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Craft club topic of the month - knitting!

I'm planning on knitting a scarf for a friend. It will be blocks of colour like my big scarf but I'm knitting it in moss stitch so it doesn't roll in at the sides. I'm just wondering what the first colour change row will look like. I imagine it will look odd on both sides, unlike stocking stitch that just has the odd row on the wrong side.
Is there a way around this or will it look ok anyway? Any advice welcome :D:D
Knit all stitches on the first row of the new colour on the right side, then carry on with your moss stitch on the next row. Still looks nasty on the back but great on the front. Scroll down on this page to see: How to Remove Purl Dash Lines | Knitting Technique with Video Tutorial | Studio Knit
Bloody hell, the price of wool.
I bought a shed load of wool from the charity shop a few weeks ago. Amongst other things I bought some skeins of green double knitting to make myself a lighter weight scarf. It was £4 a skein. I probably have enough to make a scarf but just thought I'd try to find the wool and buy another skein. Found it but my colour was out of stock, just as well as it was £28 a time :eek: It is nice wool though.
Bloody hell, the price of wool.
I bought a shed load of wool from the charity shop a few weeks ago. Amongst other things I bought some skeins of green double knitting to make myself a lighter weight scarf. It was £4 a skein. I probably have enough to make a scarf but just thought I'd try to find the wool and buy another skein. Found it but my colour was out of stock, just as well as it was £28 a time :eek: It is nice wool though.
Is it hand dyed baby llama or something? That's not normal.
Is it hand dyed baby llama or something? That's not normal.
It's British Gotland dk hand dyed
From a place called the little grey sheep. All of the wool that I bought in my charity shop haul was good quality but I thought this might have been around £8 or £9 but I haven't bought much full price wool lately.
Two balls of sock wool from when I imagined I might knit socks :rolleyes::facepalm:
Free to anyone who wants them and I'm happy to pay postage
Just frogged an almost complete right front of a cardigan because I decided the pattern was asking me to do something stupid and I know a better way to do it.

Let's hope I haven't read it all wrong.
I'm trying a slippers pattern which has an impenetrable (for me) instruction for a double decrease. The main body is in seed/moss stitch and there are an uneven number of stitches. I have been instructed to place a marker on the central stitch; this is also beyond me - before or after the central stitch?

Then I should work until 1 stitch before the marker then work next three stitches K/P tog - 2 stitches decreased. What does this mean, should it be, s1, p2 tog,sso?
I'm trying a slippers pattern which has an impenetrable (for me) instruction for a double decrease. The main body is in seed/moss stitch and there are an uneven number of stitches. I have been instructed to place a marker on the central stitch; this is also beyond me - before or after the central stitch?

Then I should work until 1 stitch before the marker then work next three stitches K/P tog - 2 stitches decreased. What does this mean, should it be, s1, p2 tog,sso?
I would say you put the marker literally on the central stich. Do you have the markers that are like a safety pin? Cos with them you can actually connect it to the stitch and knit around it.

The next bit does confuse me though. Can you share the pattern?
I would say you put the marker literally on the central stich. Do you have the markers that are like a safety pin? Cos with them you can actually connect it to the stitch and knit around it.

The next bit does confuse me though. Can you share the pattern?

Rain Kisses / DROPS 129-17 - Free knitting patterns by DROPS Design

I'm trying it out with sl 1, p2tog, sso which feels ok to the fingers, how it would feel when you're standing on it I won't know for a while.
I've almost finished the cardigan I am working on now and can't decide what to do next. I need to sort it out soon, I don't like not having anything to knit.
I'm trying a slippers pattern which has an impenetrable (for me) instruction for a double decrease. The main body is in seed/moss stitch and there are an uneven number of stitches. I have been instructed to place a marker on the central stitch; this is also beyond me - before or after the central stitch?

Then I should work until 1 stitch before the marker then work next three stitches K/P tog - 2 stitches decreased. What does this mean, should it be, s1, p2 tog,sso?
Yes, mark the central stitch with a safety pin type marker. Or in some other way - whatever way you will know it is the central stitch. You could put a marker either side alternatively.

Looking at the pattern I think they just mean K3tog or P3tog. I would have thought that what you are doing would come out smoother - but garter stitch isn't very smooth anyway.
I had done the front and back of a top and finished one sleeve today. I thought I had made the sleeve a bit too long so pinned it all together to try it on and realised it was huge. So I spent 40 mins today and unravelled it and I've started again two sizes smaller.

I'm not too grumpy as I didn't have anything else lined up anyway.
I haven't knitted anything for ages - I think since last Christmas when I made some knitted tree lights for a friend and it was so boring I almost died. But got some of that yarn that has reflective thread through it so I'm making my best friend a snood, because she walks a lot near the A406 :D It's also quite boring but at least basic enough that I can watch the telly.

Edit I forgot that the point of this was to alert you all to the existence of reflective yarn, in case you didn't already know. It's very cool

Starlight from Hobbii
I haven't knitted anything for ages - I think since last Christmas when I made some knitted tree lights for a friend and it was so boring I almost died. But got some of that yarn that has reflective thread through it so I'm making my best friend a snood, because she walks a lot near the A406 :D It's also quite boring but at least basic enough that I can watch the telly.

Edit I forgot that the point of this was to alert you all to the existence of reflective yarn, in case you didn't already know. It's very cool

Starlight from Hobbii
Noticed an ad on Facebook that they had 'made a mistake' with this and were flogging it off cheap, if you want any more - less than half price!
Noticed an ad on Facebook that they had 'made a mistake' with this and were flogging it off cheap, if you want any more - less than half price!

