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it doesn’t say anything about severity and 40% of vaccines given were AZ.

Yes after the situation in Chile its clear things like this are interesting but obviously require much more interpretation as to draw any real conclusions from.
If Biden/Harris ae backing the waiver of intellectual property rights for vaccines, and share prices in the big companies have fallen in consequence, can I take it that the change will go ahead?

Or are things more complicated than that?? As in how long will these 'WTO negotiations' take? :confused:
The Neo-Hitlerite Merkel regime would rather millions died of COVID than poor little BioNTech have their intellectual property rights infringed. Vile fascist cunt and her gang of murderous neo-liberal technocrats.

feel free to tell us when they kill millions and invade Poland and Czechoslovakia.

The neo-liberal global capitalism the Merkel clique support kills millions every year. See also the 'fiscal waterboarding' imposed on Greece by the Merkel clique and fellow EU apparatchiks.
Whereas the Marxism you seem to support has given us nothing but flowers and cute puppies for the last century or so, presumably.

So it has taken til now for the CDC in the US to recognise this?? I thought this was known already?

This was an incredibly common area of bullshit and all manner of authorities dragged their heels as much as possible in terms of fully acknowledging this aspect. Largely because of the implications, they didnt like the impact that such a mode of transmission has on the rules and guidelines. The UK was slow on this stuff, not as slow as the USA but I expect if I study the detail then the UK acknowledgement of this still has its limits, and that aspects of our 'covid secure' guidance are nonsense when this stuff is properly considered. I've forgotten exactly when the UK started making ventilation part of its public health messaging, but it took a criminal amount of time to do so.
More depressing news from India, doctors are now being threaten with arrest for putting out appeals for oxygen. :mad:

A small private hospital in India's most populous state is being charged under the National Security Act for sounding the alarm over a lack of oxygen.

The director of the Sun Hospital in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh told Sky News he faced being arrested at any time and his business seized after the police laid charges against him.

Akilesh Pandey, who owns and runs the hospital in the state's capital, said four of his patients died on a single day when oxygen ran out.

He says he made repeated appeals to the state authorities warning them his supplies were running low but they failed to re-supply him with oxygen for 13 hours.
What unfolded in India is now unfolding in Nepal, hospitals are full and they are struggling to get oxygen supplies, only 1% of the population has been vaccinated, there's a lack of testing, but 44% of tests actually carried out are positive. :(

There are no hospital beds available, even for doctors and their families. Covid has exposed everybody’s vulnerability, except our leaders. Hospitals have run out of oxygen, and desperate calls on social media appealing for healthcare fill everyone’s feeds. Oxford University’s data tracking site shows a staggering 668% increase in confirmed Covid cases in the two weeks to 1 May, compared with the previous fortnight. On that day, the Red Cross reported that, nationally, 44% of all tests were positive.

There are fewer than 600 ventilators for the entire country. The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation predicts that Nepal will need well over 10,000 ventilators by 24 May. Health officials confirm that the resources to operate ventilators are equally limited. “Even if we have the ventilators, what can we do without oxygen?” said one official, as his phone kept ringing with pleas for more oxygen. My social media feed is also full of calls for ICU beds and the therapeutic drug Remdesivir.

And, another prick as PM, who has been telling Nepalis to manage Covid with herbal remedies such as turmeric water or guava leaf tea :facepalm: :mad:

What unfolded in India is now unfolding in Nepal, hospitals are full and they are struggling to get oxygen supplies, only 1% of the population has been vaccinated, there's a lack of testing, but 44% of tests actually carried out are positive. :(

No shortage of oxygen cylinders for scum expedition companies taking tourists up Everest: OPINION: Everest and COVID-19: What's going on and should they still be climbing?

"There have been calls for the season to be cancelled, and for expeditions to donate their oxygen to hospitals in Kathmandu where it is badly needed. Understandably, many clients who have paid $60,000 USD for an expedition do not want their operators to do that."
Since I ranted a fair bit in the early days about shortcomings, as well as making some mistakes of my own, I feel like I might be at a bit of a loss for words when it comes to covering the same ground with the benefit of hindsight. But I suppose I will still point out this sort of analysis when it emerges:

The panel, set up by the World Health Organization, said the combined response of the WHO and global governments was a "toxic cocktail".

The WHO should have declared a global emergency earlier than it did, its report said, adding that without urgent change the world was vulnerable to another major disease outbreak.

For example a long time before I got into disagreements with a few people about whether it was appropriate that I'd started to call it a bad pandemic unfolding before our eyes, there were other clear failures in response. I got as far as going back to see when I was making a red dwarf alert bulb changing joke in regards WHO failing to declare it a public health emergency of international concern, and it was January 24th 2020! #66

Not that I had great data back then, and I still cringe when I read myself entertaining the possibility that disease severity might not be as bad as some were concerned it was, due to distortions in available data during the early period.
Due to the lack of wood needed for cremations, and/or cost of it, it seems people are dumping bodies in rivers, in India. :(

Officials in Covid-ravaged India have erected a net across the Ganges after dozens of bodies of suspected coronavirus patients washed up.

Seventy-one corpses were said to have been found in Bihar, north-east India, sparking fears that the virus is raging in the country's rural areas.

Bihar's water resources minister Sanjay Kumar said on Twitter on Wednesday that a "net has been placed" in the river on the state border with Uttar Pradesh and patrols increased.

He added that the local government was "pained at both the tragedy as well as harm to the river Ganga" and said that examinations found the corpses had been dead for up to five days.
This was an incredibly common area of bullshit and all manner of authorities dragged their heels as much as possible in terms of fully acknowledging this aspect. Largely because of the implications, they didnt like the impact that such a mode of transmission has on the rules and guidelines. The UK was slow on this stuff, not as slow as the USA but I expect if I study the detail then the UK acknowledgement of this still has its limits, and that aspects of our 'covid secure' guidance are nonsense when this stuff is properly considered. I've forgotten exactly when the UK started making ventilation part of its public health messaging, but it took a criminal amount of time to do so.

It is flabbergasting how slow they were to officially recognise airborne transmission.
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Absolutely fucking insane, this is the official account of India’s ruling party. This is what they are doing right now. Deflect deny lie & do your best to blame Muslims.
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Too muxh (BJP! :mad: ) 'information' there for me to want to read all the detail very much :(

But I can't believe that there hasn't been someone smart, qualified and on-the-case enough, to write a detailed contradiction, with facts etc., of all those points in turn.

Let's hope so! :)
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