Where's the bloody sun?
I'll stick this quote here since its Hancock acknowledging that excess deaths is the true measure.
From 12:36 of
And the latest graph from Deaths in UK 'a fifth higher than normal levels'
View attachment 240251
I remember someone from the ONS being interviewed on TV around the end of April/early May, explaining they were only counting covid deaths, when covid was mentioned on the death certificate.
He went on to explain there were additional excess deaths, mainly put down to alzheimer's, dementia or a non specific cause such as 'old age', he said there was no reason for these peaks, and that they suspected that they should have been recorded as covid deaths.
Also a funeral director friend, who was dealing with a big increase in funerals, told me at the time that some doctors simply refused to put covid on the death certificate without a positive test, and of course we weren't testing much at the time, especially not testing people that had died.
All of which would suggest most, if not all, of those excesses deaths back at the peak were indeed down to covid.