Yep, saw that too (not on FB tho). Thought I might knit a quick cycling hat for grand-daughter, now it is datk so early, but she isn't allowed on her bike without a helmet so...
Started the christmas knitting with a massive cheat - 2 almost finished pairs of gloves from last year - quickly finished, and ploughing through a linen stitch hat for eldest son. I bloody love doing hats as I have have bad second item syndrome so planning a minecraft one for one child and a shawl for daughter, 2 lots of Latvian mittens, angling socks and a family of rats. On the second year of knitting an Estonian jumper for sweetheart (tiny fucking needles and all-over design)...which gets postponed because of the christmas bunch. I have a 3 year old Seasilk project for me also (although I am going to knit myself another pair of gloves).
Something dodge with the hat gauge for my eldest (actually, my fault because I only checked the ribbing) so hat started swelling alarmingly like a beret. Fortunately, it has a fold over brim which I intend to stuff the puffy bits beneath and swiftly change needles midstream. Which involves a trip to a shop of some sort. However the knitting season has only just started and my needles are red hot so hat was put aside till laters and I swiftly cast on the first Latvian mittens (insomnia). I am being disciplined, knitting both mitts in sequence...and weaving in ends as I go (there are millions). I am more than halfway through, just above the tricky thumb gussets with a straight 2 colour run (apart from 3 rows with 3 colours) and no fiddly fingers. Might possibly manage a pair in 24 hours (I did a jumper over a weekend once)...however, I have barely ventured forth off the sofa.
Shit shit shit - my dodgy brain has fucked me over again and I have lovingly just completed 2 LEFT handed Latvian mittens. I have a weird thing where I cannot tell the difference between left and right - it literally does not compute and I cannot hold the information in my head for a second (which is also why I cannot drive - because things like reversing round a corner are completely impossible for me to 'see'). I generally get sweetheart to check but honestly thought I had it in the bag this time (there are several sets of gloves in various stages of completion and all have this issue - I once knitted 3 identical right handers once and just gave up - no left hand exists to this day.
I start to doubt every decision, cannot work from charts or patterns, I have to do it as it unfolds in front of me so I rarely do very complex designs but this was...challenging. Christmas knitting not going well with 2 present fails out of 3 so far.
Shit shit shit - my dodgy brain has fucked me over again and I have lovingly just completed 2 LEFT handed Latvian mittens. I have a weird thing where I cannot tell the difference between left and right - it literally does not compute and I cannot hold the information in my head for a second (which is also why I cannot drive - because things like reversing round a corner are completely impossible for me to 'see'). I generally get sweetheart to check but honestly thought I had it in the bag this time (there are several sets of gloves in various stages of completion and all have this issue - I once knitted 3 identical right handers once and just gave up - no left hand exists to this day.
I start to doubt every decision, cannot work from charts or patterns, I have to do it as it unfolds in front of me so I rarely do very complex designs but this was...challenging. Christmas knitting not going well with 2 present fails out of 3 so far.
I have done this too. Sympathy like.

I have loads of projects on the go at the moment and am not very enthused by any of them as they've been dragging on so long. I want to start something new. What I'm actually doing is the most boring knitting in the world ever, ie replacing the ribbing on an old cardigan. It was an American pattern and often they don't seem to go in for doing the ribbing on a smaller needle. It was always a bit floppy but ended up positively frilly, so I'm doing it again on the RIGHT SIZE needle. I remember it being fucking tedious and going on forever last time.

Still, I'm trying to make do and mend and have done a big load of mending this year of winter clothes to bring things back into circulation rather than replacing them, so bonus eco-worrier points and it is a really toasty cardigan I wore a lot.
Still, I'm trying to make do and mend and have done a big load of mending this year of winter clothes to bring things back into circulation rather than replacing them, so bonus eco-worrier points and it is a really toasty cardigan I wore a lot.

Me too, Ruby. I actually made a darning mushroom as I was truly sick of throwing thick wool socks away because there is a hole in the heel. I am back in love with an old jumper I knitted a few years ago - sadly, the yarn was a mix of wool and acrylic and, over the years, the woolly parts have tended to pill and thin out so it is less warm than I would have liked, but so comfortable, while all my other jumpers are all a bit...experimental. I loved them at the time I did them but they are not exactly everyday winter wear. Arrrgh, I have had frilly rib condition too.
Just ordered yarn for the Okapi jumper, from Ravelry. It's neck-down, 1 piece with some short-row shaping, so should be challenging enough to keep me interested. I'm not doing the same degree of tweediness, though, mine will be flat black in the main.
View attachment 106364
2 and a half years later, it's finally off the needles. It didn't turn out interesting enough, and life got in the way, but at least I finished it. Damned neck keeps rolling over too much, though :mad:
One of the presents I am knitting involves minecraft...which translates into stitches very easily. Have just done a whole set of 'Steve'. 8x8 stitches makes a neat 1inch icon so 'Mushroom','Oink' and 'Creepe'r are joining 'Steve' on this hat. Millions of bloody stitches on teeny 2mm needles though.
FFS, while eldest's hat is too big, the Minecraft one is coming out too small because so many yarns, carried over the back means no 'ease'. After 60 intricate rows, I am not walking back on this - there is no option but to...(gasp) cut the work and insert a panel...aka steeking. Amazingly, the formerly unpalatable job of frogging back most of a Latvian mitten suddenly seems more appealing.

2 and a half years later, it's finally off the needles. It didn't turn out interesting enough, and life got in the way, but at least I finished it. Damned neck keeps rolling over too much, though :mad:
A curled neckline, especially a wide, boat neck shape, looks OK with rolling, Moose. It's a look.
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