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I am psychologicly near broken down, seeing stuff like
Our village has lots of infected, people who die get immediately burnt, government basically doesn't allow anyone to report, anyone who sends it on weixin gets detained.
I am psychologicly near broken down, seeing stuff like
Our village has lots of infected, people who die get immediately burnt, government basically doesn't allow anyone to report, anyone who sends it on weixin gets detained.

Was that post by someone you know? Are there loads of posts like that? Just trying to get a measure on this, and understand why 'leaks' like that are not getting a mention in our media, even it they are mentioned as 'unconfirmed reports'.

The authorities must be barking mad, it's not like they can keep something like that covered up for long, even in China.
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I am psychologicly near broken down, seeing stuff like
Our village has lots of infected, people who die get immediately burnt, government basically doesn't allow anyone to report, anyone who sends it on weixin gets detained.

It must be so hard reading this stuff, even if isome of it might (hopefully) be misinformation it must be dreadfully upsetting and worrying.

I’m sending a lot of love out into the aether my right now x
I am psychologicly near broken down, seeing stuff like
Our village has lots of infected, people who die get immediately burnt, government basically doesn't allow anyone to report, anyone who sends it on weixin gets detained.

Jesus Christ...

I have a friend who went to Wuhan between the 16th and 18th.
A sudden severe pain started in his arm yesterday, but his outward appearance was as normal. The pain is as when he previously has peliosis. I'm asking is this pneumonia?
He also hasn't got a cold or a temperature, but seeing as the pneumonia this time doesn't have the classical symptoms, my friend is staying at home alone. He is very extremely worried, there's no one to save him.
Was that post by someone you know? Are there loads of posts like that? Just trying to get a measure on this, and understand why 'leaks' like that are not getting a mention in our media, even it they are mentioned as 'unconfirmed reports'.

The authorities must be barking mad, it's not like they can keep something like that covered up for long, even in China.

The source seems to be this Twitter account.

Uyghur activist Twitters also reporting that Han students returning from Wuhan to Xinjiang are also being detained in the concentration camps used for holding Uyghurs.

You said in your post that "they can't keep something like that covered up for long, even in China." Well, they managed to keep the detention of millions of ethnic minorities largely covered up within Mainland China, and to some extent were successful at obfuscating the situation overseas enough to create an element of doubt.

It is not unheard of for terrible things to happen in villages in China that nobody ever hears about, or at least never go beyond rumours. I've heard some pretty grim rumours about how the HIV crisis in parts of Henan province was dealt with in the early 00s. Bear in mind a lot of the time it is local officials clearing up their mess, and central government or even provincial government might not get wind of it. If that post is true, it is unlikely to be ordered by central government, but there are scenarios that I could imagine leading to it - if the village officials had done something stupid to cause the virus to spread, then they may now be taking extreme measures to hide their mistake. We shouldn't believe things posted on Twitter outright, but I don't think it is too far-fetched a situation, although I really hope it isn't true.

The big political risk here is that usually this kind of thing that needs to be covered up is restricted to a specific location and they are able to contain news coming out about it. There were some serious pension protests by PLA veterans a year or two ago, which rumour has it got quite violent and there were also roads blocked and communications blocked out of effected counties. This could still be covered up because it was limited to certain counties.

However, the fact that this has thrown the entire country into a crisis is very unusual, and makes it much harder for them to control social media posts about it. The long term political consequences could be earth shattering.
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The source seems to be this Twitter account.

Uyghur activist Twitters also reporting that Han students returning from Wuhan to Xinjiang are also being detained in the concentration camps used for holding Uyghurs.

Puzzling that students are returning from Wuhan to Xinjiang, when the city is supposed to be in lock down. :hmm:

I hope this stuff is just rumours/misinformation, not that I trust the Chinese authorities, but these 'reports' are off the scale.
I don't think posting unverified Twitter rumours is helpful right now. The situation is frightening enough.

Well, the problem is the official sources are not reliable sources of information and information is being repressed. For Chinese news, unverified reports coming out on social media have more value than they do in jurisdictions where the media is generally reliable, biases notwithstanding. We certainly should treat them with skepticism, but piecing them together can give us some idea of what is going on.

The difficulty in judging rumour and fact is likely contributing to the sense of panic, and I have a feeling that panic and over-reaction may turn out to be more of a problem than the disease itself, although time will tell.
Puzzling that students are returning from Wuhan to Xinjiang, when the city is supposed to be in lock down. :hmm:

I hope this stuff is just rumours/misinformation, not that I trust the Chinese authorities, but these 'reports' are off the scale.

I guess they returned prior to the lockdown, which was only a few days ago. University terms finished earlier than that.
Information is bloody terrible. Officially 600ish infected in Wuhan but various figures floating about; 1万,9万 (10k, 90k). This rumour mill type stuff probably isn’t helping, China really needs to be looking at getting some independent experts in for verification.

The last official stats for China I saw were 1975 cases confirmed, which includes 324 severe cases and 56 deaths, and 49 patients recovered and discharged. There are also 2684 suspected cases.

I have not looked at Wuham-specific numbers for some time. I will have a look at some point to see if that data is available on an ongoing basis.

