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Critical voices in Islam speaking out: "What 'we' need to do..."


customised free radical
Forced by the jingoistic politics of the new US president and a surge of anti-Muslim (and much more, in terms of xenophobia, misogyny etc.) wave of "new/old", tired politics/political parties of hatred, prejudices and dominance seeking, let's show the uninformed, whether poorly educated or well educated but seriously prejudiced people in the West, the deep divisions in those countries, i.e. that homogeneity (especially one marked with "hatred for the West") is not present anywhere, be it Poland or Pakistan, Sweden or Saudi Arabia.

In these videos, Muslim critical thinkers speak out publicly on Modernity, what it means to be Subject, secularism, Human Rights, historical origins of Islam, position of "non-believers" in Islamic countries and in Islam, women, minorities in general, Islamic countries' (non) contribution to world developments today, dependency on the West, laziness, cowardice, thirst for power and (at least) influence from clerical circles, dogma, forcing one's interpretation of a complex phenomenon (like Qur'an, for instance) onto everyone, using the uneducated ("illiterate") as cannon fodder etc. etc.

I can not but wonder, how many here would have the guts to state publicly all of these powerful critical thoughts in such difficult and dangerous context?!?

- there are 3 parts to this one, since it is a compilation...

I'll post more, if and when needed, since this is more than enough to start a proper debate on the issues (not personalities, thanx!)...
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OK, just in case, here are some that are paradigmatic for this type of debate...

Are these clips all from MEMRI, that well-known impartial, well-meaning website?
It doesn't matter: look at the names of channels they are speaking on, from Al Jazeera onwards...

And they are not just from the small "liberal" countries but also SA etc.
It doesn't matter: look at the names of channels they are speaking on, from Al Jazeera onwards...

And they are not just from the small "liberal" countries but also SA etc.
Yes it does, I think.

MEMRI is a propaganda site, set up and run by Neocons. Whatever their agenda is is not mine.
No, it does not. How do we "measure" this? By content of what the speakers say, not by who speaks or where one speaks (which is Nazi-Fascist type of authoritarian "thinking", I would say). In other words, we deal with the issues, not the graphics you see on the video. Much more difficult to do that but also much more rewarding, if one dares and has the staying power to do it.

Else, there would be no peace in NI or SA or BaH or...

Btw, neo-cons are my arch enemy, too - but...
Please, go away, as you have nothing remotely interesting to say. Exercise some self-restraint for once, I challenge you and your lot.

Let's keep it down to issues and issues only, not personalities and other ephemeral stuff, thanx.
Please, go away, as you have nothing remotely interesting to say. Exercise some self-restraint for once, I challenge you and your lot.

Let's keep it down to issues and issues only, not personalities and other ephemeral stuff, thanx.
Your opening post said exactly what i said. It's too late for anything you pretend to want to happen after that. Why actively and consciously subvert what you pretend to want to take place?
To bring back a discussion from another thread, as it is relevant here: one of the questions was "can citizens of majority Muslim countries, which may want to base their laws in Qur'an, actually have Human Rights, given that everything in such a system has to be mediated by Qur'an, i.e. clerics interpreting what Qur'an is actually saying to us" etc. etc.
Please, go away, you are misinterpreting wilfully and acting idiotically, as per usual...
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