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Cobra Kai. The karate kid is back!

Season 3 was the best yet. Truly magnificent.

The whole of seasons 1-3 (but particularly season 2) makes you realise how many TV series lack antagonists for whom you could easily remake the show from their perspective. Johnny or Daniel can both entirely reasonably be seen as the hero. They are both the hero, just not at the same time. They are also both the asshole. This is rare.

I also really love the way they pay homage to the films by bringing back all the characters for single episodes.
Season 3 was the best yet. Truly magnificent.

The whole of seasons 1-3 (but particularly season 2) makes you realise how many TV series lack antagonists for whom you could easily remake the show from their perspective. Johnny or Daniel can both entirely reasonably be seen as the hero. They are both the hero, just not at the same time. They are also both the asshole. This is rare.

I also really love the way they pay homage to the films by bringing back all the characters for single episodes.
I wouldn't say that calling either the antagonist would be accurate. The end of season 3 shows they're both the flawed hero and was probably the intention from the start. Even in the first episode Daniel was trying to do the right thing by Johnny with the car even if he was a bit of a cock about it. You can see that conversation from both sides.
Kreese while being the world's biggest bastard has had more than one dimension.
Even the kids are well developed.

I can see why someone above was making Breaking Bad comparisons. The way its filmed you can imagine Skinny Pete slinging around the next corner. The miscommunication thing is very Breaking Bad. Watching the early seasons so much would have been avoided if Jesse and Walt spoke rather than calling the other a bitch or idiot. At other times it feels like one of those ITV dramas where the neighbours fall out over the Christmas lights or something similar. It helps that it's funny in places and you root for the characters.
You can see things coming a mile off (though occasionally they subvert that) but I find that adds to its charm.
I liked the short episodes.
Just started series three.

After the big fight nobody wants to do business with Daniel. Guy wants to buy his dealership. The guy has secured an exclusive deal with 'Doyota' so even if he doesn't buy the dealership Daniel's car business can't really continue. The buyer omits telling Daniel this 'secret' in the negotiations, even though it would put him in a stronger position. Instead, Daniel finds out the secret which somehow blows the whole deal, that they were previously just about to sign.

Why didn't the guy just tell them he had an exclusive deal with Doyota after the bad karate fight press??? Why after finding out did Daniel change his mind about selling? Even if he gets Doyota to break the exclusive deal, he will only be right back where he was.

. . . and can't he still work out deals with Dissan, Tonda, or Nitsubishi or something?

Also, the Doyota head quarters appear to be the Tokyo city hall building in Shinjuku (I only mention it because I have been there a few times, so it seems odd).
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Just started series three.

After the big fight nobody wants to do business with Daniel. Guy wants to buy his dealership. The guy has secured an exclusive deal with 'Doyota' so even if he doesn't buy the dealership Daniel's car business can't really continue. The buyer omits telling Daniel this 'secret' in the negotiations, even though it would put him in a stronger position. Instead, Daniel finds out the secret which somehow blows the whole deal, that they were previously just about to sign.

Why didn't the guy just tell them he had an exclusive deal with Doyota after the bad karate fight press??? Why after finding out did Daniel change his mind about selling? Even if he gets Doyota to break the exclusive deal, he will only be right back where he was.

. . . and can't he still work out deals with Dissan, Tonda, or Nitsubishi or something?

Also, the Doyota head quarters appear to be the Tokyo city hall building in Shinjuku (I only mention it because I have been there a few times, so it seems odd).
It’s 80s family film logic.
came lately to this - watched up to episode 6 of series 1.
Fun, interesting characters, nice pastiche of 80s cheesie movie tropes . Perfect for chilling out with after work with your tea on your lap.
Anyone still watching, with season 4 out now? I spent the whole day on it, including rewatching all three original Karate Kid films back to back in the middle - it's still watchable, even with such a cartoonish villain now. Not sure bringing the younger kids into the story is really working, it's getting a bit too confused now, but still lots of silly fun.
Didn't super love episode 1 of series 4, but they are bite size enough to enjoy. I'm sure i'll get into it again. Can't be arsed to watch the karate kid 3 again, I'm sure the flashbacks will cover it.
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Didn't super love episode 1 of series 4, but they are bite size enough to enjoy. I'm sure i'll get into it again. Can't be arsed to watch the karate kid 3 again, I'm sure the flashbacks will cover it.
Episode 1 of S4 is not quite as good as the whole thing- I too had a sinking feeling after it. But I’d be surprised if you don’t think this season is great by the time you reach halfway mark, and would even wager you might agree it’s the best one yet by its conclusion.
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watched it today

