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Even if the rest of the world is on board with the idea of eliminating the virus entirely by all means necessary, the Muricans will resist because it’s communism and they have the right to die of the virus. So if Trump wins the next election (he will) any and all global efforts will be hampered by America refusing to comply. Plus there’s bound to be other despots who insist that vodka is the cure so let’s all play football, or god is the cure so let’s all go to church.

And how the fuck do we isolate test and treat everyone in Dharavi?

I think there's going to end up being two worlds: one where the virus been eradicated or suppressed to incredibly low levels, and that where it hasn't, and I don't think those two worlds will mix. I hope I'm just catastrophising.
Or you have to spend a couple of weeks in quarantine if you want to travel from one to the other?

Yeah, I agree. But if too many people entering your quarantine arrive with the virus, you then have to treat them. I don't see this being an attractive prospect for many nations. For sure, if they're your returning citizens, you'll suck it up, but if they're not? How many countries currently have proper centralized quarantine? Hong Kong, China, South Korea, New Zealand? I'm not sure which others. The only country I know of that's allowing non-citizens in to do this quarantine is SK. Are there others?
I think so, but then there can’t be many visitors at the best of times.

Edit - from the government site:

On 8 April, the Government announced steps towards a gradual and careful reopening of normal activities in the Faroe Islands. With regard to travel to and from the Faroe Islands, the advice remains the same. All Faroese citizens and residents with a permanent address in the Faroe Islands who are currently overseas on a short-term basis are advised to return to the Faroe Islands as soon as possible. All other non-essential travel should continue to be avoided. In addition, the authorities strongly advise anyone arriving in the Faroe Islands from overseas, regardless of nationality, to go directly into home quarantine for 14 days.
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Two Republican lawmakers in the House and Senate, respectively, have introduced legislation that would allow Americans to sue the Chinese government for damages caused by the coronavirus pandemic -- which U.S. officials have blamed on the Chinese.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, in the House and Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., in the Senate, would allow Americans to sue the communist country in federal court by amending the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act.

“By silencing doctors and journalists who tried to warn the world about the coronavirus, the Chinese Communist Party allowed the virus to spread quickly around the globe. Their decision to cover up the virus led to thousands of needless deaths and untold economic harm. It’s only appropriate that we hold the Chinese government accountable for the damage it has caused,” Cotton said in a statement.
Yes, for me it was always a question of who would do this first, individuals or a state .. I am not surprised the calls for compensation have occurred first in the USA.
Wondering which sectors will emerge least or most damaged from this crisis I do expect travel to lag other areas in getting to a significant recovery if indeed travel does recover significantly. At the moment so few countries are not hotspots whose travelers could be accepted as arrivals in other countries.
EU, Georgia Orthodox Christians are continuing ceremonies including giving blessings using a shared spoon.

Coronavirus is so small 300 million can fit on the head of a pin, how many then can fit on a shared spoon?

I think their parishioners are going to have cause to regret this!
Wondering which sectors will emerge least or most damaged from this crisis I do expect travel to lag other areas in getting to a significant recovery if indeed travel does recover significantly. At the moment so few countries are not hotspots whose travelers could be accepted as arrivals in other countries.

Online businesses will no doubt boom as they no doubt are now as delivery drivers have been classified as key workers so - no interruption of service.

The company I contract deliver for are making an absolute fortune right now.
I think there's going to end up being two worlds: one where the virus been eradicated or suppressed to incredibly low levels, and that where it hasn't, and I don't think those two worlds will mix. I hope I'm just catastrophising.

Or you have to spend a couple of weeks in quarantine if you want to travel from one to the other?

Sort of thing you'd read in a science fiction novel.
Marty should we be having a go at amazon on twitter regarding warehouse workers' and drivers' conditions? And if so what should we be saying?

Yes, though I can really only specifically speak for drivers.

