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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

We got the second communication from our elected, Labour, council leader yesterday. There was one three weeks ago saying the council was going to work very hard and no one would be evicted and lets all pull together. Not a word since, until yesterday.

When she wanted everyone to know that she, and all of us, wish Boris well and a speedy recovery.

Dore, no real legitimacy, wasn't she resigning soon.
I was in a Zoom meeting earlier today, the solicitor mentioned one of his clients has died in a Brighton care home, together with another 5, can't find anything on the local rags' websites, but hardly surprising when so many local reporters have been furloughed.

A care home owner said she had been contacted by the hospital asking if she could take a couple of patients in, she said she would but only if they had been tested & are negative, so that was the end of that conversation.

friend of mine, with lots of medics in family says nine died in care home here, can't find verification though.
I am generally impressed with how people are adhering to the lockdown. That doesn't mean I haven't spotted groups of people doing silly things or gathering from time to time. But I'm aware that the parks close to me have probably around 100,000 within walking distance of them (if I go in both directions). So if I spot 20 people being idiots, I think '20 out of 100,000, that's pretty good going'. And I know those few idiots won't be enough to undo the good work of everyone else. So I'm feeling impressed with people, all except the people screaming 'omg close the parks now, people are meeting their friends' because I can see it's about 20 people meeting their friends, and I think the health and mental health effects of stopping exercise will be far more damaging than allowing those idiots to be idiots.

Edit to add: obviously my numbers are made up, but the point is it's about realising how large urban populations are and how the few flouting the rules stand out.
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House parties i can imagine people thinking they could get away with...166 street parties in Manchester? Seems really unlikely to me. Since when has Manchester become Rio?
Unless "street party" means drinking White Lightning on a bench

find those figures dubious.
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New,snight last night was incredible back to its heydays in the 80's before they broadcast authored pieces by the architect of workfare, etc, it was like a electric shock, woke me up, the Govt/Tories are not going to be happy.

Its part of a wider phenomenon. The neoliberal shit died. It had been in poor health since the financial crisis, but the old interests prevented it from being killed off in the manner it clearly needed to be. So it staggered on, with heavy life support. But now the illusions seem impossible to sustain, so welcome back to reality.
I will not be doing the graph stuff I did recently every day, but I will post an update on it every so often, once more than a day or twos new data is added.

But I note that the Guardian, when reporting todays death figure for England, did point out the range of dates that these deaths actually happened on, and that was the main phenomenon I was trying to show with my graphs anyway:

6m ago 14:32

Of the 765 new hospital deaths announced today by NHS England, 140 occurred on April 8 while 568 took place between April 1 and April 7.

The remaining 57 deaths occurred in March, including two on March 19 and one on March 16.

Checking Shopping trolleys? Can't see any problems with this! :facepalm:

Defining what's essentials is impossible, they could decide alcohol isn't, but as a functioning alcoholic it's fucking essential, sudden withdrawal could result in serious medical problems or even death.
Northern Ireland!

Vets could help out in hospital intensive care units if the coronavirus crisis worsens, an executive minister has said.

Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots said staff were on standby if required.

He told a Stormont committee that they could be used to alleviate staffing pressures and help with some clinical roles.
Defining what's essentials is impossible, they could decide alcohol isn't, but as a functioning alcoholic it's fucking essential, sudden withdrawal could result in serious medical problems or even death.

They've backed up on this pretty rapidly since it was brought to their attention that they have no legal right to do it and no basis on which to decide what is an essential purchase and what isn't.

And besides, if you're already in the shop you might as well buy whatever you like. Avoiding the booze and crisps won't make a blind bit of difference to anything. There seems to be an idea, shared by several people on these boards but never quite voiced in such terms, that lockdown will only be effective if it's made to be as miserable and austere an experience as possible. To me the exact opposite is true, and we should encourage people to be as happy and content as possible within the already grim parameters that have had to be set.
Worth a watch, highlights the complete unpreparedness, the decline of the NHS, the need for heads to roll etc..

At one point in this video it mentions a minister who (yesterday?) when asked Why aren't we testing and tracing said this was something for poor countries to do < a response described by the panel as imperialist arrogance, or words to that effect. Sorry I cant find the bit now. Does anyone know to whom that was referring to?
At one point in this video it mentions a minister who (yesterday?) when asked Why aren't we testing and tracing said this was something for poor countries to do < a response described by the panel as imperialist arrogance, or words to that effect. Sorry I cant find the bit now. Does anyone know to whom that was referring to?

I think that was the Deputy CMO Jenny Harries.
At one point in this video it mentions a minister who (yesterday?) when asked Why aren't we testing and tracing said this was something for poor countries to do < a response described by the panel as imperialist arrogance, or words to that effect. Sorry I cant find the bit now. Does anyone know to whom that was referring to?
It was a week or so ago, and it was the deputy chief medical officer
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