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Coronavirus: music festivals, big gigs, sports events and big gatherings - going ahead and cancelled

This is their plan :thumbs:


At Alfresco we are committed to maintaining a safe environment for all in attendance.
We have designed our festival site to enable you to socialize safely within your groups of friends, maintain social distancing from others and be alert to the risks of Covid-19, while remaining part of the overall festival atmosphere of Alfresco.

We are one community responsible for each other. For your reassurance, we have listed below the carefully constructed safety measures that we have put in place. In collaboration with our measures, we ask that you please make yourself aware, act in a responsible manner and respect those around you at all times.

Let’s help each other bring music and dancing back into our lives safely.

We are committed to the following Covid-19 safety measures:
We will have a Covid-19 safety specialist on site, who will implement, monitor and constantly seek to improve our systems throughout the event.
We have all the details of the people attending the event through our ticket agency and they are checked as people enter. This will enable us to track and trace efficiently, should we need to.

There will be a well-ordered, staggered arrival system, with 2m of distance between groups at all times.

Our main bar area will have a perspex between the staff and the customers whilst drink is being served and this is operated on a one way queuing system with 2m distancing between customers. Cash is accepted on our bars BUT we have several PDQ machines and openly encourage contactless payments.

All Alfresco staff – cleaners, hosts, management and security are trained on every aspect of our Covid-19 safety operation and their responsibilities in enforcing it. All Alfresco staff will wear adequate PPE at all times and follow all guidance on Covid-19 news and how to travel safely.

We have a huge space over the whole festival site making social distancing very easy to accommodate.

All of the site’s portaloos will be spaced 2m between each with 2m floor markings for anyone waiting. Each portaloo represents an individual cubicle, with individual sinks and disinfectant wipes. There will be a dedicated cleaning team for these.

We have picnic benches and pallet seating areas to accommodate 400 and many also have their own blankets and furniture etc. All benches and furniture will be cleaned between uses.

DJ booths will be cleaned between uses.
Each evening as the outdoor areas close, the picnic tables will be moved into the later marquee tents.

Our Marquees will be at least 65% open sided with the only enclosed areas to assist in the maintaining of music level restrictions.
The Marquees are twice the size that we normally have for this amount of people, enabling large amounts of excess space in each to maintain social distancing.

There will be floor markings spaced correctly in the marquees, giving indications of where people can dance whilst still staying at a safe and social distance.

Signs will be placed throughout the site, reminding people of their responsibilities of social distancing and the washing of hands.
Cleaning and litter picking crews will be in operation for the whole duration, making sure all tables are constantly cleaned and sanitized.
All our campsite pitches will have enough space between them to maintain social distancing measures.

Sanitizer stations will be placed in the campsite facility area and various other locations throughout the site. They will be maintained and stocked 24/7.

Alfresco management will deal with any instances of anti-social behaviour effectively and safely to protect all on site.
Personal face coverings will be available to customers on site

Our priority is to maintain a safe and enjoyable festival atmosphere for all to enjoy.
The Alfresco Team
Shiiine On weekender at Butlins still haven’t cancelled and have taken people’s instalment payments today. They’ve built an outdoor stage but that’s no good in a cold November. It was freezing when I went in 2018.
I get that people are desperate to do something this year but even if this was allowed to go ahead it couldn’t be at capacity so there’d have to be cancellations. The atmosphere will be shit and you’ll have up to 8 households sharing chalets. Just get on and tell punters what’s happening!
We're aware of a mini-festival in Shropshire that might be going ahead in September -- strict maximum of 500 people, on a large farm..

It's being talked about very low-key on a Facebook page, so out of respect for the organiser (who I know a bit) I won't name it or link to it for now.

Our plan is to get tickets only in the week ahead, because we know the site/area, and we'll need it not to be muddy and rainy (van has been near-stuck there (= needed towing!) in the past :eek: ).
Also, we need to be sure it really will go ahead.

Hope so -- a number of good bands promised :)
We're likely (?) to have a (publicly listed) gig here in Swansea in November :)

The Selecter supported by From The Jam (= Bruce Foxton, but it'll be a greatest hits show :cool: )

In Swansea's currently largest indoor venue (Brangwyn Hall) with a limited-size audience.

