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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

I was thinking earlier about this, and wonder if the 2008 financial crash might give us a more useful guide about how things might change - China's sudden emergence as one of the serious superpowers in the last decade is down to it's agile response to the crash - we can already see how it's response to this crisis has quickly got it's own infections under control, while foot-dragging and denial is likely to make it a much longer and deeper crisis in many other places, especially the US and Europe...

Maybe China will have to come to multiple countries medical aid and this will accelerate the building of their very modern empire. Maybe some countries will make opportunistic use of timing and circumstances to carry out long-dreamt of military plans. Maybe the disappearance of local, visible pollution will leave an impression. Maybe travel will never quite be the same again. Many maybes, dont get me started, argh too late lol.
I was thinking earlier about this, and wonder if the 2008 financial crash might give us a more useful guide about how things might change - China's sudden emergence as one of the serious superpowers in the last decade is down to it's agile response to the crash - we can already see how it's response to this crisis has quickly got it's own infections under control, while foot-dragging and denial is likely to make it a much longer and deeper crisis in many other places, especially the US and Europe...
I think China's advantage if you could call it that, is that the outbreak was centred on one city and thus easy to isolate. Here we have pockets cropping up all over the place and the stable door has not yet been shut.
Got to one of the GPs I work out this morning, doors shut, signs everywhere, ring the buzzer. Receptionists screening people via the intercom because someone had rocked up this week 10 days after being in Northern Italy coughing and spluttering, wanting vaccinations to go off to Peru. She was isolated and removed but 111 advice was that she 'might' be alright so she came back a few hours later almost demanding to be immunised for her trip. Said she hadn't seen the news, didn't know she should have self isolated or owt.
The infection prevention and control guidance (for healthcare workers) has been updated.

Main changes:

Patient type
Change in guidance

For symptomatic, unconfirmed in-patients meeting the COVID-19 case definition.
PPE revised to include a change from FFP3 respirator to fluid resistant surgical mask, gloves, apron and eye protection if risk of splashing into the eyes.

For confirmed cases of COVID-19
Full PPE ensemble continues to use FFP3 respirator, disposable eye protection, preferably visor, long sleeved disposable gown and gloves.

For possible and confirmed cases of COVID-19 requiring an aerosol generating procedure
Full PPE ensemble as per previous guidance for confirmed cases: FFP3 respirator, disposable eye protection, preferably visor, long sleeved disposable gown and gloves.
The detail about the 2nd death is not reassuring.

A family member, who did not wish to be named, told the Guardian: “Our concern is that the hospital were too slow to detect that our relative had symptoms similar to those of coronavirus and too slow to move him from a ward into isolation, and that that may have put a lot of people – fellow patients on the ward, staff who were looking after him and visitors who came to see him – at risk of contracting the virus from him.

“We think they should have put him into isolation right away, as soon as he arrived, given his symptoms. That was a failure by the hospital. He was coughing a lot and had quite severe symptoms.

“Despite that, he was put on a ward with lots of other sick patients for six or seven hours before he was moved into isolation. During that time a lot of relatives came to see him, both adults and children. Who knows if any of them have now got coronavirus and are maybe spreading it to older people who might get sick?”

They said that the family were told at around 7pm on Thursday that their relative had coronavirus – and about an hour later were told he had died. They said the family were also concerned about the reason they were given for his death, which was presumed to be that he took off his oxygen mask and asphyxiated. NHS England was approached for comment about the death of the patient.
Spent the day with a dear old friend today. He's been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, meaning he has, at best, five years to live. Meds he is on to slow down the advance are immunosupressants, which means he's doubly fucked when it comes to covid-19. Bloke in the pub, having sat near him coughing and spluttering in the bar corners him in the bogs and asks outright if he had coronavirus. "I fucking wish", says my mate. :(
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Spent the day with a dear old friend today. He's been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, meaning he has, at best, five years to live. Meds he is on to slow down the advance are immunusupressants, which means he's doubly fucked when it comes to covid-19. Bloke in the pub, having sat near him coughing and spluttering in the bar corners him in the bogs and asks outright if he had coronavirus. "I fucking wish", says my mate. :(
Said he had a four seat table to himself on the train home at rush hour, though. Every cloud...

Well, that's one way of looking at it I suppose... :facepalm:
I imagine there will be people with wealthy elderly parents who are seeing this as an opportunity to get their hands on their parents wealth a little sooner than they previously thought they might.

Maybe even try to expose their parents by visiting them when they haven't been taking precautions themselves.

Bound to happen imo.
Seems like a rather extreme approach to dealing with the "bed blocker" problem

Just usual clickbate shite. Find someone to say something tactless and controversial, cue tweeting outrage etc.

I mean of course hospitals would function better if most of those occupying wards died. But you know, it's not an outcome anyone with an ounce of humanity would actually work towards and saying it just makes you look like a calass monser.
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