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Could this be a new chance for the left?

tbaldwin said:
But the organised left are not exactly succesful either are they. For all the anti blair hysteria look at the size of the organised left in 1997 and look at it now. It either shows that lots of dissillusioned lefties have no faith in far left groups or perhaps they dont quite hate NL as much as they pretend.

I see you've forgotten to mention how much the Labour party itself has contracted membership-wise.

Why do you think that is, eh balders?
ViolentPanda said:
I see you've forgotten to mention how much the Labour party itself has contracted membership-wise.

Why do you think that is, eh balders?

I think its that Liberals are idealistic but have difficulty with pragmatism and making difficult choices.
NL were bound to disappoint people and they have got lots badly wrong. Such as PPP,PFI,Public transport and the failure on anti social crime.

But there is no evidence of any dissillusionment with NL leading to anything remotely positive for people on the Left.
Stanley, might be better to stick to espousing the case for YOUR side.

On OUR side, things are regenerating very, very nicely, thank you.

But it hasn't hit the Murdoch media yet.

Always were a bit, shall we say, dim, weren't they? Those terribly intelligent and principled Fourth Esatists who were going to turn all the lights out when Prime Minister Neil Kinnock was rightfully elected in 1992.

Incidentally, Lenin INSISTED on lights being turned off religiously in the Kremlin. Way ahead of his time, that man. Although I think that possibly it wasn't environmental - electrification of Russia added to global warming.

In 2006 instead of 1905 maybe we all better get used to candles.



The organised left are much weaker now than they were in 97. Matthew your a dreamer. There can be no Socialism without popular support. And how many people voted for the Greens or Respect last time. The far left is dying and it's silly to pretend otherwise.
What happened to the Socialist Labour Party or the SWP or Militant have any of them got more members now than in 97?
Fullyplumped said:
Well of course I was a glum teenager, and I did hang out with Barclay James Harvest fans until I got into punk (in a fairly restrained way - I was in the 5% that got into Uni). But everything else was true too. Sunny Jim, NALGO and NUPE's corpses, power cuts - these were the reality of that time. You humming the Hovis ad tune doesn't make it a better memory. In 1979 millions of voters, mainly in English constituencies, voted to reject it all and just look what happened.

Few myths here - there were no Nalgo members who were gravediggers, and two million more people voted Labour in 1979 when they lost, than in 2005 when they won (I was one of them in 1979 and I wasn't voting for Sunny Jim I can assure you).

Oh yes and BJH only wrote one good tune ...
articul8 said:
the article you cite is from ex-militants who split and stayed in the labour party. It is a tired sectarian justification for staying in the labour party under the delusion that you are at the heart of the labour movement, when really they are an uttery isolated rump.

What a brilliant critique!!
Should I click the link as well? :)
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