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Speaking tonight to someone, their work is self employed and with vulnerable people, nearly all of it they have now cancelled because of the risks of cross infection.

We are both practicing social distancing.
France shuts cafes and resteraunts bars cinemas and clubs, food shops pharmacies and banks will remain open.

Spain has moved to further restrict travel.

Italy continues with its lock down, Rome has Chinese advisors now (from Wuhan) who are recommending early detection and isolation.

Pretty much what I have been recommending for Britain.
German newspaper Welt am Sonntag has reported that US president Donald Trump has sought exclusive rights to a vaccine for the coronavirus which is being developed by a German-based company, CureVac.
The report, which quoted unnamed sources, said Trump had offered large sums of money to German scientists working on the vaccine.


(from here)
I don't see any reason to believe leaks via Peston as representing the future any more than random people on Facebook tbh. Even if he does have sources, policy and policy direction changes hour by hour.

Even if it's true it's a cunt's trick leaking it. Just going to lead to more panic buying and hoarding, which will disporportionately affect old folk; as well as undermining the effectiveness of whatever measures do happen.
US former Surgeon General explains nurses and doctors are reusing masks:

They also don’t have enough personal protective equipment. The doctors and nurses are having to reuse masks which they know is risky but they have no other choice. They are worried about running out of gowns and gloves as well. (5/x)

I was very naive I assumed that because of swine flu and MERS scares there would be a huge store of masks.
To quote my a friend who is a senior nurse 'great, will they be suppling trained staff who know how to operate the fucking things'
Indeed, I don't know much about ventilators but I expect they are quite complex to make and complex to use also :)

I don't think my employer has the skills to make a complete ventilator but perhaps we could make some components.
Over the border in Vietnam they have set up disinfectant showers in the street (a little eerie to me given European 20th century history, but I’m guessing they aren’t filled with zyklon b)

Austria banning gatherings of more than five. Presumably there's no large families in Austria. Chinese probably kicking themselves "we could have said 3!"

Gatherings outside residences.

Here is data on 8000 confirmed cases in Korea:


Worth noting that 10-19 occupy 5% of those confirmed positive and are thus liable to spread.
Those in their twenties are 28%.
Some virologists on twitter speculating the younger the person the longer incubation the period.

The only reason South Korea has been able to hold back the rise of cases is their extensive social contact tracing where these people have been and quarantining their families and associates.
The only reason South Korea has been able to hold back the rise of cases is their extensive social contact tracing where these people have been and quarantining their families and associates.
I believe this is a good strategy
I am hearing that UK manufacturers are going to be asked to make ventilators.

I wonder what skills and equipment are required to make them?

Not my field at all but I'd assume modern manufacturing facillities were pretty product-specific. Oh, and they're all in China. But I'm sure that won't be an issue.
Apparently there is a massive tunrover in acute nursing staff (not surprising really considering it is probably super high stress and involves watching people die) - my point being there must be a lot of trained ex-acute nursing staff out there who now work in other areas of the NHS. In addition, if you think of this as a war like situation, with sufficient work instructions on a highly specialised role i.e. how to keep a ventilator operating, a full nursing training is probably not necessary.
Not my field at all but I'd assume modern manufacturing facillities were pretty product-specific. Oh, and they're all in China. But I'm sure that won't be an issue.
Britain still makes cars, aero-engines, and weapons. All of which require a high degree of precision engineering.
Oh there will be UK manufacturers who can make ventilators. I was just wondering what one comprised .. the air element a bellows of some kind, some control electronics, mechanical movement, housings etc .. in addition there is probably an EN standard for them.
Apparently there is a massive tunrover in acute nursing staff (not surprising really considering it is probably super high stress and involves watching people die) - my point being there must be a lot of trained ex-acute nursing staff out there who now work in other areas of the NHS. In addition, if you think of this as a war like situation, with sufficient work instructions on a highly specialised role i.e. how to keep a ventilator operating, a full nursing training is probably not necessary.

My mum is an ex acute care nurse, now a psych nurse. If you want to tell her she's to go back on the wards with her bad knees and two years from retirement*, good luck with that.

*bearing in mind her retirement age, like countless women in her age bracket, was increased by six years in one go so she should be retired already.
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