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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

This is interesting
"Industries like manufacturing could return to normal before entertainment companies, according to Whitehall sources "

on my daily allotted bike ride I go through an industrial estate and ive noticed some welders making steel girders havent stopped working...i often wonder if they're just chancing it or have permission

Remember the actual guidance is that 'must work from home' doesn't apply if you can't work from home. I think most companies around where my workshop is are running to some degree. Particularly smaller ones.
It’s true though. Everyone’s got an excuse, everyone’s got a need. I rode my bike to my mums to have a chat (albeit via the window in their conservatory) with them today and picked up beer on the way home. Because I could.

We’re all idiots in this, there’s just a sliding scale some are further down.
my conscience is clear tbh
Here's one to be justifiably pissed off about.

Tried to defend himself by saying he was dropping off food and medication, despite the fact that local volunteers had been delivering their food. I know there are people who post here that are not visiting elderly relatives and see the same on my local mutual aid Facebook group. People from Sydenham asking for help for relatives in Catford.

Also this.

"In an article for the Mail on Sunday just over two weeks ago, Jenrick argued that rather than relatives travelling, local communities should help out. “While we create physical distance between ourselves, we must at the same time have closer social support for our neighbour,” he wrote."

Selfish hypocritical wanker.
Sure, but I'm doing my best, that's all anyone can do. And so are most people. The rush to indignation over every tiny - and often imagined - infraction is really depressing.
I just go with a base assumption that our best is basically rubbish, we’re all useless, and quite frankly fuck it. It’s all uphill with the occasional pleasant surprise from there :thumbs:
"Industries like manufacturing could return to normal before entertainment companies, according to Whitehall sources "
We are working (manufacturing), albeit with changes for extra safety, I talk with others daily, lots are working after a fashion with some exceptions. Medical companies, as one might expect, are busy - while in aerospace there have been closures (possibly furloughed for now). I find it hard to generalise, sometimes staff are all WFH, sometimes they are furloughed and sometimes the company is just shut with no one answering calls.

on my daily allotted bike ride I go through an industrial estate and ive noticed some welders making steel girders havent stopped working...i often wonder if they're just chancing it or have permission
Under the current lockdown regime you are allowed to go to work, if your work cannot be done at home. Hence lots of office workers are WFH while manufacturing with machinery requires companies stay open.

For the company it probably depends a lot on what your customers are doing, if they are still expecting deliveries then the worry is if you don't deliver and someone else can - you might return to work sometime later to find you don't have any customers left.
Whole street out tonight, pans and spoons, fireworks, foghorns from the docks, be as cynical as you want, it was just great to see everyone smiling and being together in a way that never happens usually.
We had an Elvis impersonator (full circa 1970 style white jumpsuit) and speaker/amp booming along whole road...unfortunately caused a bit of a crowd.:facepalm:
I was the only one out last time, though I could hear some pans being rattled down the lane, I leant out of my window tonight but not much going on here. (shame)
I haven't been going out to clap because I look so awful that I would rather not be seen TBH :oops: And there's a baby living in the flat above me, and a toddler next door, and 8pm is probably after their bedtimes. Haven't heard much either, but the sound insulation in this flat is amazing.
Whole street out tonight, pans and spoons, fireworks, foghorns from the docks, be as cynical as you want, it was just great to see everyone smiling and being together in a way that never happens usually.

Having hurt my hands clapping so hard the last couple of weeks, I ended up banging a couple of pans together tonight instead. :thumbs:

I have family & friends working at the local hospital, talking to them & some of my mother's carers, they are emotional moved by this clapping shit, and appreciate it, so I am happy to join in.
Jesus fuck. Where did they find the Scottish 'musician' ranting on question time right now? And why isn't he just being cut off?!?
Jesus fuck. Where did they find the Scottish 'musician' ranting on question time right now? And why isn't he just being cut off?!?
There's a QT thread if you want to comment on the quality of the guests.
Personally, I turned off when the vile woman La Reeves opened her mouth.
There's a QT thread if you want to comment on the quality of the guests.
Personally, I turned off when the vile woman La Reeves opened her mouth.

Ok, thanks. It's pretty dire. It could use a stronger host who's more comfortable cutting in. I know the video chat thing doesn't make that easier.
I’ve not read this thread since yesterday. It was nice to have a break. I’ve skipped ahead so I may have missed some useful / important stuff.

Anyway, I wanted to add this new detail. I’m putting on this thread because it seems to get most traffic and I think it’s important.

Pink eye, conjunctivitis, is now recognised as an early symptom of COVID-19.

It’s not common, so not getting conjunctivitis does not mean you don’t have the virus.

But it’s common enough that it needs to be recognised as a possible symptom of the coronavirus.

The virus is definitely found in tears, and we can catch the virus by touching our eyes with contaminated hands.
I had that, for the first time ever, about 6 weeks ago. Do you have a source?
And people don't get why I hate those pathetic cunts.
Shame on you...our brave boys & girls in blue running towards, not running away from....sunbathers in parks and beaches...old folks sitting on benches....and you can't even be bothered to get out there and clap for them.
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