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Do Police not bother giving descriptions of dangerous criminals at large anymore? This guy beats up a mother and 2 kids in the middle of a street, chucks a load of acid around, evades and injures Police and runs off into the night- it might be worth letting people know what this nutter looks like so they can avoid him and alert those looking for him.

This is their current statement. Doesn't really describe him either

Particularly as it's probably* the father so they'll have a photo.

(*may not be, innocent until proven guilty etc)

“I also urge local people and drivers to check their doorbell and dash cameras for any footage that might have captured a man fleeing the area”

But we won’t tell you what he looks like!

The Metropolitan Police have named and provided a photograph of the suspect involved in the chemical attack in Lessar Avenue, Clapham, yesterday.

His name is Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, and he is believed to have travelled to London from Newcastle earlier that day.

This is what he looks like:


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

Abdul Shokoor Ezedi is said to have "significant injuries to the right side of his face", and was last seen in Caledonian Road, north London.

If any of you see Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, call 999 immediately. The police say that he should not be approached.

Anyone with information is urged to contact police on a special hotline 020 7175 2784.
Do Police not bother giving descriptions of dangerous criminals at large anymore? This guy beats up a mother and 2 kids in the middle of a street, chucks a load of acid around, evades and injures Police and runs off into the night- it might be worth letting people know what this nutter looks like so they can avoid him and alert those looking for him.

This is their current statement. Doesn't really describe him either

“I also urge local people and drivers to check their doorbell and dash cameras for any footage that might have captured a man fleeing the area”

But we won’t tell you what he looks like!


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

The Metropolitan Police have released an image of Abdul Shokoor Ezedi taken at 8.48 p.m. on 31 January 2024 in the Tesco store by Kings Cross station, on Caledonia Road, an hour and a half after the incident in Lessar Road.
9 injured in a traffic accident/acid attack just off the Common.

What an evil cunt. People elsewhere online are speculating it might have been a domestic, and police say the suspect lives in the North East and might be trying to escape back there. So if that's the case, the victim and her kids may have moved all the way to London to get away from him, which somehow makes it even more horrifying that he managed to track them down. Acid attackers should get whole life sentences in my book.
Convicted sex offender who was granted asylum at the third attempt

The woman and kids were staying at the hotel on the corner so presumably homeless and or asylum seekers/refugees too.
I hope he is in fucking agony


(Source: Metropolitan Police)

The Metropolitan Police have released an image of Abdul Shokoor Ezedi taken at 8.48 p.m. on 31 January 2024 in the Tesco store by Kings Cross station, on Caledonia Road, an hour and a half after the incident in Lessar Road.
Convicted sex offender who was granted asylum at the third attempt

The woman and kids were staying at the hotel on the corner so presumably homeless and or asylum seekers/refugees too.
Where did you get that info? Not been mentioned elsewhere.
Do Police not bother giving descriptions of dangerous criminals at large anymore? This guy beats up a mother and 2 kids in the middle of a street, chucks a load of acid around, evades and injures Police and runs off into the night- it might be worth letting people know what this nutter looks like so they can avoid him and alert those looking for him.

But we won’t tell you what he looks like!

Convicted sex offender who was granted asylum at the third attempt

Hopefully he is identified and gets a bit of a kicking before the Police detain him

Is the suspect's apparent immigration status assisting you in your search for him?
Manna from heaven for the Right. But a good example for everyone of how much of a mess the immigration process is in. Basically if you can get here then you’re unlikely to have to leave, regardless of your behaviour or anything else. Up to you if think that’s ok.
Last seen leaving Tower Hill station, also on Wednesday night. How the fuck is he walking around with such a distinctive injury and no one's nabbed him yet? Maybe he's dead, because no way could he have survived an acid injury without medical treatment.

Manna from heaven for the Right. But a good example for everyone of how much of a mess the immigration process is in. Basically if you can get here then you’re unlikely to have to leave, regardless of your behaviour or anything else. Up to you if think that’s ok.

Correct me If I'm wrong but have not a lot of people been deported after being convicted of offences?

The Home Office said: “We make no apology for seeking to remove foreign criminals and return those with no right to stay here. Those being detained for removal on this charter include foreign national offenders who have been convicted of very serious offences … Our priority will always be to keep our communities safe, and since January 2019 we have removed more than 10,000 foreign criminals.”

Correct me If I'm wrong but have not a lot of people been deported after being convicted of offences?

I don’t think you could possibly call it “a lot”.
And those that have seem to be the last people that should be - people who’ve grown up here or have deep roots.
Less keen on welcoming this guy.
I don’t think you could possibly call it “a lot”.
And those that have seem to be the last people that should be - people who’ve grown up here or have deep roots.
Less keen on welcoming this guy.

Your argument was that overseeing of immigration is a mess and your unlikely to be made to leave "regardless of your behaviour or anything else"

In this post you say 10 000 since 2019 expelled is not a lot. So how many is enough for you?

This reminds me of Tory politicians. Brought in hostile environment then got upset when it was pointed out that people were getting deported due to it
Your argument was that overseeing of immigration is a mess and your unlikely to be made to leave "regardless of your behaviour or anything else"

In this post you say 10 000 since 2019 expelled is not a lot. So how many is enough for you?

This reminds me of Tory politicians. Brought in hostile environment then got upset when it was pointed out that people were getting deported due to it
I think it’s this sort of attitude that pushes some people (not me) to the right. The idea that I have to get into a big argument about why I’m not desperately keen for horrible criminals to remain in this country when they’ve arrived illegally. The rest is just whataboutery.
I think it’s this sort of attitude that pushes some people (not me) to the right. The idea that I have to get into a big argument about why I’m not desperately keen for horrible criminals to remain in this country when they’ve arrived illegally. The rest is just whataboutery.

No it is not about whataboutery.

I'm taking up what you stated in your original post.

Which is this. Just to remind you:

Manna from heaven for the Right. But a good example for everyone of how much of a mess the immigration process is in. Basically if you can get here then you’re unlikely to have to leave, regardless of your behaviour or anything else. Up to you if think that’s ok.

And so explain to me how what I'm saying pushes people to the right?
I think it’s this sort of attitude that pushes some people (not me) to the right. The idea that I have to get into a big argument about why I’m not desperately keen for horrible criminals to remain in this country when they’ve arrived illegally. The rest is just whataboutery.

I've already pointed out they are being deported. So you should be happy
So basically its hand wringing wet liberals who don't understand peoples genuine concerns about immigration who are responsible for this appalling attack.

Some posters here like pbsmooth should really look at what they are saying here.

Its not people like me pushing people to the right. As though wet liberals are forcing people at gunpoint to be right wing

pbsmooth - you are a really disgusting disengenous bigot.
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