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critique of loon theories around banking/money creation/the federal reserve

"It" he says.

No, derivatives are not "on par with insurance," you tosser. Not unless you count buying fire insurance on your neighbor's house and then burning it down. That is what a CDO does (look it up).

I suggest you look up what a CDO is - it's a Collaterised Debt Obligation and it does nothing of the sort

The term you were looking for above is a CDS - a Credit Default Swap

I saw you make this same error previously on this thread while also confusing an option with a swap, which suggests to me you understand precious little about either of these two things.

I will happily explain some of the basics to you (you are clearly not capable of going beyond the basics) if you calm down and start again from the beginning

OK, the insanity level is already a leedle bit too high for this time of the morning. I'm going for coffee.

Coffee? Did you get any sleep at all? Bad combination, caffeine and sleep deprivation, you may end up talking gibberish. Even Thatcher needed four hours.
I'm not entirely sure that I can convey in mere words the sheer absoluteness of my indifference to that piece of information.

Is it more or less absolute than the amount of indifference that would cause it to merit no reply?
And I would care what you expect because?

Because you quite obviously wish you were me. I'm younger, better looking, more popular, have a better sex life and everything. It's understandable prof, I get this all the time. I get why having your arse handed to you by non-academics on the internet would make you feel inadequate and, to be brutally honest, you are. But you're still a human being phil. Just because you can't be me that doesn't mean you can't be someone.

I hope that helps my little runner bean.
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don't you think talking about shylock is a bit dodgy phil? aren't there other non-jewish usurers around? i know you're not racist so was surprised to see you referring to him.

It would be as dangerous to ignore or forget Shylock as it would to ignore or forget Hitler.

If I think someone is behaving like either one of them I'll say so.
Because you quite obviously wish you were me. I'm younger, better looking, more popular, have a better sex life and everything.

I bet you're not younger.

The rest I'll give you. Especially the better sex life, I'll give anyone that.

Except Pickman's Model, obviously.
don't you think talking about shylock is a bit dodgy phil? aren't there other non-jewish usurers around? i know you're not racist so was surprised to see you referring to him.

It's one of those boring troll techniques for keeping people wound up. You back off a bit, maybe ridicule things lightly, then bung in a dog whistle trope, back off a bit, rinse, repeat.

Done in a way to look a bit academic, but it's your basic Jeremy Beadle 'wind-ups by numbers' stuff.
I'm glad to see him back actually, he knows this stuff far better than you and I.

love detective how's the nipper and OH doing? Getting any sleep?

they're both doing grand thanks, getting a bit more sleep now at nights, so just normal tired now compared to the full on sleep deprivation/comatose condition of the first couple of months

I'm assuming the Professor has me on ignore as he otherwise wouldn't have made the comment he did just then to you. nice to know I rile him that much that he needs to employ artificial means to avoid confronting the indignity of continually being proved wrong at everything he writes (mind you he's going to have to ignore half the board after this thread)
It would be as dangerous to ignore or forget Shylock as it would to ignore or forget Hitler.

If I think someone is behaving like either one of them I'll say so.

shylock is a fictional character though and he's portrayed in a fairly (but not entirely) anti-semitic way. if hitler was five hundred years ago and fictionally made up for an anti-german play on the evils of dictators (and germans), and if calling somebody hitler was a common anti-german insult, you might have a point tbh.
they're both doing grand thanks, getting a bit more sleep now at nights, so just normal tired now compared to the full on sleep deprivation/comatose condition of the first couple of months

I'm assuming the Professor has me on ignore as he otherwise wouldn't have made the comment he did just then to you. nice to know I rile him that much that he needs to employ artificial means to avoid confronting the indignity of continually being proved wrong at everything he writes (mind you he's going to have to ignore half the board after this thread)

glad to hear you're all doing OK.
they're both doing grand thanks, getting a bit more sleep now at nights, so just normal tired now compared to the full on sleep deprivation/comatose condition of the first couple of months

I'm assuming the Professor has me on ignore as he otherwise wouldn't have made the comment he did just then to you. nice to know I rile him that much that he needs to employ artificial means to avoid confronting the indignity of continually being proved wrong at everything he writes (mind you he's going to have to ignore half the board after this thread)
I'm guessing he doesn't have you on ignore, he just knows you'll fuck him over so skips replying to you.
shylock is a fictional character though and he's portrayed in a fairly (but not entirely) anti-semitic way. if hitler was five hundred years ago and fictional, and if calling somebody hitler was a common anti-german insult, you might have a point tbh.

Come up with a better term of abuse for "usurer" and I'll use it.

"Penny-father" doesn't pack quite the same punch.
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