must admit struggle with the first episode but then it got in its rythem

still the best continuation of a movie in a series i've ever seen :D

evil twirly pony tail man being a nice highlight
will admit the prom scene is a little odd

like any school would let the kid who cripped another one back in its doors :D
hmm not watched the 3rd movie for a while but don't think he skill were than good in the first appearance

let alone after 30 years if being a soap actor
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Series 4 was great. However, I’m fed up with things that don’t end, but just set up the plot for the next series. There’s no satisfaction to just ending with a load more plot hooks.
Just finished S5, which dropped last Friday. There seems to have been very little chatter about it on the media- understandable due to Brenda kicking the bucket, I guess.

Anyway, as it seems to be the case with all seasons of this series, my mild reservations based on the first few episodes were more than proven unfounded as it progressed. In fact I would say this has the most gripping storyline and tense climax yet. The intensity of the fights, stakes at play in the plot, and nastiness of the main antagonist certainly surpasses all previous instalments. Fantastic finale as well :)
I'm only one ep 2 or 3. I don't think this is one for binge watching, it's a family affair. It's hard to put my finger on quite what makes it work for all of us. It's cheesy as hell and we all know it. The makers/writes are all top level geniuses at crafting high end low level crap . . . or incredibly lucky? You'd think it was very much a lighting in a bottle scenario, but they seem to have kept it going . . like there is a formula. I honestly can't see how it hasn't run out of legs/steam.

Then after it's finished we all sing the pokemon song over the end credit music.
Just finished S5, which dropped last Friday. There seems to have been very little chatter about it on the media- understandable due to Brenda kicking the bucket, I guess.

Anyway, as it seems to be the case with all seasons of this series, my mild reservations based on the first few episodes were more than proven unfounded as it progressed. In fact I would say this has the most gripping storyline and tense climax yet. The intensity of the fights, stakes at play in the plot, and nastiness of the main antagonist certainly surpasses all previous instalments. Fantastic finale as well :)
And I had plans to be productive this week.
It’s honestly one of my favourite programs I’ve ever seen. This latest series is as good as ever. Like AS, I’m not even sure why — I think it manages to be both tongue in cheek and yet played totally straight at the same time. Cheesy and stupid yet the cheesy drama is stupidly captivating. Bravo to the writers, the directors and the actors, whether it’s by accident or design.
It’s honestly one of my favourite programs I’ve ever seen. This latest series is as good as ever. Like AS, I’m not even sure why — I think it manages to be both tongue in cheek and yet played totally straight at the same time. Cheesy and stupid yet the cheesy drama is stupidly captivating. Bravo to the writers, the directors and the actors, whether it’s by accident or design.
What is also refreshing is the simplicity. All it's core ideas and plot points are just good solid building blocks. A new idea or tense moment is never left hanging and is resolved within one or two episodes, nothing drags on and on.
None of it looks like it's thought out long term, but surely can't be this consistently solid without great writers. It's not even an 'old school' approach. If you watch the original films, even though they are simple they are also full of holes and daftness that is hard to get behind.

Bravo. This is mindless family TV at the top of it's game.
When Miguel walked away from his dad and Johnny found him outside that was intense "Leave leave, just get out of there before he sees you" we all yelled at the TV. That would have been the obvious 'cliffhanger' or plot development, but no . . . nothing. Genius. Did they think hard about that scene? Or was it just a happy accident and the writers thought it was just about the two boys ??
I thought ffs they're going to drag this out unnecessarily now then next time you seem them they're in another country.

Anyway I've seen it now. Binged it all today. Good ole working from home.
Also I had wondered how Peyton List can look so different playing both Tory in this and the Tal Shiar agent in Picard. Turns out there are two actors with that name.
I've heard so much about this. I'll start season 1 this weekend!
You haven’t seen it yet? As (I am guessing) a child of the 70s/ 80s, you surely likes the Karate Kid films- the first one at the very least. If you did, this is unmissable and no mistake.
You haven’t seen it yet? As (I am guessing) a child of the 70s/ 80s, you surely likes the Karate Kid films- the first one at the very least. If you did, this is unmissable and no mistake.
Yes. I saw the movies. This series had to wait until i got "smart tv"; which i have now!
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