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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

Being as you said anyone that can afford concert tickets.

Your lack of empathy and awareness on show.

Work on that and greater success in life can be yours.
This is patent nonsense and making shit up about what’s in my head.
Don’t fucking give me advice, you condescending piece of shit.
This is such a weird exchange - you must be on a windup. Deliberately misinterpreting my exasperation at rich entitled cunts as being judgmental of those who aren’t rich entitled cunts.
What a head scratcher. You must have skimmed my posts and come to the wrong conclusion. Slagging the rich off = judging the poor - wtf? :D
This is patent nonsense and making shit up about what’s in my head.
Don’t fucking give me advice, you condescending piece of shit.
This is such a weird exchange - you must be on a windup. Deliberately misinterpreting my exasperation at rich entitled cunts as being judgmental of those who aren’t rich entitled cunts.
What a head scratcher. You must have skimmed my posts and come to the wrong conclusion. Slagging the rich off = judging the poor - wtf? :D

if they can afford to buy a concert/gig ticket, they'll be flush enough to write off the cost.

People must have known that things might change when they bought the tickets. Sorry but if you can afford to spend £20 on a ticket, you can afford to lose it

you're not making any sense. these aren't poor people. these are wealthy concert goers

If you've got a spare £20-£100 for a ticket, then you've got enough spare money to forego it

They wouldn’t be at a food bank if they’re spending money on going out

People who can afford social lives are not strapped for cash

People who can afford to go out to a concert can’t be. Big arena gigs cost around £50, and then you’d have to get there, find somewhere to stay etc. could cos a few hundred

About what?
How there are people who are have a big enough disposable income to go to big concerts and we aren’t supposed to think it selfish of them to try and get their money back instead of help near bankrupt concert venues survive?
Stop it please. Why are you doing this? It seems deliberate now, deliberately misinterpreting what I said, when I said the opposite, just to wind me up.

Such a baffling series of posts .
People who can afford social lives are not strapped for cash
if they can afford to buy a concert/gig ticket, they'll be flush enough to write off the cost.

People must have known that things might change when they bought the tickets. Sorry but if you can afford to spend £20 on a ticket, you can afford to lose it

If you've got a spare £20-£100 for a ticket, then you've got enough spare money to forego it

You're suddenly sounding like a full-on Tory here mate and it's not a good look. Or maybe you're lost the ability to explain what you mean for the day.
It’s totally the opposite to what you’re saying! It’s a Tory thing to do to be grasping back money in that way
I’m defending the bands etc who are not going to be earning a living anymore if we’re not careful. The Tories are happy about this, cos they think ballet dancers should give up and get a job in IT instead.
I hope this thread reads differently in the morning as there are some huge misunderstandings going on. Night night
I hope this thread reads differently in the morning as there are some huge misunderstandings going on. Night night
Sorry but it doesn’t it makes you look really shitty and judgmental. Obviously B.I.G was being a dick too.

It’s not just ‘rich kids’ that buy gig tickets skint people do too. Your idea of who is rich seems odd and childish.
People save up for gigs they really want to go to.
I used to go to Glastonbury when I was on benefits but I’d save all year for my ticket, get money for Christmas etc
People on really tight budgets prioritise what any spare money goes on so for some it’s gigs and they go without to do that.
Things change for people. They lose jobs, bills going up, rent increases etc etc

Also, it’s actually none of your business how much money gig goers have and whether this means they deserve a refund.

I bought tickets to a festival and the tickets were rolled over to this year. I’d paid for them out of a lump sum I’d been given. I wanted to go but after Reading and Boardmasters covid figures I decided I couldn’t risk it until my booster as I’m CEV.
I wasn’t able to sell my tickets so the festival agreed to roll my ticket over again.
Was that wrong? Should I have just lost nearly £400?

I’ve lost out on lots of money this year on gigs and other stuff I couldn’t go to because I’m CEV and according to you that doesn’t matter because I’m rich yeah? I’m not.

Because I’ve lost that money, I’m far less able to rebook other gigs because I don’t have the cash and I have less money than I did last year or the year before when I booked these things.
I’m also less keen to because I know they might get cancelled or I could get told to shield again. So I’m not booking stuff I usually would have done.
What I took from that article, was that 'no-notice no-shows' can be quite damaging, in terms of lost bar/ merch revenue, and also its shit playing to half-empty venues (for the artist and the audience, though tbf right now there might be audience who aren't unhappy with the extra social distancing)

So if you can afford not to take a refund, by all means do that :thumbs: but maybe also try & let them know you're not coming, in case they're able to re-allocate your ticket?

Especially with smaller venues where they might actually be able to do that.
I’ve no idea where you are coming from with this. I’m not criticising anyone but those with disposable income who are petty enough to try and claw their money back while being aware of how precarious the industry is right now.
how about this.

you buy a ticket to a beloved act.

you forget that a large bill is due. large bill appears in account.

so you're suddenly skint. you then go and get your money back where you can.
how about this.

you buy a ticket to a beloved act.

you forget that a large bill is due. large bill appears in account.

so you're suddenly skint. you then go and get your money back where you can.
i dont understand this argument

even if i havent got a big bill im not going to give a promoter £100 out of charity, "to keep the scene alive" supposedly.
sorry i need that money for life in general
if they are offering refunds for whatever reason they can resell the ticket - i see no ethical problem.
Theres no refunds on events that go ahead as scheduled
i dont understand this argument

even if i havent got a big bill im not going to give a promoter £100 out of charity, "to keep the scene alive" supposedly.
sorry i need that money for life in general

Yes quite. If you want to donate some money to an act you can do it via Patreon (or even Spotify now) but I don't think buying a ticket comes with a moral responsibility to give them money if they don't keep up their end of the deal.
The last ticket I bought I paid a bit extra for "insurance" to be able to cancel and get refunded. I went.

Buying tickets in advance, especially a long way off never fails to result with the day finally coming around and being inconvenient/a hassle! Would much prefer to pay on the door but now often the price goes up a lot for that, plus certain things have limited capacity
Orang Utan people have different budgeting priorities.

I’ve been so skint I was only eating skipped food but I would spend money on gig or theatre tickets. I’ve bought tickets for plenty of events I hitchhiked to.

The show I’m booked to go to next week, if I don’t go that’s £27 I’ve wasted. I’m not that skint these days but that’s still a significant chunk of money for me & while it didn’t occur to me I’d even be able to get it back, it’s going to hurt if I end up not going.

I prioritise this kind of thing because actually going to these things will change my life, that’s why I budgeted for it all those years when I was living on fuck all.
Way things are going right now I'm not entirely confident about The Cure ticket I've just bought that's a whole fucking year away. :facepalm:
<eek> we've got loads booked for next year. (Kurt Elling in Feb, QCBA & Omar in March, Abyssinians in May and George Benson in June).
Thing is, you've got to have some stuff to look forward to haven't you? I don't really want to put everything on hold again.
Totally agree mate, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
3 of the gigs are at the Jazz Cafe and the other at The Royal Albert Hall.
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