We usually hold our August beer festival there, so we're reasonably confident it'll be safe, with distancing applied :) -- Council own the place after all!
We know a couple of the stewards too, so they can give us an idea nearer the time of how things will be organised.

We have tickets now anyway! :D
Maltas festival plans are no more:

Escape 2 The Island, Rhythm + Waves, BPM Festival: Malta and Mi Casa Festival have all been called off.

A statement from each festival says they are all "disappointed" not to be going ahead, after making a decision with the Maltese Tourism Authority.

Ticket holders, many who were from the UK, will receive a full refund.

"We didn't have that bad a lockdown, because we're an island we haven't really got as many people coming in," he told Newsbeat last week.

"We only had lockdown for one month.

"We had weeks and weeks of zero cases, which is why they decided to open up the festivals again."

He says that a recent event resulted in a spike in new cases.
We're aware of a mini-festival in Shropshire that might be going ahead in September -- strict maximum of 500 people, on a large farm..

It's being talked about very low-key on a Facebook page, so out of respect for the organiser (who I know a bit) I won't name it or link to it for now.

Our plan is to get tickets only in the week ahead, because we know the site/area, and we'll need it not to be muddy and rainy (van has been near-stuck there (= needed towing!) in the past :eek: ).
Also, we need to be sure it really will go ahead.

Hope so -- a number of good bands promised :)
It won’t happen.
We're likely (?) to have a (publicly listed) gig here in Swansea in November :)

The Selecter supported by From The Jam (= Bruce Foxton, but it'll be a greatest hits show :cool: )

In Swansea's currently largest indoor venue (Brangwyn Hall) with a limited-size audience.

We usually hold our August beer festival there, so we're reasonably confident it'll be safe, with distancing applied :) -- Council own the place after all!
We know a couple of the stewards too, so they can give us an idea nearer the time of how things will be organised.

We have tickets now anyway! :D
It probably won’t happen.
beesonthewhatnow : I'm far less confident about the September mini-festival than The Selecter gig (November).
But all our information so far is that they will be happening.

If they don't, we'll live, and we'll completely understand any reasons, but I'm still half-way optimistic for now. We'll see.
So in the last 24 hours one of the countries largest and most respected PA companies has had to lay off 50 staff, and one of the larger tourbus companies has laid off most of its staff also, and are saying their buses will have to be sold/returned.

If this carries on there won’t be any gigs next year simply because there won’t be any crew or kit to make them happen. The industry is rapidly heading off a cliff edge.
So in the last 24 hours one of the countries largest and most respected PA companies has had to lay off 50 staff, and one of the larger tourbus companies has laid off most of its staff also, and are saying their buses will have to be sold/returned.

If this carries on there won’t be any gigs next year simply because there won’t be any crew or kit to make them happen. The industry is rapidly heading off a cliff edge.

Ah fuck, which tourbus company?
I don’t think anything can really be considered as happening until we’ve got through the coming winter, and seen what/if/how any second wave/spike works.

There’s just way too many variables and potential hurdles otherwise. The big elephant in the room is still getting anything insured.
DJs on the mic in the post Covid lockdown era:

"Hey everyone - stop dancing! Don't sing along! Don't come near the DJ booth! Keep away from us! Sit back in your socially distanced seat and chat quietly!"
So in the last 24 hours one of the countries largest and most respected PA companies has had to lay off 50 staff, and one of the larger tourbus companies has laid off most of its staff also, and are saying their buses will have to be sold/returned.

If this carries on there won’t be any gigs next year simply because there won’t be any crew or kit to make them happen. The industry is rapidly heading off a cliff edge.
Heard there is some kind of industry demo action being organised for the 11th August, not sure the details.

I do wonder why there is so little support from the government for this. It's a massive industry. 5 times bigger than the fishing industry, as a friend put it.
as mentioned on the gigs thread, a mate who runs a couple of small venues here tells me there's a load of arts council support become available for smaller venues to allow them to put on gigs to very small audiences (his venue capacities will be about 30 and about 20 he reckons, down from 150 / 120). Dunno what else there is about, but it's unlikely just small venues being tagetted
Heard there is some kind of industry demo action being organised for the 11th August, not sure the details.
There's going to be a few around the country, London one is going to be on the Southbank

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