If you want to attempt to make an impact regarding drivers then you need to criticise them for pushing massive routes onto drivers - over 200 parcels per route and keeping routes at 9hrs - they did for only one day drop them to 8hrs (for 9hrs pay). At the very least Amazon should be reducing the time of their routes to reduce exposure to drivers from this virus as their current ‘9hr’ routes are more like 10hrs.

To do these routes within 9hrs requires an inhuman pace of work that can create mistakes that could result in drivers exposing themselves and customers to potential contamination.
You said something before about fines or discipline for distancing mistakes that are impossible to avoid. Can you explain/ repeat that?
Sort of thing you'd read in a science fiction novel.

Yeah... I read Yu_Gi_Oh ’s post and had to go out into the garden and look at the tree to counteract the way I think made me feel (sending love to those who can’t go and look at a tree anytime they want to).

I don’t know enough sci-fi literature to do this, but I’d be interested to see a thread dedicated to books /plots etc that are being replicated by this situation.
You said something before about fines or discipline for distancing mistakes that are impossible to avoid. Can you explain/ repeat that?

Yes - all liability is put upon drivers - constant threat of immediate sacking (Amazon call this ‘off boarding’) if driver is found to have broken the 2 metre distancing between them and customer (they claim to randomly call customers to check this).

Whilst this 2 metre advice is obvious necessary safeguarding for both driver and customer - Amazon negate the thought that their routes are far too heavy (exploitative) which require drivers to work at a break neck speed where mistakes can easily be made at working at such a pace. Many drivers work 9-10hrs flat out, no break (how many people work like this?).

Amazon generate drivers routes and are the core route of these problems.
Haiti is really struggling.

Jamaica stats and protocols on a wiki page here

Because this hit in the winter, a fair few British Jamaican were over there when the lockdown happened. According to family members I've spoken with who are here, things are “okay for now” over there but they’re bracing themselves.
Puerto Rico, abandoned by Trump after the hurricanes and earthquakes, is going to get battered to fuck by the virus.

For every bit of Faroese-ish good news, there’s this horror show going on elsewhere.
Has this one been posted yet? Researchers modelled the spread of droplets from a cough in a supermarket-type environment with high shelving creating corridors and a ventilation system to move the air around. Note how many mins it takes for the cloud to disperse (6 mins) and the colour variation showing the height above ground level of the droplets. They rise up and over the shelving displays and drop down into the adjacent aisles...

And this was a simple cough, not even a sneeze!
Has this one been posted yet? Researchers modelled the spread of droplets from a cough in a supermarket-type environment with high shelving creating corridors and a ventilation system to move the air around. Note how many mins it takes for the cloud to disperse (6 mins) and the colour variation showing the height above ground level of the droplets. They rise up and over the shelving displays and drop down into the adjacent aisles...

And this was a simple cough, not even a sneeze!
I can't see the linked media, but yes droplet spread is a concern. The last time I was in the supermarket probably 95% of the people in there, me included, were not wearing masks.
Passed 2,000 confirmed deaths in Turkey now. Coming to the end of the second weekend curfew. This time, we were prepared and had lots of nice food (and beer). The best thing about the weekend curfew is that there is almost no traffic (police cars, army trucks, bread van and rubbish collection aside) and it's so peaceful. I can hear all the different birds. I even bought bird seed and saw loads of birds in the garden today.

Also, I've met neighbours I've never met before - the old lady upstairs has taken to coming down for a cigarette in the early evening. Over 65s aren't allowed out at all - it's been a month and she lives alone.
Passed 2,000 confirmed deaths in Turkey now. Coming to the end of the second weekend curfew. This time, we were prepared and had lots of nice food (and beer). The best thing about the weekend curfew is that there is almost no traffic (police cars, army trucks, bread van and rubbish collection aside) and it's so peaceful. I can hear all the different birds. I even bought bird seed and saw loads of birds in the garden today.

Also, I've met neighbours I've never met before - the old lady upstairs has taken to coming down for a cigarette in the early evening. Over 65s aren't allowed out at all - it's been a month and she lives alone.

Stay safe.
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