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David Cameron's son dies, aged 6

But not enough people read butchersapron to make a difference - far more people will believe articles like that because of the experience that Cameron has been through.

That's the almost powerles position we're in. I agree. I don't think we're in that position beause of the media. It's ther other way round IMO
Oh get off your high horse you weird little person. Anarchist my ball bag.

oh indeed you little runt, weird little person and have you met me, you see this migh be hard for you to understand but we live in a sociaty that sometimes allows debate, from here we move on and change, this for me is my anarchism in action, understand the likes of you are your tory chum Cameron, if you are into a little bit of arse likeing, and like to be buggerd, each to there own, for me and my boyfriend (one is male) anrchism is desire for a better world..
oh indeed you little runt, weird little person and have you met me, you see this migh be hard for you to understand but we live in a sociaty that sometimes allows debate, from here we move on and change, this for me is my anarchism in action, understand the likes of you are your tory chum Cameron, if you are into a little bit of arse likeing, and like to be buggerd, each to there own, for me and my boyfriend (one is male) anrchism is desire for a better world..

What age are you? :D
Did anyone see the main centre page photospread in the Guardian today? , three babies in cardboard boxes as makeshift cots in an orphanage in the Congo, a man made tragedy.
no i can not to be honest not one, given the circumstance of said child and it is given i might seem a prat a cunt so fourth, but my anarchism and class pride holds here, i can not have any feelings to do so would weaken me..

You are such a fucking nipplehead it beggars belief it really does.
You really think there a single successful political who hasn't had a family portrait taken? WebCameron was just a 21st twist on the above. The point is he didn't try and use his son's illness as a base to build political capital.

You're right, but we weren't talking about his son, or his son's illness, were we?
You said:
"Cameroon for all the many many issues I have with him, has never used his family as political capital." (my emphasis).

Now, if you care to make a point based on what you actually said, I'll be sure and read it. ;)
i was reading about all this today, and must admit i was quite moved by what was being said, what cameron had said about his kid, really very sad

it's not that hard to separate the man from his politics, this is a human tragedy
oh indeed you little runt, weird little person and have you met me, you see this migh be hard for you to understand but we live in a sociaty that sometimes allows debate, from here we move on and change, this for me is my anarchism in action, understand the likes of you are your tory chum Cameron, if you are into a little bit of arse likeing, and like to be buggerd, each to there own, for me and my boyfriend (one is male) anrchism is desire for a better world..
how is this 'anarchism in action' tho? will the death of his son bring down the ruling classes? will it instigate working class solidarity? does it strike a symbolic action or undermine authority or organise people in any way? no not really, its the death of a child, that's all, in the context of anyone else's life, it's a meaningless statistic if you want. the fact that it might not affect you doesn't mean it doesn't affect others and i don't really understand why it does so?
The death of Cameron's son is a tragedy for him and his family, but there are probably dozens of dads and families in exactly the same position as him today whose children's deaths will pass unnoticed and unmourned by the vast majority of the populace.
True enough, doesn't mean it's not entirely legitimate for people to feel sympathy when they hear of one particular case, for whatever reason and whoever the family might be. No parent should ever have to bury their own child.
but we must separate the issue of class, it might seem harsh to bring it round to this, but lets be in the real world shall we?

as said there will be mothers fathers who have lost there little ones, some far younger older and ive no doubt due to the class injustice of the world we live in, so some Tory Scum bag losses a child and what we all feel for him all of a sudden, as well you know I deal in the real world and some posters I smell the whiff of bullshit, see the crocodile tears..

one is not about to forget my anarchism or my class pride, and begin have any feeling for The Likes of Cameron no matter the bullshit and crocodile tears of others, it matters not one bit to me.

what matters to be is some people seem to forget what this scum bag stands for, what this scum upholds seeing the everyday struggle of the working class, idd be fucking them over if I did show any feelings, as said I aint going to compromise my anarchism.

