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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

What I never realised fully about attitudes towards stoicism, fear etc, was some of the national roots of this stuff. As propaganda in time of war etc is sort of obvious. But I didnt know so much about the attitudes towards the officer class supposedly being immunised against such fears by the public school system and focus on competitive games. Nor did I realise that there were old medical attitudes that suggested the fear of a disease made it more likely you would catch it.

‘Fear worries the nervous system’, argued a 1902 medical advice pamphlet. ‘One of the best ways of preventing influenza is to keep your mind easy instead of imagining, like so many do, that you are going to fall a victim to the disease’

The cultivation of positive character traits was also thought to strengthen an individual’s powers of resistance, hence the pamphlet’s claim that ‘there is no better established fact in the whole history of epidemics than…that the man or the woman of pluck and energy is the last to take the prevalent disease’

Well it's certainly affecting people's minds before their bodies.

At the moment we're counting in stupidly low numbers - and panicking over that. The Guardian atm has the totally unsensational headline of "U.K numbers jump to 115." That's not a jump. It's barely a progression. What language (and amount of panic) are we going to see when we start counting in thousands and tens of thousands? The sensationalism is doing nothing for anyone. No amount of panic and fear is going to stop those numbers going up right now. What it will do is help clear the shelves of bog roll and hand sanitiser - ffs, a product not even as good as soap for some sort of protection.

By all means, be wary, and start to think about methods to slow the progress of this virus. But calling for the absolute shutdown of society based on 100 cases (sorry, I think the figure mentioned by someone on here was actually a massive 200 cases) is scare-mongering and leading to what we are beginning to see happening in some supermarkets.

And btw, I'm in the more at risk cohort, and work in a shite school with kids who last saw soap in 2011. And no amount of swapping fear with others will change that.
I've been doing personal development sessions around coronavirus this week. So many students have no idea about the difference between numbers that have been tested, have tested positive or who have self-isolated. One student has given himself a nasty rash due to scrubbing his hands in some sort of industy strength cleaner.

So I've been giving them simple facts and advice, and putting the numbers into perspective - not downplaying how bad the effects could get to them, society, college, etc, but definitely introducing some sense into their constant misinformation streams.

I work in a school, too - and I do understand the need to minimise panic/stress there, of course, while I'm also much less frontline than either of you, but where I also work in the kitchen/canteen.
We have sanitiser by all the tills but there has been no instruction/advice for the kids to use it, it's just there if they want to (on my till, I reckon about five kids have, out of hundreds, over the past couple of weeks).
I know we have to balance things carefully, that you don't want to scare anyone without any good reason and that you do need to keep perspective etc.
In my kitchen, with the work culture we have there, we also still have people turning up ill and as a parent, I know there has also been huge discouragement of children going off sick, for years now, unless they have temperatures etc (I guess down to other, external, political factors based around absence etc).

All of that has fucked me off for a long time prior to this, too - the active encouragement of people attending work/school when they're ill.

planetgeli - what are the methods you'd suggest yourself, then (highlighted)? Genuinely interested - is it just higher numbers for you? For a disease that has an exponential rate of transmission?
Actually fear is an important component of getting people to adhere to measures such as social distancing and other necessary behavioural changes and acceptance of restrictions.

Fear is many things. There are better ways of explaining necessity than scaring them. That's already producing counter-productive results. It also won't work on everybody.

What counts as panic as opposed to entirely rational response?

I really need to point out panic to you? I already did with the one example I quoted from someone on here saying we should close down everything if cases reach 200. People are playing numbers games and some of those people have no real idea of arithmetic. Panic is in the language too. Jump.

Some stuff is obviously counterproductive fear and panic, but these sweeping labels tend to be used most by those who favour a far more restrained attitude in general,

You followed calling panic and fear "sweeping labels" with a sweeping generalisation. Nice.

And why focus only on the UK numbers when the picture of what is happening in certain other places around the globe that has obviously been a huge driver of attitudes towards this coronavirus?

It's a UK thread. Though I have quoted the low mortality rate in Korea in another thread. For balance. Not to play things down. But to encourage perspective.

There will be some inappropriate responses and we should comment on them when they happen. But general complaints about panic and fear and overreaction are just as counterproductive to the battle to minimise the effects of this virus as far as I'm concerned.

