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If accurate this report from Brazil doesn’t look good for hopes of achieving herd immunity.

In case anyone reads Portuguese.

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If accurate this report from Brazil doesn’t look good for hopes of achieving herd immunity.

In case anyone reads Portuguese.

Depends on the number of hospitalizations and deaths tho surely? I mean if someone gets it twice but doesn't get very sick the second time around (and doesn't spread it to other people who could get terribly sick) it might not be that bad. However if there's no immunity at all that is a problem :(
"It is undoubtedly that we are in a second wave in Manaus, that we are having an increasing number of hospitalizations for serious cases of severe acute respiratory syndromes. This type of epidemiological scenario in which the City has increased the attendance at the basic health units, you has the state government increasing the number of beds for hospitalization for suspected and confirmed cases of covid-19, it is completely incompatible with the thesis that we have herd immunity ", he said.

Oh shit :(
The whole herd immunity story is nearly always treated too crudely anyway. We dont understand enough to make confident claims about it, the picture probably shifts continually. Also there are quite possibly other reasons why novel viruses may lead to waves of disease with troughs in between, even in the absence of effective mitigation. Some of those may be related to immunity in some way too but I just dont think enough is really known about the subject to really explore this properly.

New York is another place where some had high hopes due to the high levels of infection the first time around, but the authorities there are starting to express concern about their recent data.


The latest citywide daily positive test rate was 3.25%, De Blasio said, a rise attributed in part to nine zip codes city health officials say have seen worrying increases in cases. In some hotspots the positivity rate was 17%.

De Blasio said officials would first offer free masks to anyone caught not wearing one. If the person refuses, the mayor told reporters, they will face an unspecified fine.

“Our goal, of course, is to give everyone a free face mask,” the mayor said. “We don’t want to fine people, but if we have to we will.”
that's about four months after the first round of infections?

Depends what you use to define that earlier moment. Personally I would tend to go with the peak of infections, which was longer than 4 months ago.

Screenshot 2020-09-30 at 14.18.46.png

I dont think I can deduce much about immunity from it, since the timing of lockdown easing, peoples behaviour and season effects cannot be accounted for in a way that allows us to see any immunity-related stuff on its own. And I think lockdowns, behaviours and how long it takes to resurge once cases have been pushed to a low level can explain what has been seen all over the place, without even considering any immunity issues. Which isnt to say there arent any immunity things having an impact on the picture, just that they arent necessary to explain the picture seen so far.
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I thought "herd immunity" was just a code for not caring how many people get it, so long as the hospitals don't get so overwhelmed that the non-Covid death rate spirals out of control? If the population actually gets some immunity out of it, so much the better but I don't think it was actually the real intent.
I thought "herd immunity" was just a code for not caring how many people get it, so long as the hospitals don't get so overwhelmed that the non-Covid death rate spirals out of control? If the population actually gets some immunity out of it, so much the better but I don't think it was actually the real intent.

Not really. There are plenty of conditions out there where herd immunity is a viable option, its the basis of a lot of our vaccines. In the case of covid though it was optimism which has seemingly turned out to be misplaced. Lots of us wanted it to be a thing just as everyone hoped that the idea it was losing its potency was a thing. Unfortunately neither seems to be the case.

Its a pretty brutal way to think of it but if herd immunity was possible with covid and there was a certain trade off in deaths to achieve it most (all?) countries would have gone for it providing the trade off wasn't too high. I have no doubt the UK government would have traded 60k dead for herd immunity and a non-borked economy.

Unsurprising news that Turkey has been covering up the number of cases in a desperate attempt at attracting tourists/bragging.
Either I’ve got access to some kind of time travel portal or I’ve defin seen that before. I feel like I saw that way back in April or June, so I’m wondering has changed position at all.

But yeah, Black Death baby!

It has yea, it has moved along in position as it's overtaken various plagues. :(
Yeah, although good news is HIV is killing far fewer people than it used to. However, the pandemic has interrupted provision of aids drugs and treatments for other diseases :(

Laura Spinney's book on Spanish flu talks about how the flu had a knock on effect on worsening the effects of other diseases too which went untreated :( for example there were some very bad cholera outbreaks at the same time.
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