a free complete.

ETA ive discovered a way of getting the praxis kit and keeping the 5000 without buying him off ;)

also i was being thick , id never been able to get the money off the woman in the first place :oops:
Pffft that fucking boss is annoying, really aint got the patience for this crap, is there an easy sure fire way of beating him?
Two rooms at the corners, go into one, attract him up by shooting him, hide behind a crate or the wall at the entrance to the room, he'll kill himself with frags. On the rare occasion he gets you with one but it's very rare. Put the red barrels at the front, no need to shoot them he'll do it himself...he's not the cleverest.

2nd boss...typhoons :)
Ah...man I fucking hate bosses, they slow down the game with having to find the tedious routine to beat them...
if you know how to throw shit the first boss fight is a piece of pish, non of the bosses are very hard actually, all too easy if you just engage your brain a bit.
C'mon KE, he took me about 10 minutes on hard, and I'm not exactly uber-leet... :D

It's the patience thing, really find it hard to not just stand their and pump bullets into him rather than faff about with 'tactics'...I HATE bosses. :mad:
It's the patience thing, really find it hard to not just stand their and pump bullets into him rather than faff about with 'tactics'...I HATE bosses. :mad:

I take you thought Half-life, system shock, Final Fantasy (all of them), Portal and Doom were all a load of shit then? :p
I take you thought Half-life, system shock, Final Fantasy (all of them), Portal and Doom were all a load of shit then? :p

Half Life 2 was good but over rated. Doom was great back in the day. Bosses are great when you're a teenager as an adult it feels a little dated...
But you don't like loads of great games!

Define 'great' games? I love Battlefield Bad Company 2, Left for Dead 1 & 2, the recent Batman game, Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood. They're great games imo but I appreciate that your tastes may be different...
battlefield bad compnay is a very good game not a classic great though, neither is Left for Dead cos it relies too much on multiplayer to make my cannon, the recent batman game was overhyped, it left me very meh, and the assasin creed games are a alright but milked to death.

Classic great games are stuff like Mario Kart (snes), Goldeneye, Final Fantasy VII, Resident Evil 1 & 2, Wipeout, all the Metal Gear Solid Games, Half Life 1 & 2, Total War: Rome, Red Alert (the first one), Quake, Doom, Deus Ex 1st and 3rd, Starfox, Zelda Orcarina of Time, I'm sure I'm leaving out some.

You didn't like Resident Evil 4 which i a great game but not in the great game canon if y'know what I mean.
Silent Hill... Resident Evil is a classic because it established that genre (and was a genuinely good game), Silent hill... Well I don't really want to think about Silent hill on my own at home, which probably says something... :D
Well one mans classic is another mans meh. Final Fantasy 7 was dire, embarrassingly bad attempts at story and emotion. But I loved the first too Wipeouts. Lol siphon filter was a very poor mans MGS, his weird wiggle run had me in stitches! Loved Total War Medieval more than Rome tbh. Mario Kart on the snes is one of my top five all timing gaming eras. Oh yeah and Tetris is still the best game ever!
*grumbles* the boss are annoying

Sneak sneaky, oh shit I need heavy fire power

*shake fist at wasting and hour of his life on killing barret*
...because I can't stop playing it (18 hours at the weekend), my missus is gonna leave me...

Pffft that fucking boss is annoying, really aint got the patience for this crap, is there an easy sure fire way of beating him?

I'm sure you're well past now, but the key is the gas cannisters - throw on of them at him and he remains immobile enclosed in green gas for 10 secs or so - plenty of time to throw barrels at him and find another gas cannister. Takes about 3 to finish him (and a couple of shots and a heart attack *me*)
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