Complaints about panic and fear aren't clearing the shelves of hand sanitiser in Grimsby.
What I think I would like to see is employers encouraged to encourage staff who can work from home do so more often if they have to use crowded public transport. I can't work from home much but fewer people on the tube helps me too, I'm sure.
I'd like to see this too. In recent weeks I've been reflecting just how crowded my journey to work is. Anytime I travel after 7 and before 9 30am I'm spending nearly 1.5 hours in very, very close proximity to other people. Some of it brief but some of it wedged up against each other for quite some time. Uggh even without an epidemic looming.

If universities switched to online learning I could work from home and use video conferencing for meeting students if necessary. obviously, UCU strike is helping somewhat
planetgeli - what are the methods you'd suggest yourself, then (highlighted)? Genuinely interested - is it just higher numbers for you? For a disease that has an exponential rate of transmission?

I liked the rest of your post a lot btw.

Not sure what or why you're asking me here though? I'm not a doctor or Professional Disaster Logistician. On a personal level, sure wash your hands more, buy a mask so you don't give it to me...I'm not sure what you mean about is it just a numbers game for me? It's about perspective. For me. I don't think people worrying and scaring themselves (or having it done to them) is particularly healthy or helpful in approach. I think its here, we're stuck with it, and you deal with what is put in front of you.

If people are genuinely worried about the scope for disaster here, go around your locality and find those who are truly vulnerable to it, which is those over 60 with pre-existing conditions, plenty of these people about, and go and talk with them, re-assure them, take their emergency details and keep in contact with them. Buy them a bog roll instead of 24 for yourself.
I suppose I am inclined to look for what detail is missing when it comes to statements about the death.

The trust said in a statement:

Sadly, we can confirm that an older patient with underlying health conditions has died. The patient has previously been in and out of hospital for non-coronavirus reasons, but on this occasion was admitted and last night tested positive for coronavirus.
The family has been informed and our thoughts are with them at this difficult time.
We will not be commenting further and ask that everybody respects the family’s privacy.”
2h ago 17:23

So in this case, the missing detail that first catches my attention is when they were admitted for the final time.
If people are genuinely worried about the scope for disaster here, go around your locality and find those who are truly vulnerable to it, which is those over 60 with pre-existing conditions, plenty of these people about, and go and talk with them, re-assure them, take their emergency details and keep in contact with them. Buy them a bog roll instead of 24 for yourself.
"If you're worried about the consequences of people being in proximity to each other, why not go visit all the vulnerable strangers in your neighbourhood you would never normally come into contact with?"
I'm interested in the way the chief medical officer Chris Whitty has been in receipt of ludicrously overblown puff pieces across the press today - one sample here, but there's more elsewhere. I'm sure Whitty is a capable physician and a calm and reassuring presence, but that reads like full on wartime propaganda.
I'm interested in the way the chief medical officer Chris Whitty has been in receipt of ludicrously overblown puff pieces across the press today - one sample here, but there's more elsewhere. I'm sure Whitty is a capable physician and a calm and reassuring presence, but that reads like full on wartime propaganda.

Yes I posted about that piece last night (I think), it wasnt exactly subtle was it? I havent seen any others so thanks for bringing to attention the idea that this phenomenon has become widespread.

I suppose I'm not surprised. When faith in the politicians is diminished, and we have been going through a divisive period, when a famous liar is in number 10, and where 'we've had enough of experts' was used by some of the Brexiteer politicians to justify ignoring unhelpful reports and projections, they probably thought they needed to lay this expert rehabilitation on rather thick and rather quickly.
Extra in-person contact with vulnerable people is not exactly what I would recommend right now. Such groups may well be advised not to go out much, I think thats in the plan for some stage.
You beat me to it, but this is really important, it's worth saying again and again. This is a terrible idea.

I was thinking earlier on what a community response to what is a very anti-social issue might look like.

sihhi was talking about your local councillor being an organiser of supplies for your area or volunteers. I don't think that's likely to happen, but we need something along those lines.

I was thinking about a website that divides people into pods - local families, if you will. And similar to the way the Chinese are managing it, we could have the pod representative go do the shopping so that the rest don't have to go out. You can communicate with your pod on there and let me know what you need.

They should be given extra PPE as they will be the most at risk, and most risky to others. They need to be well monitored. And could also report back to authorities on who needs help in a hospital rather than at home.

Proper Neighbour Watch.

And to those who think this is a reaction due to 'only' 115 infect: don't forget that was the number of people infected 10-15 days ago. The true picture is much higher already and is only going to get worse.
Yes I posted about that piece last night (I think), it wasnt exactly subtle was it? I havent seen any others so thanks for bringing to attention the idea that this phenomenon has become widespread.

