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The developer paused the work long before the election, it basically didn’t get off the ground after the community consultation.

My read is more that this is the typical developer “we can’t afford that much social housing” line and they are using the part you quoted as a red herring.

But, things certainly are getting tougher for developers, both in some good ways and some bad.

Here is the Pravda Love Lambeth on the great partnership bringing untold benefits to the toiling masses.

The great leap forward for Brixton

The council have made a decision on the Pop Brixton site and International House:

Unsurprisingly the differences in the deal with the developer, London Square, are:
  1. Reduce social housing by 10%
  2. Reduce overall amount of commercial floor space
  3. Seems like they are keeping the same amount of affordable commercial floor space
  4. I think they are selling (leasing) the land for less money overall now
  5. Remove the councils right to first refusal on buying affordable homes to then rent out

Seems like a bad deal overall to me.

From the email I got:

BTW welcome as a new member.

And thanks for bringing this to my attention

Sorry I've got so fed up and cynical about Council that stopped following these issues.

Which are important for Brixton

My feeling is that the Council do what they want anyway.
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