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Criminalising Pregnant Mothers who Drink

Well, I guess people were taking you to task for saying 1. That which demonstrably isn't true
and 2. which is highly debatable. You know, sometimes women want a choice full stop.
So if you can't be arsed arguing maybe you need to butt out of this discussion entirely and maybe you can reflect on why you wanted to engage in it in the first place.

I wasn't meaning to nest my argument in absolutist terms, even if it looked that way.
i don't want kids
i don't want kids with him
i don't want kids until i've done (insert fun stuff here)
not doing this until i'm older
concentrating on my education/career first. not just an economic decision.

And none of those things relate to what I was aying about society.
You don't understand, lbj. Citizen66 is arguing about PRINCIPLES. This requires a clear head unclouded by details like sordid personal histories. (Not saying it's gender biased or anything.)
So it is connected to society or not then?
It can be. And it can be a personal matter between you and your problematic life (and whose life isn't problematic?). That's my only real point. Yes abortion needs to be legal to help women who are victims of society's pressures in various ways. But it also needs to be legal for women who consider themselves to be victims of nothing more than their own stupidity/carelessness/bad luck, and for whom it is a choice, taken for personal reasons, reasons that, frankly, are nobody else's damn business.

ETA: I hate the word, but 'empowering' seems apt here. Acknowledging the woman's agency.
It can be. And it can be a personal matter between you and your problematic life (and whose life isn't problematic?). That's my only real point. Yes abortion needs to be legal to help women who are victims of society's pressures in various ways. But it also needs to be legal for women who consider themselves to be victims of nothing more than their own stupidity/carelessness/bad luck, and for whom it is a choice, taken for personal reasons, reasons that, frankly, are nobody else's damn business.

I agree with all that. But pregnancy being an inconvenience is *also* dictated by wider society. I find it intersting that in your example you placed contact with the dickhead above allowing a foetus to grow into a life. If that's a choice a woman has to make it's sad, and it is connected with patriarchy.
tbh I thought you would. I was a bit surprised by your posts on this. I'm not going to argue further. I think it's ok to be saddened by the thought of abortion.

I wouldn't be surprised. I actually thought my post was in defence of women but it seems to have got heckles up.
Agreed! But so often this is used as an argument against choice, where it should be an argument for more choice.

I agree with a woman's right to have the ultimate say over her own body. I don't like the word 'choice' particularly. Choice is liberalism and can be steeped in self-centredness. Shrugging shoulders and making it flippant leaves a sour taste.
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