Hey knob! The child was six years old, he did not chose to be disabled, and he did not chose his parents. Have you not worked that one out?
All your interested in is hard man posturing, your not shocking anyone, your just stupid.

Oh Mr anarchist, how many people working for the minimum wage have to support you feckless lifestyle?
Stop leaching of the working class, and get down the job center.
True enough, doesn't mean it's not entirely legitimate for people to feel sympathy when they hear of one particular case, for whatever reason and whoever the family might be. No parent should ever have to bury their own child.

I never said it was not legitimate for some people to feel sympathy when they heard of cases like this, I just thought e19869 was being honest when they said that they did not care one way or the other about it (though the "my class struggle prevents me from giving a shit" was a bit inane).
no i can not to be honest not one, given the circumstance of said child and it is given i might seem a prat a cunt so fourth, but my anarchism and class pride holds here, i can not have any feelings to do so would weaken me..

what a sick world we are in? jade goodie said kill me, idd do it but know it would be murder, so fucking what a six year old dies, of some tory scum bag, as said ill wipe the croacadile tears later,,

i do have empathy rage and anger, i need only look at how the working class are treated in the world we live, only need to look and read the biggeted comments made on this post towords me due to the fact i was honest enough to say i do not give a shit, but there is no empathy towords the likes of Cameron only rage and anger, and i know a hard reality for some people, it might seem a lack of humanity, what if i said allright i feel some sadnass, i would be lieing and not been true to myself.

what becuase you disagree with my anarchism and desire not to have the debate on what this raises, youe make the crass asumption one is makeing a BAD NAME for himself, oh do fuck off and patranise someone else, i have issues very forthcoiming on them, but it dose not mean i do not hold a thought, or a desire to change the shit i find myself within, would you now care to wipe my mouth, be warned it is like my backside full of shit, or so you would have the world think,

oh indeed you little runt, weird little person and have you met me, you see this migh be hard for you to understand but we live in a sociaty that sometimes allows debate, from here we move on and change, this for me is my anarchism in action, understand the likes of you are your tory chum Cameron, if you are into a little bit of arse likeing, and like to be buggerd, each to there own, for me and my boyfriend (one is male) anrchism is desire for a better world..
And breathe.
I never said it was not legitimate for some people to feel sympathy when they heard of cases like this, I just thought e19869 was being honest when they said that they did not care one way or the other about it (though the "my class struggle prevents me from giving a shit" was a bit inane).
Nah, it's a posture, "I'm so hardcore, I don't even care when the disabled six year old child of a politician dies" :rolleyes:
Nah, it's a posture, "I'm so hardcore, I don't even care when the disabled six year old child of a politician dies" :rolleyes:

you would like it to be, haveing seen the news dureing today all it has done is harden my feelings, fucking posture indeed?

fucking sick world we live in when we are told being honest is etc, then we have the likes of brown and others saying they feel etc, no still feel fuck all, gone of to posture in a vest with a gun rambo style, as one would..

fucking sick mother me, not to give a fuck of which i honastly do not give a fuck, so a six year old of tory scum bag dies and one is ment to give a shit?
Hey knob! The child was six years old, he did not chose to be disabled, and he did not chose his parents. Have you not worked that one out?
All your interested in is hard man posturing, your not shocking anyone, your just stupid.

Oh Mr anarchist, how many people working for the minimum wage have to support you feckless lifestyle?
Stop leaching of the working class, and get down the job center.

Oh erm that pushed a few dick heads, fucking feckless lifestyle indeed, what the fuck do you know about who and why i find myself in this circumstance, did you ask that of course not just jump to right wing asumptions and propaganda why not far more easy than haveing any debate, engageing with me aint it - to easy to just think one is a feckless layabout, but then debate from the likes of you has never been on any agenda has it? to be frank you sooner think of me how you do and then you say one has the problem yer right becuase i do not give a shit..
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