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critique of loon theories around banking/money creation/the federal reserve

Seriously, what the fuck is this drivel?

that's the sound of an empty vessel desperately trying to back himself out of a corner he's got himself into

it's not a pretty thing to hear or see, but it's an all too common an occurrence when the Professor gets out his depth (i.e. in every thread he posts on other than the ones about wanking or whatever)
Seriously, what the fuck is the drivel?

Well it's hard to explain really. To you I fear it would be impossible, and thus foolish even to attempt. But there are those in whom my words will, if I am not much mistaken, strike ringing tones of truth that they will bear with them in their hearts throughout life's journey. Anybody who has ever seen Pickman's Model naked for example.
Well it's hard to explain really. To you I fear it would be impossible, and thus foolish even to attempt. But there are those in whom my words will, if I am not much mistaken, strike ringing tones of truth that they will bear with them in their hearts throughout life's journey. Anybody who has ever seen Pickman's Model naked for example.

OK phil, I'm going to be genuine with you here. You have a small chance that your professional reputation might just be pulled back from the cavernous void it is presently tumbling towards. For your own sake, please just back away from the keyboard. Internet footprints are more or less impossible to erase. If it hasn't already, don't let yours come back on you.
OK phil, I'm going to be genuine with you here. You have a small chance that your professional reputation might just be pulled back from the cavernous void it is presently tumbling towards. For your own sake, please just back away from the keyboard. Internet footprints are more or less impossible to erase. If it hasn't already, don't let yours come back on you.
The man's a self-confessed troll, what reputation could he possible want to salvage?
Well it's hard to explain really. To you I fear it would be impossible, and thus foolish even to attempt. But there are those in whom my words will, if I am not much mistaken, strike ringing tones of truth that they will bear with them in their hearts throughout life's journey. Anybody who has ever seen Pickman's Model naked for example.

Go to sleep man and have your wet dreams about bankers and Shylocks and other men's cocks and whatever. I was enjoying this thread with all it's tawdry asides and weirdly enough I thought you were quite smart for a bit but apparently you're not. So fuck off with yer poncery and shite. Calling people Nazis and obsessing about cocks and the bible stuff and the duplicity, that's the worse. Seriously, you're a fucking professor of some shit? Get a grip man. Shut up, go to sleep. Wanker.
I was enjoying this thread with all it's tawdry asides and weirdly enough I thought you were quite smart for a bit but apparently you're not. So fuck off with yer poncery and shite.
Giving him a nice vivid reaction like that is a reward, not a reason to fuck off. Just in case you're one of the few who's not worked it out!
he's not an anti-semite he just likes putting dog whistle stuff into his posts along with all his other obsessions to wind everyone up.
Point #11 of the forum rules:

Monomaniacs. 'Sheeple'-accusers, bigoted gun nuts, ranting xenophobes, cut'n'pasters, god-squadders, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops, small minded bigots etc. are not welcome.
Please, just someone put us all out of our misery.
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