I dont think there is much point expecting China to do what it is unlikely any other country would be able to do at this stage. Its incredibly rare to get actual accurate numbers of people infected by something, if human to human spread happens readily and many cases are mild or asymptomatic.

Rather what normally happens under such conditions is that later on, serological testing of samples of the population at large is used to give an indication of actual infection rates. This is where they figure out what antibodies are left in peoples systems for a good while ater the actual infection has passed, and look for those.

Anyway, main point is that what it is realistic to expect of China and of infection stats in general depends on several aspects of the disease. And the latest comments about some of its characteristics do not give cause for hope, this is starting to sound like something that will not be contained or measured in the way SARS was.
I suppose in terms of the latest news, the 'the transmission ability of this virus is getting stronger' bit especially requires further info. I havent gone looking for expect opinion on this today yet, but I'm sort of expecting to see some confusion about what this actually refers to. Maybe I will be completely wrong about this, I'll let you know.
I will be astounded if the stories about cremation are true.

I'm not even going to try to start to deal with all the FUD. Faith in authorities and official info always goes pear shaped in these situations, and when its a country with the oppressive attributes of China, such concerns are going to be further magnified. Most of it will be bollocks but from the comfort of my chair in the UK, there would always be the risk that I would dismiss something that actually turned out to be true.
A distessed and near tearful chinese coworker confided to me that her whole family, mother 50, brother 12, and grandma in her 90's, are trapped in the cities in Wuhan province.
I told her not worry too much.
The last official stats for China I saw were 1975 cases confirmed, which includes 324 severe cases and 56 deaths, and 49 patients recovered and discharged. There are also 2684 suspected cases.

I have not looked at Wuham-specific numbers for some time. I will have a look at some point to see if that data is available on an ongoing basis.

I dont think there is much point expecting China to do what it is unlikely any other country would be able to do at this stage. Its incredibly rare to get actual accurate numbers of people infected by something, if human to human spread happens readily and many cases are mild or asymptomatic.

Rather what normally happens under such conditions is that later on, serological testing of samples of the population at large is used to give an indication of actual infection rates. This is where they figure out what antibodies are left in peoples systems for a good while ater the actual infection has passed, and look for those.

Anyway, main point is that what it is realistic to expect of China and of infection stats in general depends on several aspects of the disease. And the latest comments about some of its characteristics do not give cause for hope, this is starting to sound like something that will not be contained or measured in the way SARS was.

I forget where I saw it, be bbc/graun or something. Specifically cases in Wuhan. Somewhat academic; 600-1600 in Wuhan say. The other numbers are those doing the rounds on wechat and are certainly wrong, but indicate a lack of trust in official figures... hearsay like ‘a doctor is saying’ etc. My point is that there is very little clear info coming out, and that would not necessarily be the case elsewhere. I mean yes infection rates would be impossible to give accurately, but you would at least have confirmed reports from hospitals, interviews with doctors etc.
I'm not even going to try to start to deal with all the FUD. Faith in authorities and official info always goes pear shaped in these situations, and when its a country with the oppressive attributes of China, such concerns are going to be further magnified. Most of it will be bollocks but from the comfort of my chair in the UK, there would always be the risk that I would dismiss something that actually turned out to be true.
There's no political consequences to an official for just being in charge of a secondary outbreak site, but plenty for failure to report and the rest. Makes no sense.
Of course it is the weekend here and British journalists are not working. I expect there will be more information on Monday.
Does anyone have info on what’s happening in Shanghai with regards to this?

The official number infected is 40 with 1 death. I am sure this is an underestimation, but I don't think quite as much as an underestimation as in Wuhan or the rest of Hubei. From what I gather they are not locked down, roads and trains are open, but a lot of venues are shutdown, university and school terms have delayed starts, and interprovincial buses are cancelled.
Of course it is the weekend here and British journalists are not working.

They don't stop working at weekends. :D

Most news media organisations are 24/7 operations, otherwise we wouldn't have Sunday & Monday papers, nor Sky & BBC news channels at the weekend. Newspaper journalists will be currently updating websites & producing copy for the tomorrow's papers, the nationals go to press tonight.

The number tested in the UK has gone up to 52, all examinations were confirmed as negative, so it appears the only confirmed cases in Europe remain those in France.

cupid_stunt yes of course you are right about the journalists. I was just thinking of the empty newsrooms that you can see on the BBC broadcasts. But that is probably evenings.
Well its a little frighting with the news stories

it does not appear to have the characterstics of the spanish flu, which is a little comforting
seems more deadly to people with underlying complants and the normal dangerours to people suspectable to the normal flu, the old and the young

as oppose to the spanish flu which killed the healthiest
Its not flu, and every time I see one of the shit tabloids call it flu I get annoyed.

I dont think there is anything comfortable about viral pneumonia.
Uyghur activist Twitters also reporting that Han students returning from Wuhan to Xinjiang are also being detained in the concentration camps used for holding Uyghurs.

Not surprising, I think if the government can't keep everybody healthy, they are at least going to make sure the Uighurs get sick, too. They also don't seem to be losing a lot of sleep over it reaching Hong Kong.
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