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Coronavirus in the UK - news, lockdown and discussion

Went to brunch at a very nice new local eatery, I note they've laid it out with a big window by the coffee machine, suspect that might be a deliberate hedge against lockdowns so they can easily maintain a takeaway service. I'd be interested to know what the impact has been on 'food and beverage' design - I'm guess a few places have been designed or redesigned now to allow for this.

For the first time in a while yesterday I was on a tube where the driver was taking a quite hard line about telling people who were able to to wear masks - got at least one person in our carriage to put his back on, so well done that driver. It would help if all drivers did this as apparently a lot of people still cannot be arsed until told to. :mad:

I'm :rolleyes: at some people who are going 'Ooh look all these European country's infections are shooting up while ours are stabilising!'. Yeah, they're 'shooting up' to the levels our 'stablised' cases have been at for weeks from what I can tell. Not really anything to boast about.

Yesterday went to the cinema, first time since Jan last year. It was pretty busy in central Bristol. Weather was mild. Lots of places have greatly increased their outside seating, or got some where before they didn't. A few streets still closed to traffic, except bikes to accommodate. I don't see that changing for a year or 2.

Went to a pub afterwards and a busy bar, which was the busiest place I've been on a person per square meter basis, in 2 years I reckon. And did think, ah, is this where I'll catch the 'rona and was a bit, :hmm:

But no known underlying health conditions, I live on my own and I'm not well suited to staying in all week. No judgement on anyone that is staying in, being extra cautious but I do resent this idea that people who are going out are ignorant or needlessly reckless.

Last para not aimed at you Cloo. Just a centiment that seems to be current.
Sky is waiting on a Downing Street briefing at around 9.30 am regarding covid & the booster roll-out.

Reports are suggesting boosters will now be rolled-out for at least the over 40s.
Van-Tam quoting data from Israel, after their booster roll-out, there's been a 10 fold decrease in infection, a 18.7 fold reduction in hospital admissions, and 14.7 fold reduction in deaths, on top of the protection from two doses.
Is that from an "already waned" baseline?
Presumably we have to wait and see how protection wanes again after the booster.
The infection rates in the South West have been much lower than in the rest of the country for almost all the time since March last year.

But no longer. Devon is through the roof. It's currently running riot through the village with the primary school as a major vector. Both the pub and shop are closed at the moment
Sorry to hear that. Keep Safe !
But I've been saying all along that young kids & schools are a big vector, especially as they don't seem to show much in the way of symptoms.
I see that case numbers (measured nationally) seem to have returned to a fairly clear upward trend again, at the moment.

Screenshot 2021-11-15 at 10.57.04.jpg
I see that case numbers (measured nationally) seem to have returned to a fairly clear upward trend again, at the moment.
Yes after being fed some stupidly simplistic narratives in recent weeks about how the pre-half term peak could be the last peak of 2021, we have now reached the time where that propaganda will be tested by real data.

I havent looked at cases by age for a bit, I suppose I will do so today or tomorrow. Perhaps when it comes to zooming in on detail in the data, there will still be mixed messages right now, or perhaps the trend will already be clear and relatively unambiguous, I dont know. I do know that the dynamics focussed on in this tweet someone linked to on the schools thread are of note: #3,610
Van-Tam quoting data from Israel, after their booster roll-out, there's been a 10 fold decrease in infection, a 18.7 fold reduction in hospital admissions, and 14.7 fold reduction in deaths, on top of the protection from two doses.
Shame our establishment couldnt be arsed to do any of the other non-vaccine stuff Israel felt compelled to do when they started having trouble from the Delta variant.

Sounds like there will be a Johnson, Whitty & Vallance press conference at 3pm (unless schedule slips) which I expect will underline todays vaccine announcement details, continue the 'winter is coming, lets save Christmas' mood music and whatever the press decide to focus on.
Yeah, looking at my very local patch, the "half-term" affect has already worn off with cases again rising slightly.
Although the over 93% protection against hospitalisation two weeks after the booster quoted below is an improvement over the waning immunity, particularly for those who got AZ ...

They are still expecting the boosted vaccinations to do the heavy lifting & protect the nhs this winter ...
In addition to whatever real effects the boosters have, the establishment loves them because they can focus on those instead of all the other things that should be done. They can be seen to be doing something and can build a rhetorical wall, and they give the public a sense that individuals have done their bit for the effort by simply getting the booster. Even if it isnt enough and they eventually have to go further, it buys them time, it slows down the debate and keeps things in a holding pattern.
Plus the whole 'plan a' and 'plan b' rhetoric seems to serve a similar purpose. In that Johnson was doing his 'nothing in the data that suggests we need to do plan B now' routine again today, a very tidy way of not getting into any of the specifics and turning what should be a more nuanced picture and all manner of choices into a binary choice between two options. One of which everyone knows the government are very keen to avoid unless we go so far into the danger zone that key parts of the system are facing impending doom of the highest order. This makes a complete mockery of the timing considerations and public health consequences that should actually inform such decisions.
nail on head by elbows ...

This reliance on boosters while ignoring measures like masks & social distancing annoys the stuffing out of me.

I don't think that boosters alone can really cut the mustard over the coming winter, but the reluctance to invoke anything else, like "plan B" in case they can't "save christmas" is worrying ... and people are dying.
lol Whitty says 'people can slightly over-interpret slight upturns and downturns'.

Yes there certainly has been plenty of propaganda on that front recently.
First question from the media, Fergus from the BBC, straight into talk of Christmas lockdown and do we need to do anything other than boosters to prevent that?

Totally within Johnsons comfort zone, and he just answers using the well-worn 'I see nothing in the data that requires further measures now' shit.
And now an interestingly mixed question 'have we been complacent with boosters, closing vaccine centres etc, and should we be prepared for war with Russia?'
lol someone asked the scum Johnson about his failure to wear masks in some settings where people might be expected to wear them.

'I wear a mask wherever the rules say I should'. 'People will have seen me wearing face coverings quite a bit more recently as we've seen numbers ticking up in the uk'.

Talk about number ticking up recently and the threat of a new wave arriving from Europe are quite surreal to me given the very high sustained rates of covid we've been enduring for many months. We've already got a prolonged wave!

And its all over - short, rushed, pathetic.
That's just bollocks isn't it - I wouldn't even try to go into a hospital without a mask on.

Yup, it's bollocks. A convenient LIE (what else to we expect from de piffel ...)

OH and I went into one of the Newcastle hospitals a couple of week ago.
At the entrance, there was a HUGE banner and notices all over saying remember "FACE : HANDS : SPACE"
And plenty of reminders to use hand sanitiser ...
Plus one of the Hospital Guild of Friends (a sweet elderly lady !) was handing out masks and dollops of hand sanitiser to all and sundry on the way past her seat.
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