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Could you go out with someone if they went the full anti-vaxx/Covid denial biscuit?


As a follow up to this thread (and the rise of dating profiles where people state that they only want to meet anti-vaxx partners), I wondered if I could go out with someone - or continue to go out with someone - if they went full-on, mega-militant/Covid-denial/Bill Gates/5G-paedo/QAnon/anti-vaxx batshit.

I'm not sure if I could, to be honest. How about you?

*post edited to include all related covid groups
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Not if they went "mega-militant paedo" but the other things are probably redeemable - the world's full of former conspiracy theory believers.
Absolutely not. Not even friends. The ex of someone I know has always been an earth mother / natural food / anti-vax / hippie type and she's gone completely off the wall the last few years with covid, now claiming the floods in N. Europe recently were the elites with their weather control technology. She's also taken the kids abroad as it's too dangerous with the vaccines here etc. and he's facing a huge struggle to get them back. So, no. Even if they seem just a bit weird at first.
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I mean, the wishy-washy, contradictory, hates to give definite answers to things part of me wants to point out that humans are strange and unpredictable beasties, and people can often be brilliant in many ways while being terrible in others, so who knows? Also I suppose it's worth pointing out that there's at least a few of us on the boards who manage to negotiate living with people who are anti-vax, which is arguably more intimate than just dating someone in some ways? Having said that, first appearances count for a lot, and if I met someone who fit that description I'd probably write them off as a twat, so it's very unlikely. But, as someone who hates to give a straight answer to a straight question, I suppose that maybe if I was trapped with a QAnoner in a lift for 24 hours, or we were both stranded in the wilderness together for a week or something, maybe we'd learn to look past our surface differences and discover all the wonderful things we had in common, or at least develop Stockholm syndrome together, so I'm going to say "maybe but only under very specific, fairly unlikely circumstances."
I mean, the wishy-washy, contradictory, hates to give definite answers to things part of me wants to point out that humans are strange and unpredictable beasties, and people can often be brilliant in many ways while being terrible in others, so who knows? Also I suppose it's worth pointing out that there's at least a few of us on the boards who manage to negotiate living with people who are anti-vax, which is arguably more intimate than just dating someone in some ways? Having said that, first appearances count for a lot, and if I met someone who fit that description I'd probably write them off as a twat, so it's very unlikely. But, as someone who hates to give a straight answer to a straight question, I suppose that maybe if I was trapped with a QAnoner in a lift for 24 hours, or we were both stranded in the wilderness together for a week or something, maybe we'd learn to look past our surface differences and discover all the wonderful things we had in common, or at least develop Stockholm syndrome together, so I'm going to say "maybe but only under very specific, fairly unlikely circumstances."

FFS, you're so damn reasonable! :mad: ;)
I only realised the other day the additional value of people stating 'vaccinated' on their online dating profiles; I had thought it was just to say "I'm vaccinated therefore much less likely to become infected and pass it on to you" but I just clocked that it also means: Swipe left conspiraloons, let's not waste your time or mine
I only realised the other day the additional value of people stating 'vaccinated' on their online dating profiles; I had thought it was just to say "I'm vaccinated therefore much less likely to become infected and pass it on to you" but I just clocked that it also means: Swipe left conspiraloons, let's not waste your time or mine
I sort of think of it as one more very minor way of putting pressure on whoever's still left wavering in the middle ground on this stuff, like it might not do that much to change anyone's mind by itself, but as a cumulative thing, anything we can do to show that getting vaxxed is the norm and conspiraloons are are actually marginal, no matter how much noise they make, has to help a little bit. I reckon.
Really don't want anything to do with conspiracy, new age, read it on Facebook , civil liberty, hippy, alternative medicine, 'them above' , 'the powers that be', 'they', 'I am a freeman not a number ' assorted loony tunes type beans with or without covid tbh.
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I doubt I'd end up going on a date with someone with extreme views on this stuff - there hasn't been a lot else on recently, so it's inconceivable it's not something that would come up in the screening stage. Someone you're in an established relationship with who hadn't previously been into this stuff though? Much more tricky. A lot of the people I know who've ended up being covid deniers or militantly anti-vax are people with very fragile mental health, and it's difficult to disentangle the scepticism from their psychiatric problems. I've no idea how I'd deal with it if I was actually in love with one of them.
It is quite hard for people in long term relationships when an issue that was never there to begin with suddenly brings to light a big chasm between two people. Brexit did this to many relationships and now covid-19 and the vaccine :( I've been hearing of so many families breaking down on account of a parent/child/partner being obsessively anti-vaxx or pro-Brexit. It's really sad. There was a podcast about, will see if I can find it.

It's a lot easier NOT to start a relationship when there's such a divide, but when it comes into long established, very intertwined, deep relationships it's a nightmare.

Here's an article https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/05/covid-19-vaccine-politics-are-tearing-apart-families.html
Really don't want anything to do with conspiracy, new age, read it on Facebook , civil liberty, hippy, alternative medicine, 'them above' , 'the powers that be', 'they', 'I am a freeman not a number ' assorted loony tunes types been without covid tbh.
The fundamental problem for me is that I have to respect the person I'm with. And I can't respect anyone who swallows the whole QAnon/anti-vaxx thing.
My wife was saying for months that she wouldn't have the vaccine. Then when she got offered it before me (due to having had gestational diabetes we think) she practically bit their arms off. I said all along I'd have it and then didn't bother for a couple of months (I'm double jabbed now).

And I don't date anymore thank god.
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