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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

So up to 6 households can form a bubble? And each of those bubbles could, for 5 days, involve up to 3 alternative/temporary replacement (effectively additional) households, until they return to those households that usually form their bubble?

Someone please tell me I've got that wrong.
it's so Boris can see all of his kids

So up to 6 households can form a bubble? And each of those bubbles could, for 5 days, involve up to 3 alternative/temporary replacement (effectively additional) households, until they return to those households that usually form their bubble?

Someone please tell me I've got that wrong.
where did you get the 6 households bit from?
where did you get the 6 households bit from?
Each current support bubble comprises two households. Each support bubble counts as one household for purposes of Christmas. Three Christmas households will be allowed.
This is going to be an exam question in future years.

If one support bubble comprises two households, each support bubble counts as one household for the purposes of Christmas, and three Christmas households will be allowed, how many of his children will Boris Johnson be able to see?

Timeline for the next few weeks/months

(Mostly) Deprived areas move into Tier 3 restrictions. They don't have any disposable cash to chuck into the economy anyway right? Plus the plebs can't be trusted to behave themselves.

(Mostly) More affluent areas move into Tier 2. Middle class boomers flock to the shops en masse to prepare for a "family christmas", meet their friends for lunch at Zizzi's a couple of proseccos later they all pop round Joan's house for a couple of sherries because "it can't hurt". After all they're law abiding sensible folk who've paid their dues.

Chain pubs desperate to make up a shortfall offer crazy promotions on "Christmas non-party" bookings. Besuited mockneys in the "financial sector" swarm town centres getting pissed up and leary.

Meanwhile at the Universities thousands of students are gathered together for "mass testing" and then dispersed around the country.

A knackered, scared and confused populace gather with their elderly relatives at Christmas.

Johnson mumbles incherently something about " you probably shouldn't go out on NYE" during his televised address on Boxing Day. Nobody sees it, The Great Escape is on the other channel.

The broadsheets publish big glossy supplements on "quarantine free" ski destinations.

Noone is quite sure when the tiers kick back in, or even if they do. Apart from some people on the internet, they definitely know.

Some people gather in town centres on NYE. The pubs chuck out at 11.00 pm. Lots of street drinking follows. Some aggro with the cops.

Schools reopen

Hundreds of thousands of students travel all around the country again.

Covid cases soar. Johnson mutters somenthing about the selfish behavious on NYE means "we might have to think about introducing some stricter measures again, maybe, if you can't behave yourselves".

People start to talk about a looming "Lockdown III".

Half-term comes and goes with schools staying open, Gove announces that all exams will definitely take place. Relieved private school parents across Tier 2 go their quarantine free ski holdays.

Schools reopen.

Schools close a week later for a "factory reset" of two weeks.

Johnson tests positive for Covid again.

Lockdown III starts at the end of February...

So, do you think mass testing Will be effective?
Each current support bubble comprises two households. Each support bubble counts as one household for purposes of Christmas. Three Christmas households will be allowed.
basically this allows for (for example) me and my kids and my brother and his partner and kids to go to my mum & dads for a few days over christmas, should we want to. If my partner (who doesn't live with me) was in a support bubble with me, then she'd be able to come too. We wouldn't be able to visit anyone else during the christmas period.
Christ, my family are already trying to come up with arguments around how we could get four households together on Boxing Day in a sort of "X is already in a support bubble with Y & Z [bollocks, incidentally] so that's one household, so even with A there, that's only two households, so we can go and see them" type nonsense.

This is going to go on everywhere and hundreds of thousands are just going to ignore the three household rule.

Me? Well, if I was that bothered about going to my dad's, I would - he lives in the back end of nowhere, so unless his only neighbour shops us, no-one is going to know. But, actually, I'd rather go to the Boxing Day football, for the first time pretty much ever.

(I am delighted for people who want to spend xmas with family and can now as a result of this rule)
Christ, my family are already trying to come up with arguments around how we could get four households together on Boxing Day in a sort of "X is already in a support bubble with Y & Z [bollocks, incidentally] so that's one household, so even with A there, that's only two households, so we can go and see them" type nonsense.

This is going to go on everywhere and hundreds of thousands are just going to ignore the three household rule.

Me? Well, if I was that bothered about going to my dad's, I would - he lives in the back end of nowhere, so unless his only neighbour shops us, no-one is going to know. But, actually, I'd rather go to the Boxing Day football, for the first time pretty much ever.

(I am delighted for people who want to spend xmas with family and can now as a result of this rule)
Yeah but I think in my family we definitely won't go up to the max which we could, we usually do. Parents are older and vulnerable, it's just not worth the risk. Swings and roundabouts.
Yeah but I think in my family we definitely won't go up to the max which we could, we usually do. Parents are older and vulnerable, it's just not worth the risk. Swings and roundabouts.
My dad will be 77 on Boxing Day, but he's healthy, and not generally at risk in terms of being in a rural location. I doubt him and his wife are at risk, simply because they don't come into close contact with people very much and, I'm sure, they follow the rules. The likeliest vector into their house is my half siblings, plus one spouse, who will be there anyway. I'm more likely to pick up the virus at the football than I am at that family gathering.
Given that both my wife and daughter have had it, and I haven't, I'm sort of thinking I'm exempt anyway. (It's Ok, I know I'm not).
Sounds to me like it's just going to cause transport mayhem so I'd rather go and visit family a month or two later without all that and a five day limit, and maybe my more elderly relatives will have been given a vaccine by then meaning a bit less worry about them getting something as a result.
This is going to be an exam question in future years.

If one support bubble comprises two households, each support bubble counts as one household for the purposes of Christmas, and three Christmas households will be allowed, how many of his children will Boris Johnson be able to see?


“If Boris refuses to see his child does it exist?”
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