I suppose I'm not surprised. When faith in the politicians is diminished, and we have been going through a divisive period, when a famous liar is in number 10, and where 'we've had enough of experts' was used by some of the Brexiteer politicians to justify ignoring unhelpful reports and projections, they probably thought they needed to lay this expert rehabilitation on rather thick and rather quickly.
yeah - whoops, we've spent the last few years bringing public trust in politicians and civil servants to a level where no-one believes a word they or we say...

Also interested to note that his dad, a diplomat, was assassinated in Athens in the mid 80s in a way which suggests he was definitely a spook.
yes they should be told to leave the room. Being aware of cough/cold type symptoms and the chance of not spreading them should be enough for them to make their excuses and leave.

Should they?

Official NHS guidance is that if you have travelled to/from an affected area or have been in contact with a confirmed covid19 sufferer then self isolate and report to 111. If you have not and have symptoms then don't. There are loads of colds and flus about and obviously normal rules apply about not spreading your illness around as much as is possible but most people can't just freeze life for two weeks because they've had a cough or a runny nose with no reason to think it's the Great Corona
If you are used to coughing and sneezing into your hand, it is quite hard to change the habit of a lifetime and do it into the crook of your arm.
If we are instructed to stay indoors for a period of time other than a few going out for supplies Mrs SI's dad has been readying himself for end times/zombie shit show for ages so we'll just send him out for supplies every few days or summat
What I never realised fully about attitudes towards stoicism, fear etc, was some of the national roots of this stuff. As propaganda in time of war etc is sort of obvious. But I didnt know so much about the attitudes towards the officer class supposedly being immunised against such fears by the public school system and focus on competitive games. Nor did I realise that there were old medical attitudes that suggested the fear of a disease made it more likely you would catch it.

i'm not sure if the 1918 pandemic changed society as much as i would think, would value amny literature on its long term effects, etc
If you are used to coughing and sneezing into your hand, it is quite hard to change the habit of a lifetime and do it into the crook of your arm.
working in a nursery trained me to do this ...not that it stopped me getting covered in snot every day from young'uns
If you are used to coughing and sneezing into your hand, it is quite hard to change the habit of a lifetime and do it into the crook of your arm.

If you can get to the point where you at least notice quickly after every time you make that mistake, eventually your brain will hopefully kick into gear just before it happens rather than just after, you will start to catch yourself doing it in the nick of time.
If you can get to the point where you at least notice quickly after every time you make that mistake, eventually your brain will hopefully kick into gear just before it happens rather than just after, you will start to catch yourself doing it in the nick of time.
I've definitely noticed my habits changing after 3 or 4 days of trying to change them.
i'm not sure if the 1918 pandemic changed society as much as i would think, would value amny literature on its long term effects, etc

Yeah a bit earlier I was on about some book about the 1918 pandemic being forgotten in the USA, but I havent got the book yet. I think it was mentioned in the stoicism paper I linked to, but I forget. I think the paper suggests that 1918 pandemic didnt leave that much of an imprint in the end, but the paper has quite a narrow and specific focus so I doubt it is anything like the full story, and I bet there is also some variation depending on what country we are talking about.

I suppose the context of that pandemic would have had some effect - people were already in mass death mode of the world war 1 variety, albeit death in that war tended to target a much narrower demographic.

Anyway history may be a problematic guide to what the results of this current virus ultimately are. It could change everything, or not so much. I bet it will be a subject I will go on about for years and years either way (if I'm still around to do so). I'd like to study other pandemics in the meantime, but as far as guessing what the political etc impact of this pandemic is going to be, I better not dedicate too much attention to that at this early stage. Best case scenario: the priorities of the people of the world are transformed in a non-fickle manner. But unfortunately this scenario likely requires worst-case outcomes, havoc and horror from the disease itself, and I'd rather be all wrong about that.
As a chronic face toucher, nail biter, nose picker, all-round gross person - I'm not hopeful of staying disease-free.

I have noticed myself noticing though, so I agree with those who say it changes quickly. Let's hope the nail-biting fucks off for good if I survive :thumbs:
Anyway history may be a problematic guide to what the results of this current virus ultimately are. It could change everything, or not so much.
I was thinking earlier about this, and wonder if the 2008 financial crash might give us a more useful guide about how things might change - China's sudden emergence as one of the serious superpowers in the last decade is down to it's agile response to the crash - we can already see how it's response to this crisis has quickly got it's own infections under control, while foot-dragging and denial is likely to make it a much longer and deeper crisis in many other places, especially the US and Europe...
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