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Clothes you like but just don't work on you

(they're in Walsall - that's quite close to you isn't it? might be worth seeing if you can check it out before you buy too)
(they're in Walsall - that's quite close to you isn't it? might be worth seeing if you can check it out before you buy too)

It's quite close, yes. There's a good art gallery there too! I may wait until pay day and see if they're still there and make a cheeky offer. Thanks killer b
Anything full skirted, I feel it makes me look huge in the hips and waist rather than accentuating the waist. Also linen, makes me look a crumpled mess.

I need hats, my head is cold 8 months of the year, but other than a beanie I look a fool in all hats

I'm rarely seen without a hat, mostly an urchin style one. I feel something's missing without one, I'll even wear wool ones in the summer as I've struggled to find one in cotton. Having said that, when I did my hair pink I felt a bit more inclined to leave the hat off :D

love dresses but have to be very careful to get flattering ones due to those issues. will never wear a 50s style dress :(

But, but... Agent Carter! I remember it really suiting you and looking very cool :)
Shirts. They always fit wrong on the shoulders, under the arms, strain at the boobs and make me look fat/short/crumpled.
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