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Could the conspiraloons sink any lower?

It's worse than ambulance chasing. It's suggesting that the ambulance was being used as a getaway vehicle by Elvis, after he'd shot JFK. Or something.
You don't get it! There's no such thing as chance, just Plans we haven't discovered yet!
Eyewitness accounts describe police hiding behind trees and failing to pursue the killer, while ordering the school to be placed on lockdown so nobody could escape the carnage..

LOL. Gotta be a setup then.

:D :eek:
dylanredefined said:
Must be a black op cos no sane country would let a deranged loony buy a hand gun .Oh wait ,sad wankers.:(
STOP PRESS! The link also describes Thomas Hamilton's connections with the Freemasons.
Anothe rbunch of nutcases, the Scientologists, are claiming a link between psychiatric drugs and the shooting, along with another eight school shootings.

According to breaking news from investigators at Virginia Tech, Cho may have taken depression drugs—documented by the Food and Drug Administration to cause suicidal behavior, mania, psychosis, hallucinations, hostility and “homicidal ideation.” If Cho Seung-Hui’s psychiatric drug use is confirmed, it would bring the total to 61 killed and 77 wounded by psychiatric drug-induced school shootings.

I only know this because I received an email from a hotel in Cornwall that I once made a booking enquiry of, which I have since found out is run by a prominent Scientologist. I get these loony emails from them every now and again, despite repeated requests to remove my address from their mailing list.
Belushi said:
Nah, I remember the 'Soham murders done by Yank servicemen its all a cover up' claims.

Yep, but that did have a degree of plausibility, in that there was an airbase nearby where the bodies were found.

The loonspuddery mentioned in the OP doesn't even have a ninute fraction of the (not very great) plausibility that the Soham CT did.
editor said:
I'm just waiting for the clear and obvious connection to 9/11 to emerge.

There's bound to be one! :D

And if there isn't, one will be manufactured. In fact, if Vialls wasn't dead, there'd probably already be one!
the button said:
http://www.info * wars.com/articles/us/va_tech_massacre_another_gov_black_op.htm

(Link broken with *)

Sweet suffering christ, I thought the 9/11 stuff was deranged enough.

Okay, so you don't agree with this. WTF have you got such a problem with the fact that other people do, or at least take it serriously? Aren't we all entitled to our views?

I don't know for sure one way or another, but I try and keep an open mind. I thought yesterday it might be a black op, and I posted yesterday to this effect.

For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.
Meltingpot said:
Okay, so you don't agree with this. WTF have you got such a problem with the fact that other people do, or at least take it serriously? Aren't we all entitled to our views?

I don't know for sure one way or another, but I try and keep an open mind. I thought yesterday it might be a black op, and I posted yesterday to this effect.

For those with more open minds than anyone who's posted in this thread so far, the connection you're looking for isn't 9/11, but a prior visit by this gunman to a CIA-sponsored psychiatrist.
You're entitled to your views, but if you're so fucking stupid to belive this shite we're entitiled to point, laugh, wet ourselves laughing, change our soiled underwear (whilst still laughing) and then hit you about the head with a cricket bat*

*Ok, maybe not this bit.
Right, my back is up now which is a first for this site. You've been rude to me, I'll be more polite to you.

Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op. I'm not saying I know it was, just that it might have been.

I'm all ears, as editor likes to say.....
How does anyone know for certain?
Especially when they're sitting several degrees of whispers and an internet connection away from what actually happened?

All we can do is offer up probabilities. And based on the information we do have, I'd say we're looking at a lonely, mentally unwell student who cracked up and took it out on those around him. That's the most likely explanation. Anyone proposing a more unlikely one will have to provide evidence to back that claim up.
Meltingpot said:
Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op.

You have a method for proving negatives?

Generations of philosophers have wasted their lives, waiting for you to arrive?
I was having trouble finding the original story from the link given; here it is.

It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.
Meltingpot said:
Right, my back is up now which is a first for this site. You've been rude to me, I'll be more polite to you.

Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op. I'm not saying I know it was, just that it might have been.

I'm all ears, as editor likes to say.....

He's right we don't know for certain. You might also consider that the gunman was a teletubby, in disguise, attempting to prove his worth to a ruthless US street gang.

Can YOU prove it wasn't? Even if you can, you might just be working for THEM.
Meltingpot said:
Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op. I'm not saying I know it was, just that it might have been.

You're funny. Can we keep you as a pet? :D
Jazzz said:
I was having trouble finding the original story from the link given; here it is.

It does seem bloody strange to me that a killer could be on the loose for about 2 hours before anyone did anything about it.

Conspiracy or Cock-up?
Meltingpot said:
Right, my back is up now which is a first for this site. You've been rude to me, I'll be more polite to you.

Tell me how you know for certain that this wasn't a psy op. I'm not saying I know it was, just that it might have been.

I'm all ears, as editor likes to say.....
So i'm to waste my life trying to find where in that pack of delusions there's a mention of a CIA sponsored shrink?

Because once that's been found the evidence will be so tenuous as to be worthless and you'll just run off on another point.

I have little patience with conspiraloons. But you're right, as of yet i haven't given you the benifit of the doubt. I'll try to cut back on the swearing for a start.
STFC said:
I only know this because I received an email from a hotel in Cornwall that I once made a booking enquiry of, which I have since found out is run by a prominent Scientologist. I get these loony emails from them every now and again, despite repeated requests to remove my address from their mailing list.
Well known fact about Scientologists: once they have you on their mailing list, you'll never get off. Actually, it's probably a good way of finding out if there is an afterlife, because if anyone's got a way of contacting people on the "other side", it'd be Scientology's marketing department...

Traditionally, you took Scn's marketing mailshot's reply-paid envelope, sellotaped it to a brick (or just stuffed it with all your other junk mail), and put it in the post. With email, there really isn't that option. :(
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