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Cost of living- what’s going to happen?

The French are better at centralised action than us. Also they've got loads of nukes providing baseload. A situation they are in because they are better at centralised action than us...
What does that mean in this context centralised action?
Their government just did it didn’t they? Decided to tell the energy companies 4% that’s it and state pays the difference. They did it back in January.
not in the arab spring....was the yellow vest movement a result of things getting better? Poll tax riots? 2011 riots? Student fees actions of 2010? Brixton uprising 1981?

im not sure what revolutionary moments you are thinking of, but there are no doubt lots of historical moments of public rage in response to immediate suffering.
The poll tax riots, grant you. That was a flash point and many many got behind those and other actions.

I wonder if there's a big Tory manual of don't do X after what happened in [date]
Aren't the gas and electric now going up another 70% in winter now and 50% on top of that in the new year? I saw Martin Lewis freaking out about it. It's going to be huge for me, and I am well aware that I am in a far better position than most.
What does that mean in this context centralised action?
Their government just did it didn’t they? Decided to tell the energy companies 4% that’s it and state pays the difference. They did it back in January.
Exactly. The French aren't as afraid to take centralised government action. Like telling the energy companies to fuck off. And of course EDF (like RWE) are still state owned...
I honestly don't know... I think unaffordability might actually be the one thing that could push the British people to actually rise up. A mass non-payment of energy bills seems not impossible, in the very least. Even if for no other reason that so many people will simply not be able to pay it, full stop.
If you study the history of actual disorder (UK) and revolutions (most other places) they almost always kick off once things start getting better. Not as things are getting worse.
I thought it was the other way around, that it was when things had been getting better and then started getting worse? What's called the J-curve model, although it's actually more like an upside-down J? That's what James Davies said anyway.
Why would the Tories allow an uprising when they can just borrow more cash and hand it out, which they will do just enough to avoid unrest.
things are spiralling now but for a lot of people things were looking up 12 months ago. So everyone sort of had hope for a better a future that's been ripped away
I thought it was the other way around, that it was when things had been getting better and then started getting worse? What's called the J-curve model, although it's actually more like an upside-down J? That's what James Davies said anyway.
Interesting that is. Not sure we meet the criteria of an objective prolonged social & economic improvement followed by a short sharp decline though. So he’d probably say we’re not ripe.
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